Yeah, I'm with you. The way she said it does come off hinky. She got the side-eye at first. lol --But, because she did say "OBEY GOD," the spirit of what she was saying redeems it a bit.
However, it was a kinda dangerous DELIVERY cuz some new believers or non-believers or wanna-be believers who are SEEKING may hear that wrong and go off on a tangent.
For some time the WWJD ran so rampant, it became trite.
The better question would be, "Would this/that PLEASE God??"
We are not to "lean unto our own understanding but should acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will direct our paths."
If God aint in it, then it aint RIGHT and He is not pleased/happy.
When we OBEY God, he will reward our faithfulness. So, yes, what makes God happy is also good/beneficial to us.
But, we are not to OBEY God just for whatever He can/will do for us, for what WE can get outta it but to be faithful and obedient because we seek to live according to HIS WILL, to love/honor/obey Him with our minds, souls and bodies ----Like, "Okay, God, I went to church all month, paid my tithes, gave to the poor, now what YOU gonna do FOR ME?!"
However, yes, we can go "boldly before His throne, standing on His promises, asking and believing by Faith."
Unfortunately, she didn't give further explanation to her statement and it rubbed some folks the wrong way.