Black Poetry : chosen people?


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Baltimore, Md.
Teacher of English, Literature & Poetry
A chosen people wandered 40 years in the wilderness
Seeking direction, hope, protection from the desolation
Of the slavery the suffered under the hands of Pharaoh;

400 years ago a chosen people were stolen from their land
crossed the threshold of the Middle Passage into the domain
of pain and suffering at the hands of a new found Pharaoh;

years later a man pitted the North against the South in the battle
to maintain the rights of the chosen people whom were stolen from
their land and now all they want is “40 acres and a mule;

40 years ago a chosen people led by a Moses of the day wandered
the streets of the south in the struggle to be treated equal all the
while holding hands and singing “We shall overcome” to Pharaoh;

today 41 bullets riddled a man who was riddled by the number of
Pharaohs’ guards who, riddled by the object in his hand followed
through with Pharaohs’ eternal command, “Kill the firstborn males…”

and yet the firstborn maybe missed by the soldiers of fear whom never stop
to see if the first born is the first they run across, the first to freeze, the first
to reply, rather they see them as the first to reach for the mysterious weapon;

and now we hear those who still stand on the belief that we will overcome
when the Pharaoh of today is not the one we see in the Old Testament days
for now we live the New Testament times when one man dies for our sins;

but who is the incarnate redeemer who walks the earth teaching and healing
the masses that will one day eventually turn their backs on him, turn him over
to the politicians and heretical guards to be hanged cities away from Pharaoh;

ever wondered how is it that Pharaoh always lived in a guarded house made white
as snow surrounded by undercover guards and visually present guards in a city that’s
guarded while the people right outside his guarded fence are dying from the hunger?

Change can only come when those who believe in the overcoming power of the
Chosen people stand in the midst of the struggle and contribute to the change for
Those who stand outside the fence while never see with unobstructed clarity;

The chosen people must understand that the wandering of the wilderness is
Coming to the end of its 40 year term and until we remove the shades from
our eyes, stop hoping for a “Disneyland reality” and see that the only Bambi
we will ever see is under the desk of the most powerful man in the free world;

and yet the only ones who afflict us with slavery tactics, slavery minds forcing
us into slavery living are the ones whom walk with us in the wilderness adding
years to the struggle while shortening life for others through drugs and murder;

so we must understand that the only way for us to overcome Pharaoh is to first to
overcome the slave mentaltity in our own chosen people for we are destined for
greatness during a time when we choose to wander until someone comes and tells us stop...

Change comes from reality
Reality comes from understanding
Understanding comes from vision
Vision comes from opening your eyes
Opening your eyes comes from enlightenment
Enlightenment comes from seeing things as
they are and not how you want them to be;

full circle of life is more than existing from life until death.

:D once again I bow in your presence

you know this life has taught me one thing, in order for somebody to be on top, somebody has to be on the bottom

liked how you looped this MO

you never cease to amaze with your depth

people have to earn my RESPECT

and you have done that 40 times over

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