- Apr 17, 2005
- 334
- 272
I have been a supporter of the Cherokee Freedmen Descendants cause for quite some time...
I know several of them--including the head of the Descendants of the Freedmen of the Five Civilized Nations--Marilyn Vann--who I am an ally to...
'The leap' I also alluded to is for those who advocate reparations to the black descendants of white slaveholders call for reparations, i. e., when you blur the distinction between what you're advocating-- and they aren't....
I put a link to an old thread I felt some newer posters may not have seen, where someone was suggesting black people should pay repartitons to native americans.The point I was trying to make is its ironic that a poster on Destee felt we (black people) should pay reparitions to Native Americans when (as this thread shows) some of the them (such as the Cherokees) are former slave masters.
I made no reference to those who advocate reparations to the black descendants of white slaveholders so I am still unsure about the "leap" you are talking about.
You're exibiting a lack of understanding of this nation's history, i. e., how the original inhabitants were or are being denied their connections to these lands, as welll as why our enslaved african ancestors were brought here, e. g., to be llifetime unpaid laborers forced to work on them, and whose labors made a lot of white slaveowners rich men...
Actually I am well aware of that and I am curious to know where I exhibited "a lack of understanding of this nation's history" since I have posted on it many times in the six years I have been on this site......but not in this specific thread.
Men like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington founded their white nation on that basis...
Fell free to tell me something I (and most Destee posters) dont know.
My and the point is you (among others) are basing far too much on far too little--i. e., seem to be implying and suggesting some of us exibiting empathy and sympathy for non blacks is us getting our priorities mixed up...
If, like the poster in the thread I linked, a black person believes black people should be giving native americans repartions then yes I do believe they have their priorities mixed up. However I do not see anything wrong with exhibiting empathy/sympathy for non blacks (unless they had a history of enslaving us....which most native americans didnt).