Group Think : Check Your Microphones For Sound

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Peace and Blessings All,

Just a suggestion to all of you.

You should come into chat and check your microphones prior to your meeting time. This will allow you to be sure you're ready, when class starts, instead of having to use the class time for mic checks and stuff.

If you've checked your microphone / sound in the chat room, let us know please.


In the Spirit of Sankofa!

For the record, current active standing members participating in Group Think are mic ready (A007 brown_hOrnet, SeekingMaat, phynxofkmt and Clyde)

Those according to my knowledge that are not mic ready are:

Jahari Kavi

If you have not gotten with lilpea, Chat Moderator, please do so and/or review procedures below!

In the Spirit of Sankofa!

For the record, current active standing members participating in Group Think are mic ready brown_hOrnet, phynxofkmt and Clyde)

Those according to my knowledge that are not mic ready are:

Jahari Kavi

If you have not gotten with lilpea, Chat Moderator, please do so or review procedures below!

To: All newcomers for GroupThink(GT) Participation:

If lilpea is not available in Voice Chat, any mic ready GT member can performed mic check:

0. Press "Talk" a white box will "allow" twice(mic is live)
1. Type or Text a (1) if mic operates properly, a (0) if no sound
2. Use "Talk" button only and not "Auto" when on the mic(keep depress while talking)
3. Notice this symbol flashing (( )) indicates person talking
4. Use this symbol :shock: when mic is desired
5. Always indicate you are off the mic before releasing talk button
6. Please do not respond to Text messaging while GT is in session
7. Pause momentarily before speaking after "Talk" button is depressed

In the Spirit of Sankofa and Update!

To: All newcomers participating in GroupThink:

If lilpea is not available in Voice Chat, any mic ready GT member can performed mic check:

0. Press "Talk" a white box will "allow" twice(mic is live)
1. Type or Text a (1) if mic operates properly, a (0) if no sound
2. Use "Talk" button only and not "Auto" when on the mic(keep depress while talking)
3. Notice this symbol flashing (( )) indicates person talking
4. Use this symbol :shock: when mic is desired
5. Always indicate you are off the mic before releasing talk button
6. Please do not respond to Text messaging while GT is in session
7. Pause momentarily before speaking after "Talk" button is depressed

For the record, the following current active standing members participating in GroupThink are mic ready, brown_hOrnet, WARRIOR, and Clyde C. Coger, Jr.


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YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
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