Black Poetry : Can't Let You Go

Desert Storm

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2001
I wiped my tears
On my covers
Through the night

The taste of my tears
Reminds me of your lover

I don't want to go back
But I guess

It's true

I can't get over you

You gave me some room

To try to figure out

My heart says


I can't take it any more

The taste of regret

I wish

I could get over this

I wish I could forget

Loneliness is sinking in

So subtly

I gave my all

To you

But I guess

My all

Wasn't enough

Because you're were truly


Breathing and living

For something else

I wish all my feeling was gone

But I can hope

Or dream for you


Getting caught up

I can't get over you

But I want to so bad

A rode block

And when I think of love

I think of you

You're the onely love I knew

I wish I could get over you

But I can't

Dangling over my memory

I need to think

About this,

I thought I was down

To my last cry

But I was wrong

Silly how we get

Desert Storm
Hey DS!!

I've missed you!!! Listen, I am feelin the pain you speak of in this heartfelt scribe. Let me tell you sis, You Will Get Over Him, I'm sure of it. Just pray. it took me four years to completely get over my love...8 years (4 together 4apart) but I did it!! And so WILL YOU!

:heart: ya!
there's such a thin line

between "CAN'T" and "WON'T" let go. Sometimes we are in that cycle of won't let go because we can't (mental is still so messed up)..and can't let go because we won't. (give up hope)....

In the end, if love was meant to be ~ we are blessed with another opportunity ~ if not, we must learn to enjoy the memories and study the lessons, well.

Feel you, feel you.


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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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