Black People : Can We Defend Ourselves Against Re-Enslavement?

Can We Defend Ourselves Against Collective Re-Enslavement?

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Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Peace and Blessings Family,

We are currently listening to Dr. Amos Wilson in voice video chat, and he asked the question ... are we (collectively) in any better condition to defend and protect ourselves from re-enslavement, than our Ancestors were?

This question / statement has been mentioned a few times here recently.

What condition are we in, if we can't do any more than our enslaved Ancestors?

We can't protect our children from being enslaved. Is this okay?

Are we happy with accepting that they obviously don't want / need to (physically) enslave us at this time ?

Is this sufficient for us?




edit : November 13, 2024 - adding reference, exact quote, and where you can read it yourselves :

Awakening the Natural Genius of Black Children
Amos N. Wilson
Copyright 1991

Page 4 :

Can we as an Afrikan people defend your children from re-enslavement any better today than your forefathers defended themselves against enslavement?
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Beggin your pardon, Fam, but I'm gonna be honest and state that I'm simply appalled that this question exists. And then I noticed that it has a poll attached to it? I'm in tears; I hurt: LOTS!!

1) There are no questions; only Opportunities to Harness New Knowledge. Turn the question into a statement: "To defend against re-enslavement, it is Required that we do ...".

2) "Re-enslavement", like "reparations", require that the offending condition be no longer in an active state. How would one determine what the "reparations" would be while the acts requiring such redress continue? How can one possibly be "re-enslaved" when, by virtue of even thinking such a thing, one demonstrates one's current "enslavement"?

Destee said:
Peace and Blessings Family,

We are currently listening to Dr. Amos Wilson in voice video chat, and he asked the question ... are we (collectively) in any better condition to defend and protect ourselves from re-enslavement, than our Ancestors were?

This question / statement has been mentioned a few times here recently.

What condition are we in, if we can't do any more than our enslaved Ancestors?

We can't protect our children from being enslaved. Is this okay?

Are we happy with accepting that they obviously don't want / need to (physically) enslave us at this time ?

Is this sufficient for us?


This hits me harder than a Katrina/Krakatoa Kocktail ... Much Love to you, my Sister. ... ouch ... NOT ok.
Brother anAfrican ... it's interesting that you mention Katrina, as i thought of it too, as i listened to Dr. Amos Wilson tonight.

We couldn't even save our people from a storm, but we can save our people from being enslaved?

Tell me how we would do that please.

If the same government that decided to first enslave us, decide to enslave us again tomorrow ... how will you (we) stop them?


As I'm certain all will agree, we are still enslaved.
Financially, I think that our current enslavement benefits them far more than our initial enslavement. Now they can still rape our women bc Black men do the same and even indulge in it via pornography. The ratio/proportion of owner's share to worker's share is still about the same but worse. Now there are billionaires getting richer off of minimum wage employees. Those not fortunate enough to work commit crimes and are institutionalized where they instantly become a human profit for the system.
Those who sell drugs also make the system rich. Tax free rich. Then of course your basic consumer does nothing but work for the system, get paid by the syatem, and then turn around and hand the money right back to the system. And that money will never be seen by him again untill it is used to further oppress him.
If that's not willing slavery I don't know what is.

Then there's the evil gratification received from the multiple inhumane acts they committed against us. I believe that was a conscious means to substanciate their meaningless existence and a (evil-spiritual) subconscious means to an end. While they certainly have no regard for Blacks in any degree, the mutilation was the best and most efficient way to oppress Us so that they may survive. Now it's smooth sailing for them bc they could be physically hands free from now on and be even far more efficient.

We punish our selves, kill our selves, rape our selves, exploit our selves, and they get rich off of it. We have no clue we are enslaved. So we pose no threat so long as they control our minds. If we allow them into our souls, then that’s the only way that they can continually control us without physical slavery.

They replaced our Love and Realization of The Most High with in us with the love and realization of all they have to offer. We have actually grown to embrace the mind of the evil being that brutalized us for hundreds of years. Imagine that. I doubt our ancestors could have.

So yes, I personally believe that collectively we are just as prone to physical slavery as we were then. However, the only ones who will likely be physically enslaved are those of us who pose a mental threat to the system. Those of Us who willingly choose not to accept their false reality and oppose it in doing so.

But as Marcus Garvey maintained, a man in earnest fears no consequences.
Destee said:
If the same government that decided to first enslave us, decide to enslave us again tomorrow ... how will you (we) stop them?
I was told that if you remove a fish from a fish bowl/tank, that fish will continue to swim in a circle once you drop him into a large body of water.
Our minds have been wiped clean and soiled with a new/false identity. One that has no recollection of Self.
Once we recall that realization, there is nothing that anyone can do to harm us.
I say No thing, because at that point we will be well beyond people, places, and things.
We will control those things if we so choose to even acknowledge them as real.

We must learn to practice and practice to learn.

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