I just recalled this dream I had a few years back. It's funny that I now remember it. I have an idea what it means, but I'm curious what other people may think about it. As you know I love other peoples' opinions and thoughts. Honestly, I do since I'm just one butthole.
Here goes my dream:
I dreamt I was a young boy attending the rural Baptist church I was raised in. My grandmother who is, and was at the time of my dream, deceased was next to me in a pew. It was like we were attending a funeral but then sometimes it would switch to regular service. The preacher called on the congregation to all stand which was common. The preacher was standing behind the pulpit. It was almost like altar call but we never went up front. The preacher began to say a few words and almost immediately he started cursing. He was cursing like a sailor.
What do y'all think?
in a phrase - ascension to the next level -
I take it that the preacher was looking at you when he was cursing?..lol
The switching back and forth from funeral to regular service could indicate that to you the preachers teachings were dead which in turn caused him to start cursing (which as you know people do when they lack intellectual thought) after asking the congregation to stand. You may be the only one who heard him cursing (preaching pure nonsense)! The "standing" could symbolize your "stance" against his teachings which is why you did not approach the alter.
Your grandmother in the pew next to you as a youngin' was more than likely there for comfort and to see your reaction (how you've grown mentally) to what you were not privy to see and hear when you were a little boy...