Black Spirituality Religion : Can Anyone Use the word - Peace - or is it reserved for a select few?

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Peace and Blessings Family,

There was a thread started in one of the Study Group Forums surrounding the use of the word ... Peace.

It was suggested that some are not using it properly, or don't have the right training to use the word ... or something ... not really sure ... but because the thread was started in the Study Group Forum ... and all can't respond there without possible consequence ... i started a like thread here ... so everyone can share their respectful opinions without risk.

I know i use the word peace often, and would love to know if i should have rec'd more training prior, or am lacking in some great way.

What do you think ... can anyone use the word peace ... and is there a proper way to do?

Looking forward to the discussion.

Love Yall!



ps ... this is an example of how a discussion that might have been started in any one of the Study Group Forums, can still be had by all ... by simply starting a like thread in the Main Spirituality Forum.

... where there is a will, there is a way ... :wink:

This word "PEACE" is a relative term for many and many have defined it according to their own understanding. Some use it as a greeting upon meeting or leaving. Others use it to define their own state of being mentally or spiritually. I have used it as both. For example: I could walk up to a group of young brothers on the street that I don't know..and immediately I will say it, which basically lets them know, "don't be alarmed, I'm not the po po or someone coming to do you harm". Among conscious people I'll use the same word with the Kemetic language of "HETEP". In general, it simply is "the absence of confusion" within oneself. If this exist within yourself, it manifest outside of yourself in your speech and your actions. If you are not coming to me in PEACE, then you are coming to me in confusion or in the Kemetic language "ISFET". So once again, it is a word that varies according to the consciousness of the person.

P.S. Glad you brought it out to the regular forum.
This word "PEACE" is a relative term for many and many have defined it according to their own understanding. Some use it as a greeting upon meeting or leaving. Others use it to define their own state of being mentally or spiritually. I have used it as both. For example: I could walk up to a group of young brothers on the street that I don't know..and immediately I will say it, which basically lets them know, "don't be alarmed, I'm not the po po or someone coming to do you harm". Among conscious people I'll use the same word with the Kemetic language of "HETEP". In general, it simply is "the absence of confusion" within oneself. If this exist within yourself, it manifest outside of yourself in your speech and your actions. If you are not coming to me in PEACE, then you are coming to me in confusion or in the Kemetic language "ISFET". So once again, it is a word that varies according to the consciousness of the person.

P.S. Glad you brought it out to the regular forum.
I agree it's all in the pudding.

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