Black People : BW and the Feminist Movement


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2001
As I sat watching various activists in the Clinton campaign. :eeek: I sat there in shock as I watched some, ( one in particular ) state that they still had reservations about whether or not they would support Obama. He had to show them something!

I was reminded of a documetary on the feminist movements origins which was shown on PBS. It dealt with the the movements other cofounder, whose name escapes me for the moment. She quit the movement because Susan B Anthony, cut a deal with southern women to remove blacks. Which brought about the end of the positive step of reconstruction. This was done by her, in spite of the fact that it was Fredrick Douglass himself, that gave the keynote address, that got the yes votes which founded the movement. :karate: Moreover, in the history of said movement, deals like this have been struck repeatedly.:SuN013:

Why do black women continually identify with the feminist cause? :bowdown:

Brother Warrior Kemestry! and Bother Warrior Omowale!

Black Woman's Manifesto

Racism and capitalism have trampled the potential of black people in this country and thwarted their self-determination. Initially the physical characteristics of those of African descent were used to fit blacks into the lowest niche in the capitalist hierarchy - that of maintenance. Therefore, black women and men of today do not encourage division by extending physical characteristics to serve as a criterion for a social hierarchy. If the potential of the black woman is seen mainly as a supportive role for the black man, then the black woman becomes an object to be utilized by another human being. Her potential stagnates and she cannot begin to think in terms of self-determination for herself and all black people. It is not right that her existence should be validated only by the existence of the black man.

The black woman is demanding a new set of female definitions and a recognition of herself of a citizen, companion and confidant, not a matriarchal villian or a step stool baby-maker. Role integration advocates the complementary recognition of man and woman, not the competitive recognition of same.

Role integration encourages a broader mental and emotional growth in black women and men as they share the responsibility of working towards liberation. Neither of them should be relegated to a narrow experience in life. Neither of them should have their potentiality for self-determination controlled and predetermined by the opposite sex. That is a type of slavery that will not deliver us as a people. That is a form of bondage which is an integral part of the racist and capitalist system which black women and black men must work to oppose and overthrow.

(Gayle Lynch)

*Linda La Rue, The Black Movement and Women�s Liberation, The Black Scholar, Vol. I. May, 1970. p.42

Black "Feminism" and....

Black Woman's Manifesto

Racism and capitalism have trampled the potential of black people in this country and thwarted their self-determination. Initially the physical characteristics of those of African descent were used to fit blacks into the lowest niche in the capitalist hierarchy - that of maintenance. Therefore, black women and men of today do not encourage division by extending physical characteristics to serve as a criterion for a social hierarchy. If the potential of the black woman is seen mainly as a supportive role for the black man, then the black woman becomes an object to be utilized by another human being. Her potential stagnates and she cannot begin to think in terms of self-determination for herself and all black people. It is not right that her existence should be validated only by the existence of the black man.

The black woman is demanding a new set of female definitions and a recognition of herself of a citizen, companion and confidant, not a matriarchal villian or a step stool baby-maker. Role integration advocates the complementary recognition of man and woman, not the competitive recognition of same.

Role integration encourages a broader mental and emotional growth in black women and men as they share the responsibility of working towards liberation. Neither of them should be relegated to a narrow experience in life. Neither of them should have their potentiality for self-determination controlled and predetermined by the opposite sex. That is a type of slavery that will not deliver us as a people. That is a form of bondage which is an integral part of the racist and capitalist system which black women and black men must work to oppose and overthrow.

(Gayle Lynch)

*Linda La Rue, The Black Movement and Women�s Liberation, The Black Scholar, Vol. I. May, 1970. p.42

Black "Feminism" and....


This is all good. But, there are many more sisters that are members of NOW than subscribe to this. You cant deny it
This is all good. But, there are many more sisters that are members of NOW than subscribe to this. You cant deny it

:?::?:What da Flip that got to DO with me:?::?:


See what I mean bout people and they ish!

I'm SURE you have NOT even listened to.....



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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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