Black Spirituality Religion : Brother RU2Religous - Swine Flu Outbreak. Let's discuss.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
Health officials in the UK say they are monitoring closely a deadly outbreak of swine flu in Mexico, amid fears of a potential pandemic.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) said it was working with the government to assess any threat posed to the public.

It described the outbreak as "unusual" and warranting "further investigation and vigilance" by other countries.

Northwick Park Hospital said a BA worker who arrived from Mexico City and fell ill does not have swine flu.

At least 81 people in Mexico are now thought to have died after contracting a new strain of flu being linked to an outbreak of swine flu in the US.

There have been no confirmed cases so far in Europe.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease that infects pigs and does not normally infect humans.

However, sporadic cases do occur, usually in people who have had close contact with pigs.

Precautionary tests

The WHO said some of those affected in Mexico had tested positive for a strain - H1N1 - that had infected at least seven people in the south-western US.

The concern is that this strain has the potential to spread rapidly because it appears to be passing easily from human to human.

WHO Director-general Margaret Chan said the strain had "pandemic potential" but that it was too early to say whether one would actually occur.

Source: BBC News
Brother RU2Religious,

I have posted this issue in this forum, and specifically for your attention so that we can view it from all angles, and not just a healing one. I say this because for the last few months, I have been getting the message to prepare several bottles of Four Thieves Vinegar. I am sure you are aware of the history behind this concoction but for those who don't;

The most famous and interesting story of healing coming out of the great Black Death plague was the story of the four thieves and their amazing concoction that came to be known as The Vinegar of the Four Thieves. History records that the four thieves were arrested for stealing from the homes of the many dead victims. After their arrest, they were taken from prison and forced to bury the dead with the promise that if they lived, they would go free. One of the thieves was an herbalist, whose herbal wine vinegar purportedly kept the four thieves alive all during the Black Death. As their resistance to the disease became obvious, others started using their vinegar tincture reportedly with great success. They lived to credit the vinegar potion for their survival.

What with the latest flu pandemic, I wonder if this is the reason for that message. Anyway, I wanted to see what your initial thoughts are about this, and what action you plan to take, if any.


Mexican Swine Flu
An Advanced Biowar Event That Will Be Bigger Than 9/11

[...] By the morning of the 24th of April, we began hear that there were hundreds of sick and 20 or so dead. By late in the day, we have learned that over 1,000 are now reported ill and over 60 are reported dead. There are solid reasons to suspect that this new Mexican Swine Flu is NOT a naturally occurring event but instead is an Advanced Biological Warfare recombination DNA genetically engineered virus. [...]

Young healthy adults seem to be the most at risk. This is similar to the deadest killer flu in history, Spanish Flu in 1918. Most if not all nations with advanced biological warfare programs have been interested in recreating the Spanish Flu DNA sequence and several are reported to have done so.

The new Mexican Swine Flu has elements of DNA from the following: avian flu, human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian swine flu, and European swine flu. A strange combination never seen before and having less than 1/10% chance of being a natural event. Human and animal viruses from four or more continents suddenly recombine in a new flu during a non-flu season that spreads from human-to-human with a 10% fatality rating. [...]

The government has announced a massive new emergency swine flu vaccination program that will be, at best, either totally non-effective or of very limited effect, and could be, at worst, a deadly option for patients. It is thought that the authorities are trying to contain public panic by announcing the vaccination program. [...]


Brother RU2, what do you make of this information, and in particular the vaccination program?

Sister Astologer4U, based on your knowledge of the stars, do you concur with the following submission by another Astrologer?

What most people are unaware of is that the word influenza is an astrological word and comes from the ancient knowledge that configurations of the stars and planets exerted their influences on the general population at times of outbreaks of pandemic diseases.

The word ‘influenza’ is derived from the Medieval Latin influentia, meaning influence, because astrological physicians’ doctors stated that epidemics were caused by unfavorable planetary and stellar influences.

Mundane transits indicate the motion of Jupiter in tropical Aquarius indicates the possible spread of a persistent form of Swine Flu coming at the end of the traditional flu season in the northern hemisphere. With Jupiter in Aquarius, we may be seeing not the end of the flu season, but the beginning of a pandemic.

upiter has returned to tropical Aquarius in 2009, and through the remainder of the year will be conjoined to both Chiron and Neptune, both planet associated one way or another with matters of health and medicine.

Mercury retrograde (May 7-31) indicates that news of the spread of Avian Flu in North America will continue through the spring and summer months. This is first indicated by the squares of retrograde Mercury to Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius in May, and a repeat of these squares after Mercury stations direct, moving slowly forward in Taurus, the first 15 days of June 2009.

Global transits over the summer months indicate that there is a strong possibility that the Avian Flu will continue to spread into the U.S., with the transits of Mercury in the Air Sign of Gemini in June, early June, then with transiting Venus entering Gemini in July, followed by transiting Mars entering Gemini the same month and continuing to transit Gemini in August.

The Air Signs of Gemini and Aquarius are known for the spreads of pandemics through plague and flu. Moreover, the water Sign of Cancer can become afflicted in mundane transits with the motion of the South Lunar Node (Dragon’s Tail) in Cancer by late August 2009. Prior to this, the month of July will see a total eclipse of the Sun (not seen in North America) on July 22, 2009 at 29-Cancer.

Is this the beginning of a pandemic? I don't mean to sound like an alarmist, but it is always prudent to be aware of what is going around us.

A pandemic is always a heightened possibility when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune, as it is now doing in Aquarius. Neptune is connected to infectious diseases, and Jupiter expands whatever it touches. There was a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in 1919/20 during the global Spanish flu pandemic, which is estimated to have killed 50-100 million people. It has been described as "the greatest medical holocaust in history".
Alexandra said:
Is this the beginning of a pandemic? I don't mean to sound like an alarmist, but it is always prudent to be aware of what is going around us.

I can Respect (see) this line of thinking and behaving! It mirrors something I know to be of value to our ability to continue Growing....SAFETY first...


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YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
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