Black People : BROTHER KEITA


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
everywhere and nowhere
to seek truth

First of all, all of this is pure Bulls--- on the highest order!!! Not your post phynxofkmt but the subject matter and the video. I simply copied your post because you brought out some excellent points that stimulated my thoughts the don't get offended by my opening remark. :)

Why is this a bunch of crap? Lets review some key issues so the light can get brighter.

1. I do not know what Kemetic text anyone has been reading but a serious study will reveal that the concept of the Goddess existed before the concept of the God did. Furthermore, in the text we will see that it was the Goddess who gave immaculate conception or a so called virgin birth to the God. So if anyone has any text where some male God is giving birth to themselves I advise further study.

2. This concept of an "INDEPENDENT WOMAN" is also a bunch of garbage. Independent of what, of who? That's not our history, culture or legacy so where did we get that? Ain't no African woman or man trying to be independent of each other anywhere in our the research. Abnormal conditions might produce the appearance of a so called "independent black woman" but psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and physically it's not a natural reality. I don't know of any black women anywhere who does not want a black man! Now when we start throwing in un-natural conditions and other issues that can cloud and affect her perception or outlook on men in general, that becomes a different issue.

3.Ida B. Wells, Susan b. Anthony, Gwendolyn Brooks and others were victims as we all are of a European male dominated structure which of course had an affect upon them on many levels. Almost all European feminist are lesbians without a doubt...and as such, the feminist movement spearheaded by white women was in fact a lesbian movement also even though it was actually one to get from under the oppression of white men initially. How and why our women got into it is beyond me because black men were not oppressing black women. Then again, many of us were within the home as we modeled ourselves after white men as we were molded to do.

4.Do black women or men owe each other an apology? Hell no !! What are we apologizing for....for being a victim? Here we are apologizing for being purposely molded to be other than self. Apologizing for being purposely divided and pitted against each other by our same historic oppressor. Apologizing for being mis-educated and of being a Willie Lynch victim. Apologizing for being brainwashed into white structured religions that said "this or that is how we should treat each other" when it was all an "Anti-African" reality that was never designed for our unity, love, spiritual growth or family structure.

5. So now we are at the point where we actually think or feel that the victim should apologize to the other victim for being a victim, huh? That's insanity. I want yall to think about this and think real hard. When Harriet Tubman said: "I could have freed a lot more if I could have convinced them that they were slaves"....that is mind blowing!! Here are people being treated like dogs, fed worse than dogs, being worked from sun up till sun down, being beat with the whip, being raped, sodomized and killed at will....and she had a problem trying to convince them that they were slaves, that something wasn't right??? If she had a problem with that, then Garvey, Malcome, Martin and others today really got problems convincing our so called intellectually sophisticated people that something isn't right.

6. So here we are in circa 2008, still victims of religions that aren't ours...that we didn't start, that never existed until the white man printed some books...and that we can't see as a vestige and instrument of slavery, of spiritual, social, economic and mental control that still does not empower anyone except the creators of those systems. Still victims of "DIVIDE AND CONQUER". We can't see that we're all still in need of healing and that post traumatic slave syndrome is in full swing while we fake ourselves out claiming we are free. I have an audio on my site by Dr. Amos Wilson who I'm sure everyone probably knows about in terms of who he is, but if you get the chance, stop by and listen to that.

7. I don't owe no black woman an apology and they don't owe me any. What we owe ourselves is determination, spirit and love to TRY and reclaim the essence of who and what we are as a people as we attempt to grow together and to reconnect the dots of our existence as a people. VICTIMS OWE EACH OTHER NOTHING....if anything, we owe our oppressor something....and that's the idea and fact that we are refusing to be victims anymore!! Remember, an ignorant person (someone who doesn't know) does not know they were ignorant until they come up out of it...likewise, a molded person does not know that they were molded until the mold is broken....and neither requires an apology.


Brother Keita:

I just wanted to say.....

Thank you for writing your book.....

It was so easy for me to understand......

It was refreshing because until I read it I really thought there was something wrong with me.....

As you know I have a long way to go... you got 30 yrs of research behind you...... and at least I have a map now of where to look and what to look for....

most amazingly I am 33 years old... the same age as you when u started to change.......

I asked all those questions to so many people.... and it's not that I didn't like they answer ... it's just there was none of me in it.......

the day I met u and ur family my life was forever changed...

my whold life everybody was always saying that I gotta be the better person, and forgive and la la la la la la la

I'm reading the history books, but I enjoyed the layout of yours because I didn't spend the majority of my time looking up words and re-reading sentences to see if it made any sense...

ur straight forward... real....... and I got so much respect for you.....

ur always here for us, and trying to break things down for us.......

ur presence makes me feel that I have the right to be me, and for that I am eternally greatful........

speak on it brah..... one

oh... and I forgot... I saw where u wrote the "genius" thing...

and I was trippin cause they tested me when I was bout 10, and told my moms I was too smart for my own good.. that she would have trouble "controlling" me.... cause I'm boarderlining wit crazy.....

I finally realize that all that means is I think for me....... outside they lil box............

and the bid.. man .. I would have never guess'd that .......

truly amazing......
Thank you for you kind and gracious remarks. I'm very pleased that my work was able to spark and energize you to see yourself in a new light. As for the bid? I wouldn't trade that for nothing in the world. It pulled me up out of the illusion I was floating in. It allowed me the years of research, study and of re-structuring myself. It allowed me to interface with every level of society and religious thought concerning our people. From the highest so called educated down to the worst so called thug...all of them became my new school and somewhere along the way I became their new teacher. The funny thing is that, I never really see myself as a teacher because I am always a student in learning and growing. All the same, I thank you once again, for you too have taught me much without ever knowing you have done so.

One Love !!
1. I do not know what Kemetic text anyone has been reading but a serious study will reveal that the concept of the Goddess existed before the concept of the God did. Furthermore, in the text we will see that it was the Goddess who gave immaculate conception or a so called virgin birth to the God. So if anyone has any text where some male God is giving birth to themselves I advise further study.

Brother K, I wish more of our Brothers understood this man.
1. I do not know what Kemetic text anyone has been reading but a serious study will reveal that the concept of the Goddess existed before the concept of the God did. Furthermore, in the text we will see that it was the Goddess who gave immaculate conception or a so called virgin birth to the God. So if anyone has any text where some male God is giving birth to themselves I advise further study.

Brother K, I wish more of our Brothers understood this man.

True indeed.

That was the bomb man! True indeed. Its been awhile if you even remember me, I haven't argued with you in a while. The younger man been dealing that in our own people and seemingly in complete vain. I feel the same way. Our people frustrate me so much; I mean you want to tell them to go to hell and be with their "master" only when your numbers get low... You know what I mean and what kills me is our numbers are drastically reducing at rapid speed. As it seems to be alllright, just as long as they got "jesus", and who else gave "him" to you. The very one wiping you out; visit any court-room, especially district court. This country is built and we are no longer needed. That angries me brotha; and "us"...just as long as they got this, this, and this. That is probably a peanut, scraps and/or not even remotely true to begin with. These words...that was the bomb man! Kevin

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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