Many have wondered about this phrase that is my trademark.
Please let me assure you that it comes from my heart.
To rise up and call a blessing on faces unseen, to travel
in spirit to places I have never seen.
This offering I share is spirtual in nature to grant angels
presence where you lay your head.
Some have considered it corny and trite, to nibble and pick
and even take a bite...I still render blessings no time for a
fight, blessings are ignitions for heavenly light.
Blessings I offer to soldiers of verses, soft words and prolific words and some that have uttered curses.
This is my gift to the world that I live in, to be any thing
less I doubt I will give in. My spirtual self is so much of
who I am...even if I say on occasion "I don't give a ****!"
Truth is with each blessing a blessing returns...none of
them truly could ever be earned.
But blessing is something righteous that I have learned.
For we bless what has been cursed and we praise what
has been forgotten and we find food even in what was
once rotten.
Blessings on ya house, not just a phrase that I stumbled
upon, but something that was said to me by a special
someone...So I pass it on, and on, and on.
Til the blessings overflow and shower down like manna
from heaven. The bread on Passover was the bread of
unleavened...Blessings on Ya House! When the angel
of death passed over...
Blessings on ya House..."Go your loved one has been
restored" with this phrase I hope you never get
bored. From my heart I break pieces like the Last
Supper, for my unseen sista and brotha, for his
wife, her husband, their children, father and mother.
The blessing does not originate from me...I am merely
the vessel you see! Cause when I am busy blessing
you...God is blessing me!
Please let me assure you that it comes from my heart.
To rise up and call a blessing on faces unseen, to travel
in spirit to places I have never seen.
This offering I share is spirtual in nature to grant angels
presence where you lay your head.
Some have considered it corny and trite, to nibble and pick
and even take a bite...I still render blessings no time for a
fight, blessings are ignitions for heavenly light.
Blessings I offer to soldiers of verses, soft words and prolific words and some that have uttered curses.
This is my gift to the world that I live in, to be any thing
less I doubt I will give in. My spirtual self is so much of
who I am...even if I say on occasion "I don't give a ****!"
Truth is with each blessing a blessing returns...none of
them truly could ever be earned.
But blessing is something righteous that I have learned.
For we bless what has been cursed and we praise what
has been forgotten and we find food even in what was
once rotten.
Blessings on ya house, not just a phrase that I stumbled
upon, but something that was said to me by a special
someone...So I pass it on, and on, and on.
Til the blessings overflow and shower down like manna
from heaven. The bread on Passover was the bread of
unleavened...Blessings on Ya House! When the angel
of death passed over...
Blessings on ya House..."Go your loved one has been
restored" with this phrase I hope you never get
bored. From my heart I break pieces like the Last
Supper, for my unseen sista and brotha, for his
wife, her husband, their children, father and mother.
The blessing does not originate from me...I am merely
the vessel you see! Cause when I am busy blessing
you...God is blessing me!