Black People : Blacks speak out against the NAACP of today and defend the Tea Party


Jul 10, 2010
Unfortunately so many great people are naive to the true ways of the NAACP of the now, not of the old. With the mainstream media constantly making the Tea Party look racist (even though some of the founders, co founders, and leaders within the Tea Party are black), it is hard to discern truth from lie.

The tea party is not about race, rather it is a movement to downsize the size and scope of the government.

You don't have to hear it from me, you can hear it from many great black free thinkers and intellects who get backlogged by the mainstream media.

(1) Deneen Borelli - "The NAACP is nothing but a puppet. A puppet organization right now because they are pushing race politics and it is wrong."

(2) Rich Holt - "The NAACP no longer represents the impoverished minorities oppressed by the cruel boots of institutional racism... Well, NAACP, I am part of the tea party movement. Call me a racist!"

(3) David Webb - "The NAACP and its march to irrelevancy as an organization, needs an enemy to maintain its power base."

(4) Ak-Bar Shabazz - "I condemn the NAACP. Unfortunately, this once-proud organization has transformed into a political wing of the progressives and frequently does their dirty work. Screaming "RACISTS!" at the tea parties only diminishes and discredits the message of a group that once fought equality in this Country."

(5) Lisa Fritsch - "The NAACP finds itself not aligned with the tea parties as it should be, and promoting the advancement of black people with individual thought and mind and following their own convictions, but sadly, they find themselves aligned with this radical and fanatic new black panther party, who is also coming out and on a mission to depict the tea party as racist."

(6) Jimmie Hollis - "They have become a political organization for the progressives, and that is a shame because so many blacks still view them as a civil rights group. Unfortunately, this is a status the NAACP abandoned a long time ago."

(7) R. Dozer Gray - "The NAACP should be about freedom of thought, expression, and existence for all people. Instead, NAACP seems desirous of only protecting thought and expression that agrees with them. I think that is wrongheaded."

(8) Robin Martin - "They act as a police group for racial bigotry but only as it pertains to black people. If they were truly concerned with the advancement of people of color, they would be tea partying."

(9) Pastor C. L .Bryant - When defending the Tea Party, April 15 - "The descriptions that the NAACP makes of us, are false, and superficial. In fact, they are out in out lies. We are not racists, we are not haters. There is one thing we are, we are angry.

It is not about parties and it isn't about race.
I support the Tea Party and wish them luck because IMO they're the only ones that have a chance of turning the tide a bit against the imperialistic force of the US. Are there not racists in the Democratic Party? Didn't Harry Reid make a racist comment not so long ago. Didn't a former KKK senator or congressman past away recently?

The NAACP is nothing more than a front for Jewish interests. And right now it's in the best interest of the Jews to stop the Tea Party movement because they have too many lower class whites on their side.
I personally love to see those people publicly stand out for the tea party.
This way, the ones who racism has gotten a foothold on is easy to see..........and avoid.

So sad.

Oh we knew who this cat was when he came in here the other day looking for instructions on how to smile sincerely. Their cover is two inches thinner than wet tissue paper.

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