Some of our mistakes are easier to correct then others. And all of us, no matter what anyone else may say or lay claim to, all of us ether through unfortunate luck or unintended missteps make mistakes that effect our dogs........that is all of us, no matter how many dogs have entered our lives. Hopefully though none so serious as to come back and bite us either figuratively or literally. If you don't feel comfortable with him among strangers or don't feel comfort yourself among them that's ok, call him to a heel and cross the street or perhaps find a little space to stand aside with Black at a sit stay while the people pass by (and a firm no thanx my dog doesn't like to be pet and no it's doesn't matter what 'they' think about your attitude). But I would try to lighten up on the leash pressure; remember it's only there if and when you need it as it sounds like he's quite responsive to your voice so give him the responsibly of attending to it before applying any leash pressure.
Thank you so much! The suggestion of letting him learn to be more responsive to my voice, is a good idea. He does listen to me and knows my voice. One morning we were taking the trash out (to the street), and he's normally unleashed during this time. It's a quiet time of morning, rarely any people around. So we're halfway down the drive, me pushing the trash can and him following along. Then the trash collector came, stopped his truck waiting for me to get there, and the guy jumped off the back and waited. But he saw Black, and I saw him, so I told Black down and stay ... and OMG ... he did it! He stayed! I continued to push the trash can to the street, the man emptied it, and Black stayed!

... I was so proud of him! Crisis averted. We just don't have lots of interaction with people to practice this with and I don't know many that would volunteer. It's all good in the hood!
My children swear they did not receive the care and concern that Black does. They turned out alright, missing all they claim to miss, so I guess Black will too ...
Has he ever shown any aggression towards people or strangers in general? Has there been instances involving Black and aggression at all other than the cat? Any cause for concern?
Well, now that you ask, he did growl at the little girl next door once. I had him out, on a leash. I was so ashamed. He caught me off guard. I was not expecting him to growl and act like an animal. We were walking across the yard toward them, the baby had done nothing! Her father was right there too. The same people that he killed their chicken. This happened before the chicken. Even though this happened and traumatized me, they seemed fine. I was so ashamed of his behavior. I bought the little girl a stuffed rottweiler that sits and is still. I told her she could name it anything she wanted and I will be working to teach Mr. Black (that's what she calls him) how to sit and stay and be still like her rottweiler ...

... I thought she'd be traumatized, just a baby - 5 or 6 years old - but she loves Black now, asks about him, talks about him, not traumatized.
The neighbor on the other side always gives Black toys. She throws them over the fence to him, balls, stuffed toys, etc. Well, you'd think he'd love her, but if she walks up to the fence and thinks she can pet him, no Ma'am, you cannot. He growls and acts like he wants to get her. At least there is a fence between them (and she is an adult walking up to a fenced rottweiler), so I am not as disheartened by this behavior.
Once, she threw a blanket over the fence to him, I guess to keep him warm. He tore it up (as he does everything she gives him), had blanket stuffing all over the yard. When I saw it, I was like "Angie" ... and her daughter saw it too and came up and said ... I'm so sorry, Black tore the blanket up, I'll help clean it. So I opened the gate, and the three of us, Angie, her daughter, and I cleaned the yard while Black stayed in the yard with us and watched, sniffed around but never growled. He was so good. He did not try to eat her. But if she comes up to the fence to pet him, he'll still growl, even today.
Other than that, we have not had any close calls. No other aggressive behavior.
Sounds better than the (lone) last time my head strong heedless snot got loose to go pee on the world (yeh he thinks he owns the whole world and and a match for anything in it). My next door neighbor had to call me and let know he was in his back yard and please come get him because Strider was standing him off, wouldn't retreat and he didn't dare approach the dog to bring him back to where he belonged. (good idea on my neighbors part because Strider doesn't play act, doesn't like strangers handling him nor even likes being pet and he owns the world............ just ask him)
Oh my gosh! The thought of someone telling me Black is in their yard ... oh gosh ...

... You don't seem troubled by the experience. Does Strider get to move around the neighborhood like he wants? ... lol ... I could just see him, peeing on everything while he's out ...
Is Strider neutered? Black is not and I think (read) it may make him more aggressive by not being neutered. He's never had sex either

... I would have him neutered but my Son ... OMG ... he acts as if it is neutering him personally! He told me to cut my testicles off first. I think it's a man thing. He is so against it, I've not done it. I think I want to though, just because they say it calms them and may avoid other ailments in the future. He aint gett'n none, hasn't yet. That probably frustrates him some. Whatcha think?
I'm flattered and humbled Destee. If such a misfortune were to befall you and Black I'd gladly accept. And if that weren't possible for any number of reasons in an unknowable future I'm still in touch with a group of dog people widely dispersed in various parts of the country. Rest assured Black would find a good home.
Give Black a scratch behind his ears for me.
You know
@ogoun, when I read this tears came to my eyes. I haven't been around as much, so I thought you had not responded and I was thinking ... "Okay Ogoun, don't try to leave us now!" ...

... and then I saw your very heartwarming response. Thank you so much! I love Black and want us to remain together. I am truly humbled by your response. I did not know what you'd say, but I'm glad I asked!
I'm finna go out here with him now before it gets dark. I'll give him a scratch for you.
Much Much Love and Peace.