Black People : Black Economics


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2012
Since there is no thread I see for it or I overlook it I'm going to pose two questions here on the topic
My first question is do you think it make sense to create our own system using digital and local currency that is back by a precious metal other than gold?
My last question why is it so hard for us to practice group economics and collectivism like other cultures that come to this country?
My first question is do you think it make sense to create our own system using digital and local currency that is back by a precious metal other than gold?

Short answer is yes and thank you for having the mind and thought processes to start this thread. I had this idea as digital currency idea as well. I wanted to call it Onyx but the idea was very similar to Akon's Akoin. There are "some black people" in the conscious community that get certain things very wrong and gold is one of those things. I've heard them say gold never loses value which is simply ignorant. ALL COMMODITIES can fluctuate in price based on supply & demand. Gold is no exception. Therefore, if you buy gold at the wrong time you may very well sell at the wrong time and lose money.

The key understanding is 1) how rare is the actual thing? and 2) how much value is given by the perception of the thing.

Currency has both this real/tangible value as well as a more meta/virtual value where its price is a fusion of the two.

Therefore, can you do the same thing with something else? Yes. Absolutely. We do it all the time but we don't realize we're doing it. When we make things popular by wearing them, rapping about them, etc. What we're doing is (free) marketing for that product. But we transfer our own credibility/brand value to the products we promote. So if I said, "buy ONYX", you'd be like... "new phone. who dis *****?" But if Jay-Z says it... that's different. And now once the value goes up on the virtual side, that's when it can be used as a currency. Think about it. Same thing happened with bitCoin. The reason the value is so high today that you can only afford to by a fraction of a single coin is because of the virtual side that represents people's belief/perception of its value. It's not backed by any rare earth/metal.

Having that backing isn't necessary and COULD actually even be counterproductive. But... let's say you buy up 70% of the worlds's onyx (for example). Just by holding on to it, you take it off the market and that increases the value. Gold has other utilities besides just being a precious metal. So you have to think about how it might be used and how much someone else might flood the market to counter your efforts to control the price. Something to think about.

Now... where else can you go with this? What if you could work out deals where black-owned products and services could be sold at a discount in exchange for this new currency? Now what happens? Now you've increased the value of the currency because of what it can do; similar to all those rewards credit cards. What if you introduce some kind of exclusive club aspect into it? Like there's some kind of access that you can only get by having a certain amount of this currency? What if you could buy dinner with Beyonce and Jay-Z? Rihanna? Snoop? 50? Anyone who is a mogul. Think about what that would do to the value of that currency. You can have an equivalent amount of USD and still not get those perks.

Now... the next thing is this. Once you have increased the value beyond beyond, at some point white people are going to want in. They can smell value a mile away and you can only discriminate so far, legally. At this point, they may start hording it and increasing the value beyond what we can afford. Now as long as we can buy fractions its not really a problem. But also... let's say that we treated it like a single penny stock. Let's say we all had a little bit of it because we introduced it and we were the first. Think about it. Every black person is sitting on at least 1,000 onyx by the time the "stock" skyrockets because we've somewhat secretly planned it this way. It's not illegal. We just marketed it to our own people first. Right? So when we bought it, it was dirt cheap. But now... everyone who has 1,000 ONYX can sell it for USD. And now everybody just got rich. Instant reparations. And then we introduce a new one called Obsidian, lol. Can they get us for insider trading? Nope. I was going to write about this in a book I was going to call "How I Enslaved White People" lol. But unless I can control who buys it, it's probably not smart to put out usable blueprints like that.
My last question why is it so hard for us to practice group economics and collectivism like other cultures that come to this country?

This is my personal opinion.

American Economics is a trap. It's set up to redistribute wealth. And it's very smart. People come from all over the world to get stuck in this trap. What happens is, that nothing is given for free and so when any American entity "gives" you money, it's simply part of the trap.

Now mentally we accept it as normal, the same way that mice see cheese. Cheese is not a naturally occurring substance in the wild. Right? So why do we associate trapping mice with something that doesn't really exist in nature? It's not natural to them and even if I was living in some building that had mice, the chances of me dropping a significant amount of cheese...

The point is... we have this association between mice and cheese that we accept. But mice are just going to go after anything that's edible. We're all trying to eat and so when the bank puts food on the plate it's like.... okay, they're doing what they're supposed to do and we need it because we're hungry and so we adapt. But we're adapting to the trap. And when we take that deal we're signing up to pay way more back than what we're borrowing.

Now you do this with a few accounts... those percentage points start to add up. And eventually you're paying half your income just paying the INTEREST on loans. And once you get to that point you're basically working for them, for free (if you've gotten all the value out or paid enough to have purchased the asset yourself). And of course, just to make sure they can make a profit even if you're smart, on big ticket items you're paying the interest first-which is pretty ridiculous when you think about it. The amount of interest you pay should be based on how long it takes to pay back the loan, but paying it up front, that's obviously extending the amount of time it takes to pay the loan.

Now what does this have to do with the question regarding other groups? Everything.

A lot of people in other countries are debt-free because they can't get a loan anyway. They're not adapted to the trap. The cheese is in another house so to speak. So when they come here they are treated like a newborn baby; innocent of any bad credit history. They can more easily obtain credit without having had to dip into credit just to survive in the trap. And they often focus that credit on getting money to start their own business as opposed to racking up debt for a bunch of other things that aren't even necessary for survival. Oh, you can't just buy a car? You gotta buy a nice car? They don't do that fresh off the boat. They focus on the loans they need in order to survive. They dedicate their debt to income streams. And then once one person establishes a business that can generate much more than that debt+interest, now they can employ others of their same ethnicity, who now have jobs (and you don't know how much they might be getting paid) without that starting debt. So what can they use their debt/credit for?

Perhaps they're getting paid a fair wage. We don't know because they don't hire us. Do you see? Not only that, but depending on the business, a lot of them get paid under the table, avoiding taxes and other hidden costs of having employees. That money stays in the business and helps to maintain everything. And then just like we have some businesses that are laundry mats, you really don't know how many of theirs are too. If you aren't getting caught doing it in your own country how much easier is it going to be in another country that has no business counting your money coming in from overseas? So yes, sometimes it's simply group economics they're doing, but sometimes its organized crime behind it because they have a lot of money that needs to be washed before they can use it safely.

We have to keep in mind that Black Wall Street, Tulsa worked because of 2 factors that are not easily replicated.

1) Seed money from rich people.
2) Community

They benefitted from segregation in a way that white people simply did not calculate. Integration can benefit them more than us, but it really depends on point 1. Who has the money? If we're like "Hey we want segregation again" don't think that's automatically going to build wealth. It could hyper-intensify poverty if you don't have rich people planting those seeds to own businesses and real estate. And think about utilities and other things that you know you're going to need; like roads and other infrastructure. A lot of people don't consider that stuff because it's "already there". But you cannot rely on something being there already because its not free to use and you can't just "take it".

So when these other groups come in... yeah, they might have their Halal market that serves their people but they're also getting a few others. Where's it located? What's the median income of the traffic in that area? And what other businesses might be under the umbrella of the same owners? Maybe they own a gas station. Ahhh.... maybe they own a Dunkin Donuts. You can tell by who they hire... usually. But what if you couldn't? They don't come over here with 40 million other people to support. And geographically, they're not segregating themselves into their own communities. They're buying nice houses where white people live and those houses increase in value just like white people's houses. And so when they sell they can buy an even better house and use the profits of the sale to start a business.

Sometimes you ABSOLUTELY have to move out the hood in order to get to the next level. You can't wait til the next level to move out of the hood. You're leaving the bag on the table that way. Every year that passes by, our same houses, if they were simply airlifted to a better neighborhood, would have a bigger resale value. But we're often too loyal to our physical communities and we have to get out of that mindset because that's not the best thing for those communities. Seems like it, but no.

Those other groups... LEFT their communities back in their home countries. They went as far away as they could go. Why? Opportunity. And then what do many of them do? They send money BACK (thus creating a profitable connection with their community) This then helps to redistribute wealth from the places they move to back to the places that may have more poverty. We don't do that and it's one of the things that's killing us because you can not be stagnant in an economic race. You'll simply be left behind. And that rear position means everyone else is exploiting opportunities that aren't even coming our way. And that multiplies/intensifies poverty.

Lastly.... language barriers.

We speak English. Go to one of their spots and they're likely only speaking English to you (the customer). This gives them a tactical advantage as well as a comfortable environment. And that's more of a reason to hire their own people. We have been indoctrinated by Europeans to adopt their culture for business. But other cultures have their own business culture because business culture wasn't invented in Europe. So this puts any European at a disadvantage working for another culture. On top of that, they poison the well and make other cultures believe we're bad employees so that they'll be more likely to do business with them and not us. It's wrong but also smart business. And we have to get out of the moralistic thinking that only cares about right and wrong. Criminal enterprise is more advanced on this issue. There's right, wrong, and then there's business. It's just like love and war. Different rules apply depending on what game you're playing. So sometimes we walk into their business thinking they should be playing by European business rules because that's what we learned and adapted to. But no, European rules don't apply there and we would realize this if we spoke their languages. See how that comes in?

I'm cool with and have had enough candid conversations with foreigners to know that many of them view white people the same way we do, if not worse. But if we have the image of them that they want us to have and the image of ourselves, by contrast, that they want us to have, then we're going to behave like we have less value, less allies, and no chances of working with those same foreigners. That's not true, but we're also not making enough attempts to find out.

Now when it comes to collectivism... like I said before... they don't come over with 40 million people to support. I think some of the problem is that we have an unrealistic view of them working together because of the language thing and such. It's not necessarily the case. If you are a Chinese person and there's are Chinese restaurants in your area, you may be more likely to apply there if you can't get a better job. And then their kids who are learning English will have more opportunities. And then that restaurant doesn't hire them because of group economics. They simply hire them because their being Chinese is an advantage at a Chinese restaurant. It just so happens that when many people are doing the same things it adds up. We are often so busy looking at what's NOT adding up (counting our money) and looking for big paydays because we have big needs (thinking about 40 million vs 10) that we often miss how the small money stacks. But that is the very key to business. Look at streaming services. I used to pay $5/mo to Youtube. When did they start charging me $15? But they can now, because just like a drug, they got me hooked on the service.

We're getting hooked on services and products thanks to all this marketing; especially using black faces and black celebrity. And we're falling deeper and deeper into the trap while other people can't even understand the marketing because it's not in their language. They're watching their own TV, lol. And so they have advantages where we have disadvantages because we are using a business culture that was designed to enrich the culture that created it.

The closest we've ever gotten to developing our own business culture is with Hip Hop. The problem is... whites saw the value in this early and jumped in it at the top, with producers, record companies, managers, agents, etc. And they bring in their social networks, their money, their contracts, their business culture. So even when most of the success should be ours they still find a way to make it mostly theirs and treat the opportunity creators like simple-minded employees. As long as they're paying enough we'll let them take over and control our industry. Only people like 50, Method Man, Snoop, Oprah, Tyler Perry, and a bunch of others, are in a position to take it back.

Can you take it back without them? Yes. But it will be a much more difficult uphill battle. People like KRS-One, if presented with a good plan, would be able to build a different kind of empire. A true underground that Hip Hop should have been. Building street brands and things like that... taking over the industry by taking over the whole concept of street cred... that's the key. You could even introduce the currency thing into it. And build that into a corporation with a Hip Hop business culture that is fully our own. And then you hire people based on that. It doesn't have to discriminate racially. If white people want to work in it they just have to have street cred too or authentically Hip Hop (Tommy from Power, or Slim Shady are good examples). But then too, someone like KRS-One who truly cares enough about the culture to turn down money? This man is like the unknown black messiah.


Like any "messiah," he can only be as good as the following. But I will say he's the right one. So many other people talk about the devil but then they sell out. Some people even sell out their own kids. But anyway, that's what we need. We need an empire where we write the rules of business and everyone else has to play by our rules. Once you have the right seed... then you can build a community around it and that community can be global. The bigger the better. Then you figure out how to get people to "subscribe". $2 here... $4.99 there... and once millions of people are "hooked"... now you have a thriving independent black economy that you can work miracles with.

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Destee wrote on frankster's profile.
Destee wrote on Chevron Dove's profile.
Thank you Sister for seeing the value in our community and being here with me ... :swings: ... :love: ... :kiss: ... :yaay: