Black People : Black Birds In White Cages


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
Media Designer

Who decides the characteristics that defines our ethnicity? Meaning. Who determines why some people are called "white" some "black" some "Asian" or "Latino?"

It might appear that certain established systems decide our ethnicity and we simply go along with it. For example, a Black family 2-3 generations in China would not be classified as Chinese? Nor Asian. They would in fact be defined by their previous homeland.

Interesting fact considering the millions of Blacks in America that refer to themselves as African American.

Still. Perhaps it is no fault of our own since these established systems aren't controlled by us. Since everyone agrees to be these titles- black, white, asian or latino....who is the wiser? We agree to these terms to create a base of uniformity with our peers. Just the same, there are Moors or Hebrew Israelites that detest being called African.

The interesting thing about these ethic classifications, is that they change. Research into the "invention of the white race" has made that very clear. But what about other races? Does the "one drop rule" apply to all races? If any race on the planet mixes with a Black Man or Black Woman does that child immediately become Black?

The African has already been mixing and "producing" races on the planet long before the arrival or "invention" of the white race.


The slanted eye Asian "is" an African, those features are currently found in South Africa especially. All the races are offsprings of different African hues.

It seems to difficult to comprehend at first, how it is possible for all of these hues to come out of one gene pool. Well, grab a handful of soil and sift through it. Even soil that appears dark will have many different colored grains with it.

So let's get to this term - "Black President"- considering what was just said, is President Obama really the first Black President? And no, I'm not talking about John Hanson.

Why are some sources now saying there were actually FIVE other Black Presidents? Is it possible that "passing for white" is very common in America, even in the White House?

Is this the real reason Obama wanted to swear in on Abraham Lincoln's Bible?


5 Black Presidents

True enough, you can't believe everything you read on the internet. But is it possible? Knowing the history of America of course it is. Millions of White Slave owners fathered many children with their female slaves, some of them mixed in well enough to pass for white. Many so-called Whites have Black ancestry right here in America and would deny it only to prove their racial purity. This is fact. What we must realize about "the one drop rule" is that mixed Blacks often times do not mix with Blacks!


IE If Halle Berry's daugther repeats the pattern of her Mother her offspring will be able to pass for white more successfully than their Mother and GrandMother. This is something that has been done for generations within the community of so-called Whites- those that many of us view as the ruling class.

And if it still seems impossible for there to be 5 Black Presidents before Obama, let's ask ourselves again who decides the classification. Because guess what, if a person calls themselves White- most likely none of us will challenge them especially if this person has light skin and straight hair. This also means that if a Black person calls themselves White and goes unchallenged? They are White! Period.

And don't think Abe Lincoln had to be White just because of his history with Slaves.

J. Edgar Hoover was Black. And this is not something I know from the internet, I know a Author working on the book as we speak. It's a deep history that will shock the world.


The deep seated hatred for Blacks in this Man's heart was so obvious. Was he simply a black bird trapped in a white cage?
Genetic Resonance

Here's some information that might help to paint a broader scientific or metaphysical picture about "black birds trapped in white cages" which is basically what happens when the black or African "consciousness" (basically a signal) is streaming within a body that does not "mirror" it's core reality. We hear of this concept mainly from transgendered Males that claim they were born within the wrong body. The truth is their brain was re-programmed causing them to pick up different signals. Hospitals have been doing this for years.

"Genetic Resonance" might sound like a new term but it's based on an old science. Today maybe a handful of psychologists use it along with a method called "family constellation" where they attempt to map out or trace psychological disorders of an individual through family counseling. What White psychologists are doing with this method is different that what we will discuss here, even though some of their findings might be relative.

Genetic Resonance is much more than what they think it is. We are speaking not just about cellular memory of both the Mother and Father that is transferred to the offspring, but we are also talking about our relationship with reality, the cosmos, the environment and each other is ALWAYS related to how our Parents, family and Ancestors have related to them.

Thus, even the "hue" of our physical matter is a code for how we have been relating with our reality. Whites for example, have much less Genetic Resonance than everyone else on the planet. That would mean they relate less to their reality. Genetic Resonance is also tied into "emotional intelligence" and the reason why Humans are said to use less than 10% of our brains while most Animals use the full 100%. Why? The truth is, this is not true for all Humans but perhaps true for the Humans "they" have studied. But if we were to study the animal kingdom, most animals spend a great deal of time "sensing" or in empathy with their own, and especially their environment.

Humans are programmed to be cut off from empathy and emotional intelligence, thus "some of us" do not use all the feature of our receiver/transmitter- the brain. The 10% they speak of is all the brain needs to manage our bodies, the other 90% is for everything else ourselves the body. We can pick up signals from all over the Universe if we focused.

The skin, the largest organ and the protector of the body is also an extension of the brain. So while all the "we are the world" people are singing about not seeing skin color. Skin color is supposed to show us what type of signals that brain is absorbing and reflecting.

It's no wonder Blacks with White Leaders/Educators become just as "retarded" was the ones leading them. How can you allow someone that can't even pick up on "your own signals" to lead you?

Our "hue" says what methods we are using to deal with the information and energy around us. A dark hue says- I keep or store all my information and energy. I deal with it. I absorb all of it and work with it. Even if it's harmful I can convert it into something useful. That's actually what the dark hue means in the natural world. The lightest hue in the spectrum would say the very opposite. It doesn't store allot of information and energy, it rejects it, it doesn't want it and can't handle it. It takes just enough to get by.

While no one thus far has related Genetic Resonance to race, for me it is the most concrete. You don't even have to use a microscope to study it and how it relates to race. Racism is a psychological disorder. Self hatred is a psychological disorder. Our inability to group together and organize is also grounded in collective psychological disorders. Instead of creating classifications we can all use as a whole nation we run around looking for classifications to declare ourselves as smaller and smaller groups and tribes?

What Genetic Resonance often says is that we continue to create actions that are "reactions" to what was done by our Parents, families and Ancestors.
What is also said about Genetic Resonance is that we inherit the love & pain debt of our Parents.

For example, through family constellation methods a Woman might learn about why she continues to find Men who are not good providers to Father her children. It may not be because her own Father was not a good provider or was an absentee Father- but because her Mother had a relationship with a Man before her Father, a Man she was very much in love with- but she broke up with him because of financial reasons.

She inherited her Mother's love debt.

So now let's think about White hatred for Blacks. Is there also a love and pain debt in the works there as well? What happens when a Black Man or Black Woman that truly HATES Black people, hate being Black, hate being part of Black society or even being called Black, Hate their dark skin....and yet runs off and mates with a White Man or Woman in order to produce a lighter skinned half Black half White offspring?

Certainly that mixed child would have to exercise that hatred in some form, or at least a reaction to it. That reaction could be positive too. Sometimes our lighter skinned Blacks are more Pro-Black than those of us darker than berries. Who has not seen the truth of this?

But if that method of mixing continues, eventually we would get a J. Edgar Hoover. Someone that can pass for White but still has an ethnic hatred for the little Black blood within him.

And that's how black birds get trapped in white cages.

Remember there was a time when race mixing was strictly forbidden by the Elders. Again, Genetic Resonance is ancient. The Spiritual Elders always knew of their bodies as storage houses or temples for memories of that family-nation or tribe. "Africa" - Afu-ra-ka itself is the "house of god's soul."

The greater truth here is that "ethic classification" has more to do with "consciousness" than actual skin color. There are just as many Black officers pulling Blacks out of cars and beating them too. Consciousness is a signal, and if we choose to pick up on that signal and use it to define our reality then that is who we are.

The good news perhaps is that "healthy" Blacks can manage many levels of consciousness without being corrupted or disillusioned. Heal-thy= means you are in a constant state of healing thy self. Every single moment.

Who decides the characteristics that defines our ethnicity? Meaning. Who determines why some people are called "white" some "black" some "Asian" or "Latino?"

It might appear that certain established systems decide our ethnicity and we simply go along with it. For example, a Black family 2-3 generations in China would not be classified as Chinese? Nor Asian. They would in fact be defined by their previous homeland.

Interesting fact considering the millions of Blacks in America that refer to themselves as African American.

Still. Perhaps it is no fault of our own since these established systems aren't controlled by us. Since everyone agrees to be these titles- black, white, asian or latino....who is the wiser? We agree to these terms to create a base of uniformity with our peers. Just the same, there are Moors or Hebrew Israelites that detest being called African.

The interesting thing about these ethic classifications, is that they change. Research into the "invention of the white race" has made that very clear. But what about other races? Does the "one drop rule" apply to all races? If any race on the planet mixes with a Black Man or Black Woman does that child immediately become Black?

The African has already been mixing and "producing" races on the planet long before the arrival or "invention" of the white race.


The slanted eye Asian "is" an African, those features are currently found in South Africa especially. All the races are offsprings of different African hues.

It seems to difficult to comprehend at first, how it is possible for all of these hues to come out of one gene pool. Well, grab a handful of soil and sift through it. Even soil that appears dark will have many different colored grains with it.

So let's get to this term - "Black President"- considering what was just said, is President Obama really the first Black President? And no, I'm not talking about John Hanson.

Why are some sources now saying there were actually FIVE other Black Presidents? Is it possible that "passing for white" is very common in America, even in the White House?

Is this the real reason Obama wanted to swear in on Abraham Lincoln's Bible?


5 Black Presidents

True enough, you can't believe everything you read on the internet. But is it possible? Knowing the history of America of course it is. Millions of White Slave owners fathered many children with their female slaves, some of them mixed in well enough to pass for white. Many so-called Whites have Black ancestry right here in America and would deny it only to prove their racial purity. This is fact. What we must realize about "the one drop rule" is that mixed Blacks often times do not mix with Blacks!


IE If Halle Berry's daugther repeats the pattern of her Mother her offspring will be able to pass for white more successfully than their Mother and GrandMother. This is something that has been done for generations within the community of so-called Whites- those that many of us view as the ruling class.

And if it still seems impossible for there to be 5 Black Presidents before Obama, let's ask ourselves again who decides the classification. Because guess what, if a person calls themselves White- most likely none of us will challenge them especially if this person has light skin and straight hair. This also means that if a Black person calls themselves White and goes unchallenged? They are White! Period.

And don't think Abe Lincoln had to be White just because of his history with Slaves.

J. Edgar Hoover was Black. And this is not something I know from the internet, I know a Author working on the book as we speak. It's a deep history that will shock the world.


The deep seated hatred for Blacks in this Man's heart was so obvious. Was he simply a black bird trapped in a white cage?

peace god..

now this is what I'm taling about..........

please let me know when that book comes out!

true indeed, his hate was so strong and undermining that when he showed Dr. King (a peaceful man) the evidence of what he had against him that evidence made Dr. King call him a "great man" when he left J. edgars office......

J. edgars conflict within may have also led to his high heeled shoe wearing as well...

I will start doing some research, but i look forward to reading the book....

& remember he swore on Abe's bible the first time, the 2nd time there was no bible used at all....

if i'm not mistaken that was a picture of Thomas Payne in the backround to the 2nd oath taking in the backround in the war room.....

During his imprisonment, Paine embarked on his third influential work, The Age of Reason (London and Boston, 1794-95). A deist manifesto to the core, Paine acknowledged his debt to Newton and declared that nature was the only form of divine revelation, for God had clearly established a uniform, immutable and eternal order throughout creation. Paine rejected Christianity, denied that the Bible was the revealed word of God, condemned many of the Old Testament stories as immoral and claimed that the Gospels were marred by discrepancies. There was nothing really that new in Paine's argument, but the bitterness of his attack on the Christian churches and his attempt to preach deism to the masses made him more enemies than before.

Amazing, brotha Meta.

The night before you wrote this I was thinking about this and my thoughts were so compelling that I called brotha oldsoul so I would not lose them in the forgetfulness of sleep. So he is my witness that you are indeed meta.

I was wondering why it is that we recognize different ethnic groups among whites: Polish, German, Irish, Swede etc., but when asked what ethnic grou I am in I say simply that I am Black.

If we look at this simplistically we might say we don't want to further divide the race by seeing ourselves in different ethnic groups. But I raised the stakes on this question with the following scenario: Suppose scientists found the cure to death. Suppose they found a way for humans to live forever. Now suppose this cure was so expensive and so rare that they could not give it to everyone so they decide to give it to one hundred members of each ethnic group. They give it to one hundred Blacks and are done with us. Then they give it to one hundred Poles, one hundred Germans, One hundred Irish... get the picture?

What then is the difference between race and ethnicity? Since there really is no such thing as a white race there is an emphasis on ethnicity among those who classify themselves as white. In fact, they don't even thinkof themselves as white until a non white person comes on the scene. Conversely, since we have ben cut off from the knowledge of our respctive African countries we cannot say "I'm Kenyan and I'm proud" or "I'm Yoruba and I'm proud" so we say the only thing we can say "I'm Black and I'm proud."
It only means your "signals" are very strong Queen River. In fact that same concept about giving 100 people the cure for death has been in back of my mind as well. One that might be worth it's own story by itself! When doing research to find the true ethnicity of some so-called Whites, I realized also that race and ethnicity do not go hand in hand.


Bill Maher is classified as -White. But his Mother is Jewish. Is he not a Jew?
Now we would call him White as well. Yet Jewish people have never been classified as White historically.

For example, a person can call themselves a Jew. But what is a Jew? A Jewish person on one hand is someone that follows Judaism. On another Jews have become an ethnicity and have defined certain characteristics physical and social that separate them. Like Maher's nose. But when someone says I come from Jewish heritage what does that mean? The ethic classification or the religion?

There are millions of Jews that don't follow Judaism. What I also find interesting is that - as you said- it's not until a "non-white" person is in the mix that most so-called Whites use that classification. What's also interesting is that the larger body of so-called White America are mixed with either Native American or African blood lines- but still claim the heritage of their native homeland- Poland, Ireland, Europe etc.

The color of the hair, eyes and the shape of the nose and lips are usually a dead giveaway from who is White and who is playing White. Blacks can ask this question, how did some Africans in America get native American blood in them without Whites getting any? The truth is Europe had White slaves too, the same ones that later became our overseers. We we all mixed with tribes in order to survive at some point. In fact, some native American tribes completely melted away and became classified as negros.

Most of the time "white" is used as an eraser, to rub away that family's homeland and background. In Genetic Resonance, if that memory is erased the person would in fact become lighter or the lightest hue in the spectrum, which is what we see when we look at the palms of our hands or feet.

People like Angelina Jolie, Dwayne ''The Rock'' Johnson and Vin Diesel are called ethnically ambiguous because they can play different racial groups. But they are all Non-Whites.

Now everyone is wondering why Charlie Sheen called his ex Denise Richards "a f--ing n*gger" it could be, perhaps that she is mixed. Allot of these Women dye their hair blonde to hide their true ethnicity. Or it could be because they called her "fish lips" in school because of her full lips.



It's your own business if you want to pass for white. The problem however is when you are passing for white because of self hatred like Hoover.

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