Black People : Bithia; the Jewel in the Nile...

Chevron Dove

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2009
Bithia; the Jewel in the Nile,
the Adoptive Mother of Moses

4022 BC---3882---2356--------1436-------------Roman Era--------------AD 2008
-----------------------------------1516 BC----------------------------------------------

Moses: 1516-1396 BC

Bithia or more precisely, Tabitha [Tabithia] came from a line of ethnic women of whom had ethnic names like herself. She was most likely the Great Grand-Daughter of Isis and the Grand Daughter of Hatshepsut II Merire. Like the Bible states, she was also the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt of the 18th Dynasty, the Moses Line of kings. But by this time, the actual inherited line of men had long ended. In earlier times before Tabitha was born, an original Moses pharaoh, king Amenophis I, of whom was directly related to the founding brothers of the line had no son. His son had died before him. Therefore, another man took over the Moses line and became the next king of Egypt. Although this man was not related to the Moses line of men, he was Hamitic-typed and he was married to the sister of Amenophis I. So eventhough, technically, this was the end of the true-Moses pharaohs, the line continued onward through the connection to the women. The brother-in-law to Amenophis I then, adopted the name ‘Moses’ and thus became known as ‘Thutmoses’ [Thutmosis] and, the children of that union carried on the rule of this dynastic line. This would be the lineage of Tabitha.

Tabitha was the daughter of an ethnic royal woman, Merire, and the infamous pharaoh, Amenophis II, and he was the man that ordered ‘the baby killing edict’ against the Hebrews. Tabitha became caught up in a world in which her father had began to practice ‘the baby killing cult’ [Tophet], a practice that he caused to be brought to North Africa byway of the Asian* women he began to bring into his court from Western Asia [Iran-Persia] at that time. He was an evil black man and a forerunner of Herod-the-great, another evil black man, that would do the same thing about 1500 years later in service to the Asian women he worshiped:

“This Asiatic influence was equally apparent in religion, with the rise of the cults of Astarte, the goddess of horse-riders, and Reshef. The infiltration of Syro-Palestinian culture into Egypt had begun in the Middle Kingdom; . . .” pg 218.

“His successor, Aakheperure Amenophis II, . . . a cruelty intended to demoralize enemies, . . . His prowess has emerged both from the practice of military sports, which he considered an honourable activity, and the pursuit of various activities derived originally from western Asia.” pg 218.

“Among the prisoners of war . . . They are synonymous with the Hebrews mentioned in the Amarna correspondence; by Amenophis II’s time they seem to have become integrated into the societies to which they had emigrated, . . .” pg 219.

A History of Ancient Egypt, by Nicolas Grimal, Copyright, 1992, Blackwell Publishers, Massachusetts USA.

Tabitha was born into a world in which she became subservient to Asian women brought into Egypt and elevated higher than her women kind. According to the Bible, this king initially tried to exploit the ethnic Phut Hamitic-typed women with in his realm to kill the Hebrew babies upon birth. When a particular nurse refused to do it, he then decided to pass the edict and thus, the police force was dispatched throughout the delta region to forcibly take newborn baby malefactors from the arms of the Hebrews and kill them. On the surface, it was written to have been done as a cultic practice in dedication to a cult god. But in reality, this incredible process was done because of arrogance, envy and deep seeded hatred against all black people. Because the Hebrew ‘Grain slaves’ began to profess that the earthquakes of which began to occur was as a result to their bondage and that it was a sign that God was going to judge the Egyptians, Amenophis II passed this edict to crush their hope.

According to the Biblical Stephen in the Book of Acts, the Hebrews themselves became moved with envy, one against another, and it was also by this process that newly born baby boys were pointed out and taken away from families and killed. It would be 80 years later after this horrible ordeal that the government of Egypt would become judged for such an act. But it did come.

Tabitha felt the compassion of the Hebrews because she too, was like the Phut Hamitic nurse, black. Although her people and the Thutmosis pharaohs were not of the original line, they were still black. The root name ‘Thut’ [Tut] connects these kind of men from the northern lands of ancient Turkey [Anatolia]. Therefore, the Thutmosis pharaohs that assumed the throne of the Moses line were really, Thoths, of whom came from the powerful Hittite [white] dominated governmental system of the land of Turkey. They were Hurrians. It was a ying-yang (black-white) caste system in which the minority Hittites were the ruling class and the Hethites headed up the military system that all Hamitic-typed people fell under.

The Hurrian culture by the lifetime of Tabitha was old and there were many cultures that existed all over the Mediterranean world and beyond. The original Hurrians were actually Hamitic people from Nimrod’s Babylon of the famous Ur of the Chaldees. But as people left this land, each Hurrian culture became unique based upon the land in which it was reformed. For instance, there was an Hurrian culture [Shurian] in Assyria, a Hurrian culture in Iran [Elam], a Hurrian culture in Nubia and elsewhere. Tabitha’s line came from Northern Turkey to become apart of the system of Central Turkey (the City of Hattusas) before coming to Egypt. They were Khety-an Hurrians (Kheth-Canaanite-Hurrians) and her name remained a dominant name in that region of Turkey for thousands of years. Also, by that time of her life, the whole country of Turkey [Anatolia] was inhabited by many different kinds of black people. It would be like taking a heavy black population of city people such as in Washington D.C. and putting it down in one area of Turkey and then repeating the process all over Turkey. Ancient Turkey was a Meggido of black people! It was a metropolis filled with black people all over ancient Turkey for thousands and thousands of years, right up until the Black Genocide that began to occur in the A.D. 1500s-- THE POWER OF THE INVENTION OF THE GUN!

The Thoths [Tutmosis kings] are also connected to the land of Turkey in another way. They were the ones that brought the new idea of ‘tomb building’, a practice that was common in the land of Turkey. It was a land of many underground cities. These Thutmosis men came from a land of tunnel diggers. They came from the Northern regions near ancient Troy [the Troglodytes] and near cities with such names as ‘Bithia’ [Bithynia; New Birth], ‘Samsun’, ‘Pontus’, ‘the Dardanelles’, ‘Maramara’ and etc. and where cities continued to keep ‘black names’ for millenniums. Contrary to popular belief, the Black Sea was not called as such because the water was deep and black!

But on one fateful morning when Tabitha went down to the Nile river to wash . . . she saw a little ark sitting in the water amongst the flags. Soon Jochebed found out the good news when her little girl came back to her to tell her that her baby brother did not drown. She told her desperate mother that the royal daughter had taken up the baby. This ‘jewel in the Nile’ thus summoned the mother of the little Hebrew baby boy and gave the baby back to Jochebed under royal protection. Thus Jochebed was paid wages to nurse her own baby and was allowed to bond with her baby for a time because of this black girl, the very daughter of the pharaoh of whom ordered such a devastation in the land.

Tabitha eventually took Moses permanently and had him raised up in the Egyptian court and, when Moses grew up, he got her in all kinds of trouble! She became disgraced and the white women of the royal court put her out! But with in the next forty years that Moses was living in the Sinai Peninsula, Tabitha ended up in the line of Judah and bore children for a Hebrew man. Tabitha became ‘a Tabernacle’ [a Sabbath; Tab or Bath] for Israel. She became a resting place for the children of the living God . . . and God rewarded her:

. . . And he shall hide me in his pavilion, in the secret of his Tabernacle shall he hide me!
PSALMS 27:5.

Tophet of Carthage
Map of Turkey
Bithynia [Bithia]
Pontus [Phoenician-Greeks; roots of Pontius Pilate!]

*the term ‘Asian’ today is not the same as it was in ancient times. The technical definition of the term ‘Asian’ means ‘ash’ [var. ‘As’] or more specifically, ‘white’ [white or Hittite].
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First Printed on June 6, 2008 [edited]
Bithia; the Jewel in the Nile,
the Adoptive Mother of Moses

4022 BC---3882---2356--------1436-------------Roman Era--------------AD 2008
-----------------------------------1516 BC----------------------------------------------

Moses: 1516-1396 BC

Bithia or more precisely, Tabitha [Tabithia] came from a line of ethnic women of whom had ethnic names like herself. She was most likely the Great Grand-Daughter of Isis and the Grand Daughter of Hatshepsut II Merire. Like the Bible states, she was also the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt of the 18th Dynasty, the Moses Line of kings. But by this time, the actual inherited line of men had long ended. In earlier times before Tabitha was born, an original Moses pharaoh, king Amenophis I, of whom was directly related to the founding brothers of the line had no son. His son had died before him. Therefore, another man took over the Moses line and became the next king of Egypt. Although this man was not related to the Moses line of men, he was Hamitic-typed and he was married to the sister of Amenophis I. So eventhough, technically, this was the end of the true-Moses pharaohs, the line continued onward through the connection to the women. The brother-in-law to Amenophis I then, adopted the name ‘Moses’ and thus became known as ‘Thutmoses’ [Thutmosis] and, the children of that union carried on the rule of this dynastic line. This would be the lineage of Tabitha.

Tabitha was the daughter of an ethnic royal woman, Merire, and the infamous pharaoh, Amenophis II, and he was the man that ordered ‘the baby killing edict’ against the Hebrews. Tabitha became caught up in a world in which her father had began to practice ‘the baby killing cult’ [Tophet], a practice that he caused to be brought to North Africa byway of the Asian* women he began to bring into his court from Western Asia [Iran-Persia] at that time. He was an evil black man and a forerunner of Herod-the-great, another evil black man, that would do the same thing about 1500 years later in service to the Asian women he worshiped:

“This Asiatic influence was equally apparent in religion, with the rise of the cults of Astarte, the goddess of horse-riders, and Reshef. The infiltration of Syro-Palestinian culture into Egypt had begun in the Middle Kingdom; . . .” pg 218.

“His successor, Aakheperure Amenophis II, . . . a cruelty intended to demoralize enemies, . . . His prowess has emerged both from the practice of military sports, which he considered an honourable activity, and the pursuit of various activities derived originally from western Asia.” pg 218.

“Among the prisoners of war . . . They are synonymous with the Hebrews mentioned in the Amarna correspondence; by Amenophis II’s time they seem to have become integrated into the societies to which they had emigrated, . . .” pg 219.

A History of Ancient Egypt, by Nicolas Grimal, Copyright, 1992, Blackwell Publishers, Massachusetts USA.

Tabitha was born into a world in which she became subservient to Asian women brought into Egypt and elevated higher than her women kind. According to the Bible, this king initially tried to exploit the ethnic Phut Hamitic-typed women with in his realm to kill the Hebrew babies upon birth. When a particular nurse refused to do it, he then decided to pass the edict and thus, the police force was dispatched throughout the delta region to forcibly take newborn baby malefactors from the arms of the Hebrews and kill them. On the surface, it was written to have been done as a cultic practice in dedication to a cult god. But in reality, this incredible process was done because of arrogance, envy and deep seeded hatred against all black people. Because the Hebrew ‘Grain slaves’ began to profess that the earthquakes of which began to occur was as a result to their bondage and that it was a sign that God was going to judge the Egyptians, Amenophis II passed this edict to crush their hope.

According to the Biblical Stephen in the Book of Acts, the Hebrews themselves became moved with envy, one against another, and it was also by this process that newly born baby boys were pointed out and taken away from families and killed. It would be 80 years later after this horrible ordeal that the government of Egypt would become judged for such an act. But it did come.

Tabitha felt the compassion of the Hebrews because she too, was like the Phut Hamitic nurse, black. Although her people and the Thutmosis pharaohs were not of the original line, they were still black. The root name ‘Thut’ [Tut] connects these kind of men from the northern lands of ancient Turkey [Anatolia]. Therefore, the Thutmosis pharaohs that assumed the throne of the Moses line were really, Thoths, of whom came from the powerful Hittite [white] dominated governmental system of the land of Turkey. They were Hurrians. It was a ying-yang (black-white) caste system in which the minority Hittites were the ruling class and the Hethites headed up the military system that all Hamitic-typed people fell under.

The Hurrian culture by the lifetime of Tabitha was old and there were many cultures that existed all over the Mediterranean world and beyond. The original Hurrians were actually Hamitic people from Nimrod’s Babylon of the famous Ur of the Chaldees. But as people left this land, each Hurrian culture became unique based upon the land in which it was reformed. For instance, there was an Hurrian culture [Shurian] in Assyria, a Hurrian culture in Iran [Elam], a Hurrian culture in Nubia and elsewhere. Tabitha’s line came from Northern Turkey to become apart of the system of Central Turkey (the City of Hattusas) before coming to Egypt. They were Khety-an Hurrians (Kheth-Canaanite-Hurrians) and her name remained a dominant name in that region of Turkey for thousands of years. Also, by that time of her life, the whole country of Turkey [Anatolia] was inhabited by many different kinds of black people. It would be like taking a heavy black population of city people such as in Washington D.C. and putting it down in one area of Turkey and then repeating the process all over Turkey. Ancient Turkey was a Meggido of black people! It was a metropolis filled with black people all over ancient Turkey for thousands and thousands of years, right up until the Black Genocide that began to occur in the A.D. 1500s-- THE POWER OF THE INVENTION OF THE GUN!

The Thoths [Tutmosis kings] are also connected to the land of Turkey in another way. They were the ones that brought the new idea of ‘tomb building’, a practice that was common in the land of Turkey. It was a land of many underground cities. These Thutmosis men came from a land of tunnel diggers. They came from the Northern regions near ancient Troy [the Troglodytes] and near cities with such names as ‘Bithia’ [Bithynia; New Birth], ‘Samsun’, ‘Pontus’, ‘the Dardanelles’, ‘Maramara’ and etc. and where cities continued to keep ‘black names’ for millenniums. Contrary to popular belief, the Black Sea was not called as such because the water was deep and black!

But on one fateful morning when Tabitha went down to the Nile river to wash . . . she saw a little ark sitting in the water amongst the flags. Soon Jochebed found out the good news when her little girl came back to her to tell her that her baby brother did not drown. She told her desperate mother that the royal daughter had taken up the baby. This ‘jewel in the Nile’ thus summoned the mother of the little Hebrew baby boy and gave the baby back to Jochebed under royal protection. Thus Jochebed was paid wages to nurse her own baby and was allowed to bond with her baby for a time because of this black girl, the very daughter of the pharaoh of whom ordered such a devastation in the land.

Tabitha eventually took Moses permanently and had him raised up in the Egyptian court and, when Moses grew up, he got her in all kinds of trouble! She became disgraced and the white women of the royal court put her out! But with in the next forty years that Moses was living in the Sinai Peninsula, Tabitha ended up in the line of Judah and bore children for a Hebrew man. Tabitha became ‘a Tabernacle’ [a Sabbath; Tab or Bath] for Israel. She became a resting place for the children of the living God . . . and God rewarded her:

. . . And he shall hide me in his pavilion, in the secret of his Tabernacle shall he hide me!
PSALMS 27:5.

Tophet of Carthage
Map of Turkey
Bithynia [Bithia]
Pontus [Phoenician-Greeks; roots of Pontius Pilate!]

*the term ‘Asian’ today is not the same as it was in ancient times. The technical definition of the term ‘Asian’ means ‘ash’ [var. ‘As’] or more specifically, ‘white’ [white or Hittite].
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First Printed on June 6, 2008 [edited]

Honestly.....and I mean this from my heart....I do not mean any ill intent or mean to be dissin anybody....but where in tha h*ll did you get this garbage to post!!?? Obviously it is heavily grounded in "Biblical Hogwash" which has no historical reality to it from the standpoint of the writing you submitted. For a moment I thought this was something that you done studied and put time in to research and cross reference, but I see it isn't. You just went out there and swallowed something hook, line and sinker as if it was all good!! Where ever it came from I want you to know that it is pure garbage at its best and displays the dangers of the internet when it comes to information vs. real study!!

Peace Out!!

Honestly, when I first came to this site, I was so surprised and elated at seeing your name. At first, I thought that you were a famous author of whom wrote text books for the Afrocentric school I once taught at. But later, I realized that you were not. However, I was still interested in some of your research. But now, you just immediately insulted my personal research and I think this sums up your position on other Black people's contribution in so far as trying to reach 'the truth' concerning racial supremacy in the past and present.

If you believe that my research concerning this article is 'Hogwash' then at least respect my contribution and also, dignify your own self and bring out something so that I can see where you are coming from.
Honestly, when I first came to this site, I was so surprised and elated at seeing your name. At first, I thought that you were a famous author of whom wrote text books for the Afrocentric school I once taught at. But later, I realized that you were not. However, I was still interested in some of your research. But now, you just immediately insulted my personal research and I think this sums up your position on other Black people's contribution in so far as trying to reach 'the truth' concerning racial supremacy in the past and present.

If you believe that my research concerning this article is 'Hogwash' then at least respect my contribution and also, dignify your own self and bring out something so that I can see where you are coming from.

Maybe your former teacher and I are related (just joking about being related) as I also write African-centered books and have my own publishing company as well...among other things. However....let me first address you. I'm guilty of not having any tact at times and of using words that may give the impression that I'm insulting when actually I'm not. I guess everything is a matter of perspective and if you felt that way, my apologies. Your post has several problems from a historical perspective and is laced with Biblical over-tones in a fashion structured to give credence and support to a few Biblical stories that have no historical reality at all.

Without having to go all into it, I want you to read what was taught in class this past Saturday and then go back and read the thread you posted so that you'll understand why I said what I said the way that I said it.


So what did we learn in last nights class? We first learned that there was always an intent to keep the masses of people ignorant. We learned that Abraham never existed. We learned that his sons never existed. This of course is backed up by the Bible. We learned that since they never existed that there was no one for the so called 12 tribes of Israel to be born from. We learned that the so called 12 tribes of Israel are nothing more than the zodiac, which of course is backed up by the Bible also. We learned that since there was no Issac or Ishmael to have ever existed and that the stories we are told in Islam and Christianity of Jesus coming from their seed and Muhammad coming from their seed is an outright lie.

We learned that since they never existed that there was no one to ever be in bondage for Moses to supposedly free. We learned that Moses didn't get any 10 commandments from God but instead learned them in ancient Egypt which again the Bible confirms in Act:7:22. We learned that the name Moses was not the historical name he was known by and that the disease we call leprosy was a disease of having "white skin". We learned that the Bible speaks of a people being cursed to be white forever.

We learned that the so called miracles of Moses was the result of historical "natural events" that were recorded by various people all over the globe. We learned as a result of this, that some people played on our lack of knowing history and applied these natural events to Moses as if they were miracles from God and then used it to promote themselves as a so called "Chosen People". We learned that the stories of parting the waters, of Moses rod changing into a serpent and of Moses being found floating in a basket on the water are in fact stories that existed thousands of years before the birth of Moses in ancient Kemet and other civilizations.

We learned that the story of Pharaohs troops being washed away was "actual history" that happened during the rule of Queen Hatshepsut due to volcanic eruptions. We learned that someone was devious enough to also apply that to Moses...even though he wasn't even born yet. We learned that the earth will never be destroyed by fire as the church teaches and that all teachings of this nature are basically calling God a liar because God said in the Bible that He would never destroy the world again. We learned that this lie was created because, "as long as they can keep our people focused on the after life and getting our rewards there....that we would never do anything to try and obtain them in this life, thereby giving our oppressors free rule and free reign.

We learned that the people calling themselves Jews are in fact nothing more than "white people" as confirmed by the Bible and that the false history as it relates to Moses and the false history concerning Abraham and his two sons is the foundation of the lie that they have pushed upon the world all because the world does not know the truth...which of course includes our people also.

We learned the names of a few of our African Prophets....those who lived before a so call fake Abraham, Moses or any of the rest. We learned these things and even more last night as the series entitled; The Process of Healing continues.

I thank those who were in attendance and trust to see ya this Saturday as part two of The Religious Factor continues.


In the Spirit of Sankofa!

Bithia; the Jewel in the Nile,
the Adoptive Mother of Moses

4022 BC---3882---2356--------1436-------------Roman Era--------------AD 2008
-----------------------------------1516 BC----------------------------------------------

Moses: 1516-1396 BC

Bithia or more precisely, Tabitha [Tabithia] came from a line of ethnic women of whom had ethnic names like herself. She was most likely the Great Grand-Daughter of Isis and the Grand Daughter of Hatshepsut II Merire. Like the Bible states, she was also the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt of the 18th Dynasty, the Moses Line of kings. But by this time, the actual inherited line of men had long ended. In earlier times before Tabitha was born, an original Moses pharaoh, king Amenophis I, of whom was directly related to the founding brothers of the line had no son. His son had died before him. Therefore, another man took over the Moses line and became the next king of Egypt. Although this man was not related to the Moses line of men, he was Hamitic-typed and he was married to the sister of Amenophis I. So eventhough, technically, this was the end of the true-Moses pharaohs, the line continued onward through the connection to the women. The brother-in-law to Amenophis I then, adopted the name ‘Moses’ and thus became known as ‘Thutmoses’ [Thutmosis] and, the children of that union carried on the rule of this dynastic line. This would be the lineage of Tabitha.

Tabitha was the daughter of an ethnic royal woman, Merire, and the infamous pharaoh, Amenophis II, and he was the man that ordered ‘the baby killing edict’ against the Hebrews. Tabitha became caught up in a world in which her father had began to practice ‘the baby killing cult’ [Tophet], a practice that he caused to be brought to North Africa byway of the Asian* women he began to bring into his court from Western Asia [Iran-Persia] at that time. He was an evil black man and a forerunner of Herod-the-great, another evil black man, that would do the same thing about 1500 years later in service to the Asian women he worshiped:

“This Asiatic influence was equally apparent in religion, with the rise of the cults of Astarte, the goddess of horse-riders, and Reshef. The infiltration of Syro-Palestinian culture into Egypt had begun in the Middle Kingdom; . . .” pg 218.

“His successor, Aakheperure Amenophis II, . . . a cruelty intended to demoralize enemies, . . . His prowess has emerged both from the practice of military sports, which he considered an honourable activity, and the pursuit of various activities derived originally from western Asia.” pg 218.

“Among the prisoners of war . . . They are synonymous with the Hebrews mentioned in the Amarna correspondence; by Amenophis II’s time they seem to have become integrated into the societies to which they had emigrated, . . .” pg 219.

A History of Ancient Egypt, by Nicolas Grimal, Copyright, 1992, Blackwell Publishers, Massachusetts USA.

Tabitha was born into a world in which she became subservient to Asian women brought into Egypt and elevated higher than her women kind. According to the Bible, this king initially tried to exploit the ethnic Phut Hamitic-typed women with in his realm to kill the Hebrew babies upon birth. When a particular nurse refused to do it, he then decided to pass the edict and thus, the police force was dispatched throughout the delta region to forcibly take newborn baby malefactors from the arms of the Hebrews and kill them. On the surface, it was written to have been done as a cultic practice in dedication to a cult god. But in reality, this incredible process was done because of arrogance, envy and deep seeded hatred against all black people. Because the Hebrew ‘Grain slaves’ began to profess that the earthquakes of which began to occur was as a result to their bondage and that it was a sign that God was going to judge the Egyptians, Amenophis II passed this edict to crush their hope.

According to the Biblical Stephen in the Book of Acts, the Hebrews themselves became moved with envy, one against another, and it was also by this process that newly born baby boys were pointed out and taken away from families and killed. It would be 80 years later after this horrible ordeal that the government of Egypt would become judged for such an act. But it did come.

Tabitha felt the compassion of the Hebrews because she too, was like the Phut Hamitic nurse, black. Although her people and the Thutmosis pharaohs were not of the original line, they were still black. The root name ‘Thut’ [Tut] connects these kind of men from the northern lands of ancient Turkey [Anatolia]. Therefore, the Thutmosis pharaohs that assumed the throne of the Moses line were really, Thoths, of whom came from the powerful Hittite [white] dominated governmental system of the land of Turkey. They were Hurrians. It was a ying-yang (black-white) caste system in which the minority Hittites were the ruling class and the Hethites headed up the military system that all Hamitic-typed people fell under.

The Hurrian culture by the lifetime of Tabitha was old and there were many cultures that existed all over the Mediterranean world and beyond. The original Hurrians were actually Hamitic people from Nimrod’s Babylon of the famous Ur of the Chaldees. But as people left this land, each Hurrian culture became unique based upon the land in which it was reformed. For instance, there was an Hurrian culture [Shurian] in Assyria, a Hurrian culture in Iran [Elam], a Hurrian culture in Nubia and elsewhere. Tabitha’s line came from Northern Turkey to become apart of the system of Central Turkey (the City of Hattusas) before coming to Egypt. They were Khety-an Hurrians (Kheth-Canaanite-Hurrians) and her name remained a dominant name in that region of Turkey for thousands of years. Also, by that time of her life, the whole country of Turkey [Anatolia] was inhabited by many different kinds of black people. It would be like taking a heavy black population of city people such as in Washington D.C. and putting it down in one area of Turkey and then repeating the process all over Turkey. Ancient Turkey was a Meggido of black people! It was a metropolis filled with black people all over ancient Turkey for thousands and thousands of years, right up until the Black Genocide that began to occur in the A.D. 1500s-- THE POWER OF THE INVENTION OF THE GUN!

The Thoths [Tutmosis kings] are also connected to the land of Turkey in another way. They were the ones that brought the new idea of ‘tomb building’, a practice that was common in the land of Turkey. It was a land of many underground cities. These Thutmosis men came from a land of tunnel diggers. They came from the Northern regions near ancient Troy [the Troglodytes] and near cities with such names as ‘Bithia’ [Bithynia; New Birth], ‘Samsun’, ‘Pontus’, ‘the Dardanelles’, ‘Maramara’ and etc. and where cities continued to keep ‘black names’ for millenniums. Contrary to popular belief, the Black Sea was not called as such because the water was deep and black!

But on one fateful morning when Tabitha went down to the Nile river to wash . . . she saw a little ark sitting in the water amongst the flags. Soon Jochebed found out the good news when her little girl came back to her to tell her that her baby brother did not drown. She told her desperate mother that the royal daughter had taken up the baby. This ‘jewel in the Nile’ thus summoned the mother of the little Hebrew baby boy and gave the baby back to Jochebed under royal protection. Thus Jochebed was paid wages to nurse her own baby and was allowed to bond with her baby for a time because of this black girl, the very daughter of the pharaoh of whom ordered such a devastation in the land.

Tabitha eventually took Moses permanently and had him raised up in the Egyptian court and, when Moses grew up, he got her in all kinds of trouble! She became disgraced and the white women of the royal court put her out! But with in the next forty years that Moses was living in the Sinai Peninsula, Tabitha ended up in the line of Judah and bore children for a Hebrew man. Tabitha became ‘a Tabernacle’ [a Sabbath; Tab or Bath] for Israel. She became a resting place for the children of the living God . . . and God rewarded her:

. . . And he shall hide me in his pavilion, in the secret of his Tabernacle shall he hide me!
PSALMS 27:5.

Tophet of Carthage
Map of Turkey
Bithynia [Bithia]
Pontus [Phoenician-Greeks; roots of Pontius Pilate!]

*the term ‘Asian’ today is not the same as it was in ancient times. The technical definition of the term ‘Asian’ means ‘ash’ [var. ‘As’] or more specifically, ‘white’ [white or Hittite].
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First Printed on June 6, 2008 [edited]

Chevron Dove,

Very brave of you to research this bit of history from a black perspective, and your presentation of it is admirable. I do have several questions, but they can wait for now. Also, would you go back over the links you cite at the bottom of the page and make them accessible, I think you may have done something wrong at posting...Peace In my sister friend.



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