Chief Elder Osiris : Bill Cosby, "Poor Blacks Can't Speak English.

Did'nt we always have a language of our own? From the very time our people were kidnapped from the motherland. Even after they killed and beat our language out of us. We had song and pig-latin. As I was growing-up in the late 70's the language was called slang. Now it is called ebonics. We are a unique people. We have always had our own language. And from what I see, The white man and his children are rapidly trying to understand what we are talking about. Is'nt ebonics a college course now? See, When we start kicking our own creativity in a language that they don't understand, yt gets nervous and puts the pressure on our so called well educated black people, who are so desparatly trying to fit in their circle. Speaking slang did'nt hinder my ability to speak on an interview. And I don't believe it hinders my young people either. They know how to turn on the bull when trying to get something that they want. Mr.Cosby, himself dropped out of school in the tenth grade. Although he continued his education once in the service, he too came from the ghetto and conquered his dreams. I guess with each step he took toward being accepted in white society, he lost a piece of his past.
I think the NAACP did'nt respond accordingly to Mr.Cosby's was because he caught them off guard with his remarks. (Smh) With the Civil Rights Movement, Womens Liberations, And the poisoning of my people with the drugs boom going on, My people lost sight of the reality of the white man's intentions to keep us as an oppressed people. We lost our identity and have been struggling even more so every since.
PurpleMoons said:
Did'nt we always have a language of our own? From the very time our people were kidnapped from the motherland. Even after they killed and beat our language out of us. We had song and pig-latin. As I was growing-up in the late 70's the language was called slang. Now it is called ebonics. We are a unique people. We have always had our own language. And from what I see, The white man and his children are rapidly trying to understand what we are talking about. Is'nt ebonics a college course now? See, When we start kicking our own creativity in a language that they don't understand, yt gets nervous and puts the pressure on our so called well educated black people, who are so desparatly trying to fit in their circle. Speaking slang did'nt hinder my ability to speak on an interview. And I don't believe it hinders my young people either. They know how to turn on the bull when trying to get something that they want. Mr.Cosby, himself dropped out of school in the tenth grade. Although he continued his education once in the service, he too came from the ghetto and conquered his dreams. I guess with each step he took toward being accepted in white society, he lost a piece of his past.
I think the NAACP did'nt respond accordingly to Mr.Cosby's was because he caught them off guard with his remarks. (Smh) With the Civil Rights Movement, Womens Liberations, And the poisoning of my people with the drugs boom going on, My people lost sight of the reality of the white man's intentions to keep us as an oppressed people. We lost our identity and have been struggling even more so every since.

You have just articulated what I couldn't in my last 3 or 4 posts. Much love to you and know that we will ALWAYS CREATE, no matter who or what will try to catch on and destroy. One Love.


Ebonics does not lower one's values. I'm sure Cosby spoke it as a child growing up. Fat Albert is proof of that. Values and positive educational messages was delivered to young T.V. viewers of Fat Albert, a telvision show using only Ebonics, so what are you saying? Fat Albert spearheaded Ebonics so What is Cosby Saying. Ebonics is only slang that has been redefined as Ebonics, attributed to uneducated blacks therefore putting a negative connotation on it. Cosby is the one putting black youths down and throwing stones towards something he participated, contributed and spearheaded.
Again, "slang" is and always has been. It exist in all languages. This is just another example of blacks being targeted and stereotyped by the pettiest means as speaking slang and redefining it to degrade, belittle us as a people.

reparation for repatriation=nation state=Africa

Wow, loving this thread. Aum, well said. Bill just wants all Blacks to assimilate to the White lifestyle, when Blacks are just trying to build their own culture in America. He can't get mad at kids for trying to do that. I have mixed feelings however. I do believe education is important, but I do not believe that you have to speak a certain why to be educated.
Wow this was eye opening. I am poor but I can speak different slangs as well as proper english. I'm still struggling. In stead of focusing on raising awareness about speech he ( Mr. Cosby) should be raising awareness about education. Education is what's gonna get you to success. Education on your heritage, history, and also others heritage and history. How can one proceed with out knowing what has been done, what's out there, and where they've been. If one doesn't know these things it's more likely they'll just keep going in the same direction that proved to be fatal the first, second, and third time. I am very disappointed that some one in his position that can up lift and encourage our children, who's supposed to be intelligent could actually say something as dumb as this. No matter how you speak if you have the knowledge no one can take it away from you.(ie talking slang will help you reach the urban patients, you'll understand them and they'll trust you. Knowing what you are talking about will not only impress other patients they will appreciate your individuality) I'm truely disappointed in Mr. Cosby and I ask, why are so many famous African americans belittling them selves and our comunities just to have a white man's approval. It's a shame how our ancestors fought so hard for us and those who have made it has not only act as if all is forgotten they degrade their own people to make them selves feel superior. It's really sad.

Poetic Sista

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