vj57 said:I've been told too many times that I act 'white'. And still can't figure out what that means. Does driving a new car, living in a nice home, working in corporate America, having a college education, etc. takes away one's "blackness"?
Well, going for a job interview acting "ghetto" will not get me a job.
If I was born and raised in Spain, I would probably be speaking Spanish. Since I was born in the US, I speak English. I speak it the way I was taught. I will not resort to "ebonics". That is NOT my native language. If I want to learn the language of black people, I will go to an African country. This ebonics mess is something separatist blacks are making up.
I know what I am, a black woman. Nothing will change that. I'm proud of it. But I don't have to "do black" to be black. Also, I don't have to unperm my hair or wear only afroecentric clothing.
Bill Cosby has a valid point...poor black parents put too much into material things such as expensive sneakers instead of getting some educational books or toys for their children. I've seen welfare kids with expensive sneakers or the mother dressed to the nines while the kid is dressed terribly.
I feel that some blacks are anti-education. Look at how many times they have poked fun at my kids because they don't speak "ebonics" and they are in college.
I may not be in agreement with everything that Bill Cosby says, but he has some valid points.
By the way you are so vehemently opposed to so called EBONICS, you are obviously out of touch with black people as a whole. What's the difference between me saying: "Hello, how are you doing today?" and "What's Up?" I'll tell you. Black people have a unique way of mentally communicating what's on our mind and in our hearts in as few words as possible. This is something that the EUROPEAN mind cannot entirely comprehend. Ask yourself if you are EUROCENTRIC or AFROCENTRIC. If you are EUROCENTRIC chances are you have been missing out on a LARGE part of what is known as the Black Experience. If I say "Y'all" instead of the drawn out "You all", I'll need you as a Black Woman NOT to look at me as an Ignorant Black Man. That's self hatred. Ignorance is Ignorance, period. While you embrace the KING'S ENGLISH and Shun so-called EBONICS you have separated yourself from a part your melanin-family. You stated: "I don't have to "do black" to be black. Also, I don't have to unperm my hair or wear only afroecentric clothing."
If you are indeed a Black Woman, how do you NOT "Do Black"??? Aren't you doing Black everytime you wake up, Breathe, cook, etc.? If you are saying that "Doing Black" is speaking Ignorantly then I feel sorry for ya(<--"ebonics" for 'You') You probably CRINGE when you hear a person of english-speaking Caribbean descent speaking in there native Patois, which is a Beautiful, poetic artform, just the same as so called EBONICS here in the U.S. I grew up in Savanna(h), GA; 4th generation of freed slaves. If I were to speak to you as I grew up speaking to my elders and peers, I believe YOU would think I was from a foreign land. As far as your "Afrocentric clothing" remark, I won't honor that with a response except to say go right ahead and spend your hard earned money on EUROCENTRIC clothing from Prada, Gucci, Dooney & Boorke, etc. that you feel best represents you. Perming your hair is DESTRUCTIVE to your health and an unconscious(I hope) attempt to assimilate into EUROCENTRIC beauty standards...Don't take my word for it, read on: http://destee.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25906
I pray that your eyes be opened to the truth of your being. No doubt, you have denied some, if not all, of what is in this post. Denial is the first step in embracing the truth, so I'm not worried. No one is saying that you should embrace ignorance and stupidity. Of course, you will not advance in corporate Amerikkka (<--ebonic spelling) if your employers cannot understand you. KNOW THYSELF is what your ancestors want you to realize at this now moment. Until then, "Be Easy"(<--ebonics for "Hey, take care of yourself, okay?" in PROPER English). ONE (<---once again, ebonics for "Goodbye, have a pleasant day" in PROPER English)