- Jan 3, 2002
- 1,591
- 172
Hoteph My Dear Beloved Sisters And Brothers:
Beloved what I am about to say, is what you expect me to say, knowing that I
speak not what is expected of Black Folks to say, which really reflect what
we think.
Who is this Man, who appear to reflect to be an authority on poor people and
how we are to speak, which justify Blacks to take the reflection of his (
Cosby ) thinking and take it to the next step and conclude that Mr.Cosby
also think he know how poor people should be thinking.
This I think, would be a little presumptuous of Mr. Cosby, leading us Black
Folks to think of him of thinking that he has the solution to poor people
problems in america and that is, by his thinking, lead us to think that
there is a difference between Black poor people and rich Black people in the
eyes of white america and in order for the two class of us begin to bridge
our gap, is for poor Black people to learn to speak as Mr. Cosby speak,
English and the world of opportunity will fall at the feet of poor people.
Now I know I am not suppose to speak ill of Mr. Cosby, because he speak
English and he has a lot of money to show for how he speak.
Tell me dear beloved, how foolish have we become as we choose to qualify and
quantify Black Folks in america by the way we talk, as if to suggest that is
why Blacks Folks of a poor Scio-economic standing is in the condition we are
in here in america.
Do one wonder what is Mr.Cosby stand on Reparation ?
Have we moved to force him to reveal his stand on Reparation, as he take his
stand on the white man English?
I know, I know, I can hear some of us now, well there is nothing wrong in
telling our people by some one of Mr. Cosby statue and Status, how we should
be speaking, here in america, that is if we want to become as Mr.Cosby, or
some of us would say,it is just the proper way to speak, without expecting
anything in return and I ask the question, Why?
Tell me what will it profit Black poor people to learn the america
phonetics, will it cause a rise in their Scio- economic status in america by
doing so or will it cause them to sound more white american or become more
So tell me my beloved, why is it important for Black people to speak "
proper English ", as oppose to Black people reviving Justice in our life and
work to remove ourselves from the English teaching White Masters.
So tell me, what is the purpose for communicating? Is it not for the purpose
to be understood and not to be judged to see if we qualify for Justice.
Why should Black poor people be concerned in being understood by the likes
of Mr.Cosby and not their peers.
If I am in a fight for Justice, I want my comrades to be able to understand
me, more so than a Mr.Cosby, who has evolved to be my enemy, as he proudly
and some what jokingly, critic my language.
Here is a statement alleged to Mr. Cosby: "Ladies and gentlemen, the lower
economic people are not holding up their end in this deal".
what deal?
"These people are not parenting".
"They are buying things for kids- $500 sneakers for what"? "And they won't
spend $200 for Hooked on phonics".
So I ask, are poor Black people in some kind of contractual deal for
justice, with our oppressors and according to what Mr. Cosby is suggesting,
the deal is if we learn to speak as white folks speaks, our condition as
poor people will change and we are being punished for not speaking white
Also what this bold Black rich man is suggesting, is, poor people will begin
to become parents of acceptable action when they are able to rise above all
of this Scio - economic propaganda and mind conditioning, about what success
represent and become involved in learning how to speak English and begin to
spend less than half than high priced sneakers cost, in order to learn to
speak like white folks.
He is suggesting such would be an acceptable exchange for Black poor
people,because you see, poor Black people do not speak English, not proper
acceptable English.
Cosby is alleged to have said, " they ( poor Black People ) are standing on
the corner and they can not speak English. He is said to have said," I can't
even talk the way these people talk" what a distinction, by a supposed to be
role model and he goes on to mimic poor people, "Why you aint where you is",
tell me is this kind of speaking hard to understand or is it the fact that
it attack the white English and if we want to be considered for upward
mobility we must fall in attention with our speaking.
Mr. Cosby goes on to have said," I blamed the kid until I heard the mother
talk, then I heard the father talk" and then he plays it off by saying, "
everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads",
"you can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth!"
As if to suggest, the only thing that is holding poor people back is the way
we speak.
I am here to tell you my dear beloved, even if we decided to master the
English language and we can, america conditioned poor people would not
change and for Mr.Cosby to even suggest that our problem is so simple, make
him out to be a liar and a dangerous white proper English speaking, Black
rich man.
So beloved, are we poor because of how we speak?
Did our Enslaved Ancestors go through what they did because they spoke not
Is Black Folks Time and condition in america so different now to the point,
all we need to do is learn to speak white folks English and the hand of
Justice will reach down and pull us out of the pit of injustice?
Is our Time to be spent to please white folks or is it to be used to get
away from white folks control?
Is our goal to be to learn English, or should it be to have our Hue - Man
Rights Restored and to let Justice become our drum major as we demand a just
pay for a just labor performed by our Enslaved Ancestors.
Does not Reparation transcend white folks English, in hope for acceptance by
them, on a limited scale and at their pleasure?
Reparation / Repatriation, Nation State Status in Afrika supersede the goal
of becoming a good English speaking ******, in hope for a reward for our
performance, of the oppressor choosing.
Wake up Black Woman and Man, it is Time for your liberation and not
cherishing the thought of speaking in your white master tongue!!!
It Is Time To Condemn The Lie And Elevate The Truth !!!
We Must Cause Trouble Until Our Liberation, Without Compromise!!!
Only The Devil Is Displeased With This Message And With Me.
Complete Love To The Carbon Nation.
Chief Elder
Hierophant, Afrikan Spiritualist
National Chairman
Sankofa Repatriation Movement
The Pan - Afrikan Inter'National Movement
Beloved what I am about to say, is what you expect me to say, knowing that I
speak not what is expected of Black Folks to say, which really reflect what
we think.
Who is this Man, who appear to reflect to be an authority on poor people and
how we are to speak, which justify Blacks to take the reflection of his (
Cosby ) thinking and take it to the next step and conclude that Mr.Cosby
also think he know how poor people should be thinking.
This I think, would be a little presumptuous of Mr. Cosby, leading us Black
Folks to think of him of thinking that he has the solution to poor people
problems in america and that is, by his thinking, lead us to think that
there is a difference between Black poor people and rich Black people in the
eyes of white america and in order for the two class of us begin to bridge
our gap, is for poor Black people to learn to speak as Mr. Cosby speak,
English and the world of opportunity will fall at the feet of poor people.
Now I know I am not suppose to speak ill of Mr. Cosby, because he speak
English and he has a lot of money to show for how he speak.
Tell me dear beloved, how foolish have we become as we choose to qualify and
quantify Black Folks in america by the way we talk, as if to suggest that is
why Blacks Folks of a poor Scio-economic standing is in the condition we are
in here in america.
Do one wonder what is Mr.Cosby stand on Reparation ?
Have we moved to force him to reveal his stand on Reparation, as he take his
stand on the white man English?
I know, I know, I can hear some of us now, well there is nothing wrong in
telling our people by some one of Mr. Cosby statue and Status, how we should
be speaking, here in america, that is if we want to become as Mr.Cosby, or
some of us would say,it is just the proper way to speak, without expecting
anything in return and I ask the question, Why?
Tell me what will it profit Black poor people to learn the america
phonetics, will it cause a rise in their Scio- economic status in america by
doing so or will it cause them to sound more white american or become more
So tell me my beloved, why is it important for Black people to speak "
proper English ", as oppose to Black people reviving Justice in our life and
work to remove ourselves from the English teaching White Masters.
So tell me, what is the purpose for communicating? Is it not for the purpose
to be understood and not to be judged to see if we qualify for Justice.
Why should Black poor people be concerned in being understood by the likes
of Mr.Cosby and not their peers.
If I am in a fight for Justice, I want my comrades to be able to understand
me, more so than a Mr.Cosby, who has evolved to be my enemy, as he proudly
and some what jokingly, critic my language.
Here is a statement alleged to Mr. Cosby: "Ladies and gentlemen, the lower
economic people are not holding up their end in this deal".
what deal?
"These people are not parenting".
"They are buying things for kids- $500 sneakers for what"? "And they won't
spend $200 for Hooked on phonics".
So I ask, are poor Black people in some kind of contractual deal for
justice, with our oppressors and according to what Mr. Cosby is suggesting,
the deal is if we learn to speak as white folks speaks, our condition as
poor people will change and we are being punished for not speaking white
Also what this bold Black rich man is suggesting, is, poor people will begin
to become parents of acceptable action when they are able to rise above all
of this Scio - economic propaganda and mind conditioning, about what success
represent and become involved in learning how to speak English and begin to
spend less than half than high priced sneakers cost, in order to learn to
speak like white folks.
He is suggesting such would be an acceptable exchange for Black poor
people,because you see, poor Black people do not speak English, not proper
acceptable English.
Cosby is alleged to have said, " they ( poor Black People ) are standing on
the corner and they can not speak English. He is said to have said," I can't
even talk the way these people talk" what a distinction, by a supposed to be
role model and he goes on to mimic poor people, "Why you aint where you is",
tell me is this kind of speaking hard to understand or is it the fact that
it attack the white English and if we want to be considered for upward
mobility we must fall in attention with our speaking.
Mr. Cosby goes on to have said," I blamed the kid until I heard the mother
talk, then I heard the father talk" and then he plays it off by saying, "
everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads",
"you can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth!"
As if to suggest, the only thing that is holding poor people back is the way
we speak.
I am here to tell you my dear beloved, even if we decided to master the
English language and we can, america conditioned poor people would not
change and for Mr.Cosby to even suggest that our problem is so simple, make
him out to be a liar and a dangerous white proper English speaking, Black
rich man.
So beloved, are we poor because of how we speak?
Did our Enslaved Ancestors go through what they did because they spoke not
Is Black Folks Time and condition in america so different now to the point,
all we need to do is learn to speak white folks English and the hand of
Justice will reach down and pull us out of the pit of injustice?
Is our Time to be spent to please white folks or is it to be used to get
away from white folks control?
Is our goal to be to learn English, or should it be to have our Hue - Man
Rights Restored and to let Justice become our drum major as we demand a just
pay for a just labor performed by our Enslaved Ancestors.
Does not Reparation transcend white folks English, in hope for acceptance by
them, on a limited scale and at their pleasure?
Reparation / Repatriation, Nation State Status in Afrika supersede the goal
of becoming a good English speaking ******, in hope for a reward for our
performance, of the oppressor choosing.
Wake up Black Woman and Man, it is Time for your liberation and not
cherishing the thought of speaking in your white master tongue!!!
It Is Time To Condemn The Lie And Elevate The Truth !!!
We Must Cause Trouble Until Our Liberation, Without Compromise!!!
Only The Devil Is Displeased With This Message And With Me.
Complete Love To The Carbon Nation.
Chief Elder
Hierophant, Afrikan Spiritualist
National Chairman
Sankofa Repatriation Movement
The Pan - Afrikan Inter'National Movement