Black Spirituality Religion : Bigoted or Good Sense?!


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2013
Even the Republicans have railed against Trump's idea of slamming the door shut on refugees, until we can better vet Muslims. Because, of the Trogon Horse theory where Isis would come in with them. That has been proven as true and is no longer a theory.

What is being said by everyone on both sides of the party aisle is it is unconstitutional to use religion as a reason against a people. I think there is a point that is being entirely overlooked.

The Aztecs were a religious people. They had Priests. They were devout. Would Trump be bigoted to ban the Aztecs from entering this country.

They too were a war like religion: They killed their own disobedient when not falling in line with what the priests said. They cut out the hearts of living people and the blood ran over the alters in streams. They insisted on killing babies, beautiful children to please their god. When they went to war which was a holy war, they'd capture the opposition army soldiers and cut off their feet and throw them back at the opponent's army -- bloody bloody. When there were sport's games of fellow Aztecs, the losing team would forfeit their lives. So the Raiders would have to all be killed if the Cowboys won.

This is a culture, a practice that is ingrained in their religion. So would you want to produce colonies of the Cheetah Priests and their devout followers within America, especially if these people wanted to throw feet of Americans at us, and dominate the world. This cult is a religion of murder. You know what is being claimed. That not letting them into America is bigoted against Aztecs and religion. I am positive that the Aztec had some who were very dear and were victims themselves; but how could you tell who is victim and who killer sadistic?

The Aztec has gone extinct, probably because of famine and killing each other off. Would you want to show compassion and invite them in as refugees because they needed a place to stay and were hungry?

By the way, Trump is not my front runner.
Glenn Beck who is a Libertarian has been over in the Middle East with his crew trying to save the lives of 5000 christians marked for murder and evacuate them. He had hoped to be back last monday but somebody closed down the airports having heard about it. Some of those people have been accepted into other countries. Obama is not accepting them here, but has plans for tens of thousands of Muslims here. The question is who among them is ISIS? Now it is being said on news stations that it is found out it IS the plan of ISIS to come in with them. May I say, "Duh…".

Tonight Beck is going to be on the FOX Megan Kelley show. I don't know what time, look at her schedule. He is going to give quite a report, part of it is going to expose how government officials have "lied" to us. Sounds like :popcorn: time to me.
Sweden after taking Muslim refugees in for a safe haven is now having its native citizens receiving a marked target notice tacked to their doors.The notice has a black flag heading that says, "We are going to come in three days and behead you, burn your house down and then mutilate your decaying bodies."

Is this what Sweden gets for being kind to people of the world? ...ready to teach the refugee their language and provide for their needs as they assimilate into their country to become loved Swedish citizens, they thought?!

So now the Swedes need to carry guns to go shopping. When jobs are impossible because of the numbers and now because of the barbaric threat who'd want to hire any of them, and the government being Socialist is broke already what do you think is going to happen in this country with that mass of hungry war mongers?

In like manner in America if we let these refugees into America, same same, what do you think will happen when the only food around would be in your house? How do you feel about the liberal government wanting to take your guns and prevent you from buying -- Second Amendment rights?

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