Black Spirituality Religion : Bible Prophecies of Muhammad (part 1 of 4): Witnesses of Scholars

And when you get through with all that, just remember to use my NAME: CherryBlossom.

You are the only intersting person in this forum as far as I can tell. I promise to do my best to avoid offending you; even to the point of tolerating your...err "femisism". This mainly to prove to everybody that Muslims are not intersted in fighting with true ebleiving Christians. Christians helped Islam when the help was most needed. No Muslim will ever forget that.

It was a Christian monk who helped Muhammad to understand Revelation. And, it was a Christian monarch who gave refuge to Muslims when we had to flee persecution in Arabia. I think these two facts alone is sufficient foundation for future peace between African Christians and African Muslims.

One last note: Muslims generally disagree with 1 Corinthian 14:34-35. Islam establishes the rights of women. And as far as I know, no other religion does that.
Great. My NAME (CherryBlossom) is never "offensive" to me.

You need an overhaul of your sense of humor:

"Cherry Blossom is a type of chocolate bar produced by Hershey Canada Inc at their Canadian manufacturing facility in Smiths Falls, Ontario. The candy was originally manufactured by The Walter M. Lowney Company of Canada which was taken over by Hershey as a subsidiary brand. It consists of a maraschino cherry and cherry syrup surrounded by a mixture of chocolate, coconut and roasted peanut pieces. The candy is sold in an individually wrapped 45 grams portion, packaged in a close fitting cardboard box.

Contrary to common myth, filling is not injected inside the chocolate. The cherry candy is coated with an enzyme that breaks down the solid into a liquid over the next 1 to 2 weeks.

The Cherry Blossom candy provides 210 calories of food energy. It contains 31% fat, 9% carbohydrate and 4% fiber by weight and a further 2 grams of protein.

It is similar to Kunal's Big Cherries in the United States." (

My little sister would try to kill me if I called her such a silly name.
You need an overhaul of your sense of humor:

"Cherry Blossom is a type of chocolate bar produced by Hershey Canada Inc at their Canadian manufacturing facility in Smiths Falls, Ontario. The candy was originally manufactured by The Walter M. Lowney Company of Canada which was taken over by Hershey as a subsidiary brand. It consists of a maraschino cherry and cherry syrup surrounded by a mixture of chocolate, coconut and roasted peanut pieces. The candy is sold in an individually wrapped 45 grams portion, packaged in a close fitting cardboard box.

Contrary to common myth, filling is not injected inside the chocolate. The cherry candy is coated with an enzyme that breaks down the solid into a liquid over the next 1 to 2 weeks.

The Cherry Blossom candy provides 210 calories of food energy. It contains 31% fat, 9% carbohydrate and 4% fiber by weight and a further 2 grams of protein.

It is similar to Kunal's Big Cherries in the United States." (

My little sister would try to kill me if I called her such a silly name.

There's nothing wrong with my sense of humor.

Moreover, YOU can't tell ME what my screen-name IS or MEANS.
My screen-name here has absolutely nothing to do with any candy bar or type of candy.

When I first joined this site, I explained my screen-name in the
""How and Why did You Pick Your Name" thread.

re: CherryBlossom

I chose this as my name here because it is "supposed" to be the title of a book idea I've had about my mother, but I have not even started on it yet.

One day, the title is "supposed" to be "Cherry Blossoms," a part-fiction account of my mother's life. The title will be ambiguous in meaning, taken as either "Cherry" (the character representing my mother) "blossoms" (as in grows, matures, produces, etc..) OR "cherry blossoms" (as in the offshoots, children of Cherry the mother).

Right now, this book/story is only in my head. So, until I stop being lazy and actually start writing it, it's still only an "idea." Maybe using it here, I will be spurred to action. :geek:

And your little sister couldn't possibly fill the shoes of any one of "Cherry's Blossoms."

So, yes, it would be very silly of you to do so.
I ain't no "AB" My real name is Abdurrahman, spelled that way. Sometimes I shorten it to Abd or Abdurratln.

What is you besides just plain IGNORANT and benighted probably?

We will get to that later, as if i avenot already been over this many times before in this forum.

Geeeee!!! You are just tooooooo kind!!!!!!

Now put this in your littele pipe and smoke it:

"According to Islamic traditions, Muhammad began receiving revelations from God (Arabic: ألله Allah) from the age of 40, delivered through the angel Gabriel over the last 23 years of his life. The content of these revelations, known as the Qur'an,[16] was memorized and recorded by his followers and compiled from dozens of hafiz as well as other various parchments or hides into a single volume shortly after his death. The Qur'an, along with the details of Muhammad’s life as recounted by his biographers and his contemporaries, forms the basis of Islamic theology. Within Islam, he is considered the last and most important prophet of God.

Muslims do not regard him as the founder of a new religion but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Adam, Abraham and other prophets whose messages had become misinterpreted or corrupted over time (only misinterpreted according to some[17]).[18][19][20][21][22] Islam knows different forms and degrees of divine revelation"

Now, this:

"In a metaphorical sense, "sending of rain" and "sending of laden winds" also signify divine revelation in the Qur’an (cf.30:48):

It is Allâh alone who sends forth the winds and they raise a cloud which He spreads out in the sky as He will and sets it layer upon layer, and you see the rain falling from its midst. And no sooner does He cause it (- the Divine revelation) to fall on whom He will of His servants, then they are filled with joy (because of the glad tidings). Shortly before it was sent down upon them, they were in a state of despondency. Look, therefore, at the evidences of Allâh’s mercy! How He breathes life into the earth after its (state of spiritual) death. (30:48-50)

"1. Tanzîl - The word Tanzîl is derived from Nazala which means “to descend” or “come down”. Anzala means “to send down” or “send a revelation”. We read in the Holy Qur'ân:

"The revelation (Tanzîl) of this perfect Book proceeds from Allâh the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. (46:1)

"2. Rûh - The word Rûh means “breathe of life” and “life giving” and “soothing mercy” (4:171). Linguistically it is related to the word "Rahat" meaning “rest from grief and sadness”. This word is often used in the Holy Qur'ân in the sense of Divine revelation as in 15:29; 21:91; 32:9; 38:72. It also means Word of the All-Mighty God as follows:

"Similarly We revealed to you the Word by our command". (42:53)

"3. Wâhi - The literal meaning of the word wahî throws light on the significance of revelation. This word means to tell someone something in a hushed tone or a whisper. That voice can easily be heard by the one who is addressed, but people happening to be nearby are not able to catch it (Ibn Duraid). This quality operates in all types of revelations. The very essence of the fundamental quality of wahî provides those who doubt it, reasons to deny its existence.

*****"Revelation spoken in words (Wahî Malfûz) - This kind of revelation is a spoken revelation in which the words of All-Mighty come down from a direct source through an unknown phenomenon. (

"4. Ilhâm - The word Ilhâm literally means “animal instinct”, “instinct” or “intimation” (16:62). In the Holy Qur'ân the word Ilhâm is used for inspiration from the Divine Being, revelation and command. Sayed Ismaîl Shahîd wrote in his book “Mansab i Imâmat”: In the Book of God the word ilhâm (inspiration) in its perfect sense when used with reference to the prophets or saints is called wahî. In Tâj ul Arûs we find the same mention. Sayûtî and Ibn Athîr hold the same view. They say Ilhâm is a form of wahî vouchsafed by the All-Mighty to whosoever of His servants please Him. Wahî is thus the higher form for Ilhâm or inspiration (91:7-8). It is through Ilhâm that the soul is made perfect (91:8). Through Ilhâm the soul knows the two ways, the way of Fujr or the way of evil and Taqwâ or the way of piety and goodness."​

Is that enough for you? Did you or could you READ all that?

I ain't no "AB" My real name is Abdurrahman, spelled that way. Sometimes I shorten it to Abd or Abdurratln.
- if you read my statement properly, you would see i was talking about another member who all of a sudden popped up with the same nonsense as you to try and support the same nonsense you arrogantly sent me in that E-mail. And you calling other people ILLITERATE?? I only sad AB----- because if he's not directly apart of this conversation i don't want to say his name. But you know who I'm talking about because it is probably you under a different name. Just a way for you to hide for a week or so but you've returned no brighter than when you went to your cave to hide out!

Is that enough for you? Did you or could you READ all that?
- why do you keep offering up Orthodox Islam 101? This seems to be all you know and as far as you can go in any discussion on YOUR PROFESSED RELIGION!

What does any of your long-winded repsonse have to do with MUHAMMAD BEING AFRAID IN THE CAVE? Just admit you have never read the Qu'ran and you were wrong about MUAHMMAD NEVER BEING AFRAID!! Are not muslims suppossed to be HONEST AND SINCERE being that they are apart of the ONLY PURE RELIGION?

I'm starting to think you don't even have a Qu'ran in your immidiate circumference to read being that you rely so heavily on Wikpedia and google..

كنت وهمية وعارا على الإسلام

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Peace and Blessings My Sister! :love:
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