Chief Elder Osiris : Before And After The Fall Of The Divine Being

Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002
Before And After The Fall Of The Divine Being

Hoteph Beloved Sisters And Brothers:

Sometime in our haste through Life, we ignore the experience that serve to be the Only Reality in and to our Life, not realizing that there is only One undeniable Reality, in and beyond the Dynamic of Life Action, IT is commonly accepted to be the GOD of All, and everything there is in the Universe, which is to be taken to be all inclusive of IT being All, and GOD IS IT.

To the Life of Darkness, there are Two Reality, one is verifiable in life and the other is within the Divine Reality of Complete Existence, Life is for the Body, Existence is the Soul, yet the lesser Reality, that which serve to be only an illusion to the Real of it all, it claim, in order to understand Reality you must Know Reality and such is the physical profaneness of the illusion Reality, yet the True Divine Reality has nothing to do with what you claim to understand based upon your knowledge, True Reality has all to do with Being Real, So True Reality is not based upon what you believe you know, It is all about Being that you know and do not know, which is being Divinely Black.

Blackness, the only True Divine Reality that dwell beyond the Universe, it is the Mother of the Universe and the Father of Truth, IT is the only Divine Reality that is capable of not being disprove, thus has the Ethereal ability to Be without question, a Divine Reality of Eternity, which is the span of ITS ( GOD ) Reality, into Infinity, the only Divine Reality that Be, Darkness I speak of, which is the very essence of that we refer to as Being God, which is the Divine Reality that reveal an Ethereal indication, without description, which is, that we refer to as Darkness, an Ethereal Divine Reality that is Eternal and Infinite of ITS ( GOD ) Being Real.

So, who among us so call Afrikans, the Many of us that has a problem of referring to us as being BLACK/DARK, yet has the audacity to make claim of knowing our "Afrikan Traditional Story, as if iy is our True Divine Reality and yet at the same Time, not realizing that we do not have the ability of Envisioning our True Divine Reality, The True Story of our beginning on this Space Ship call Planet Earth, thus preventing us from Being and comprehending our True Divine Reality, because with us Dark/Black people, True Divine Reality is all about BEING REAL to your Essence, because such Realness is Eternal And Infinite and such is your Essence, Black Beings of GOD, as you also is a part of the Universe Physical Reality, the One that Require Knowing, therefore to BE, which require you to Understand.

The so call Afrikan today is totally unaware of the Earthly beginning of Black people and our living and Mental condition, so when talking about our Story, regarding our action upon this planet, our frame of reference extend no further than our recorded Story as so transcribed by those people having a history of abusing and oppressing Black people, and we Black Folks end up accepting faithfully, everything the Devilish oppressors have written and told us about our Black selves, which is nothing about our beginning on this planet.

For instance, so call Ancient Traditional Afrikan Story, is no more than a subversive transcript of the abuser Civilization indoctrination, blending in with the acts,attitude, and behavior of Black people of long ago Life action, which many time is transformed into the many tribal customs we now practice, based on our flawed tradition of habit, so established by the Civilization of those who so proudly confessed to be born in Sin and whose action is Evil, calling themselves Human Being, they whose Mind, the Traditional so call Afrikan operate under and from, a performance a long way from being Divine.

So the only Story we have learned concerning our Life activity upon this Planet call Earth, is only that which has been told to us by the Human Being, they that caused our Fall from our Divine State of Being, and all such information, is not based upon the True Syllogistic approach to finding out the Truth about the Original people activities upon this planet, and to be absent of using such a mental technique, fall short of discovering the True Story of the Original people beginning Life action, upon this Planet call Earth.

The Dark/Black people Story is not to be founded in the written annals of recorded Information, which is influenced by the teaching and mental demonstration of the Lesser Beings, boasting of having a high level of intelligence over others Beings labeled by them as the lesser animal Beings and stating proudly of the evil content of the Human Being.

The True Divine Reality of the Black beginning on this Planet call Earth, does not reveal such information on parchment, stones, nor paper, and Tradition does it no Justice, such Information that reveal the Black Divine Reality is transcribed within the DNA of the Genetic composition of those people Dark/Black Essence, so when talking about the True Story of Happening of our Ancient Divine Cosmic Dark Ancestors, and you are not qualified to step across the demarcation Line that Divide the Divine from the Human, such inability handicap Black people from being involved with the Truth about ourselves, thus causing Black people to be unable to see ourselves Before The Fall From Our Divine state Of being, so unless you are experiencing the rewiring of the Black Molecular Structure, which lift you out of your Third Dimension Humanity, into the beginning Ascension into the Fourth and higher level of our Dimensional Divine Reality, the Reality which qualify you to not Hate your Blackness, confess not to becoming the Lesser Being, Human, if you are not experiencing such an ascension, then you/Us Black folks calling ourselves Afrikans, will remain in a state of ignorance of who the Dark Beings are, and what Really Constitute Divine Reality, and what is require of us Black Folks in order to comprehend the Ethereal Divine Reality, the only Path that lead us to becoming the Divine Being of God,The Only True Divine Reality There Is, In And Beyond The Universe.

We call ourselves intelligent and qualified to talk about the Black so call Experience, yet is not qualified to talk about our Black selves into'to, such inability serve to be evident that we do not know of our Divinity or whom we Be, which verify our ignorance, which prevent us from Seeing what God Really Is, Yes beloved, we are unaware of who we are on this Planet and from whence we come, a prerequisite in Being Conscious of our Divine True Reality.

Before our Fall, we were qualified to interact with the Universe, understand the Divine True Essence of the Stars and Planets, never in Awe of the Divine Space Darkness and never did our Ancient Dark Divine Cosmic Ancestors had a need to symbo;ize Darkness as being evil, or confess to being of an Evil Nature, because our Life moved and revealed an intelligence which guided us along a path of Life action being in Harmony, Order and well Balance with the movement and Action of the Universe, all because we knew us all, to be of One with the All, the only Divine Reality that qualify us to Be of that Divine Reality.

Before our Fall, our life action was and is label to have been mysthical and Magical, full of Mysterious performances, today we Black Folks, now Human, scoff at such ability to interact with the Elemental forces and having a very profound and Divine relationship with such action of Divine Reality.

It Is The Devil that Is In Total discomfort Over This Missive, Be You Black, White Arab/Asian Or Zionist.

Free your Mind and conquer Fear and the Black Divinity will return, bringing the Liberation of the Divine Black so call Afrikan Nation, which is now divided and fearful of God in this life, because of the devil religion.

The Truth, Black folks Despise The Truth, Thus serve as a sign of how hateful we are toward the You of ourselves and how well programmed we Black Folks are.

I come sharing the Truth not with arrogance, but with the Divine
meekness so required of me by our Ancient Cosmic Dark ancestors.
> The Truth is not to be claimed, it require that it be known and
understood, relinquishing all irrational emotions, attributes of Lies
and act of deception.
> Such is why the up coming June 24-25 Gathering is so important
to the True Warriors, the Divine Black Nationalist Spiritualist, such
a serious Gathering is not for any and everybody wearing a confused
Black face and a Human Being Mind, ingredients for the making of
nothing but confusion embedded in Fear.
> Quality Divine Black Minds are only welcome at this Gathering,
not the quantity of a Gathering of confused hypocritical Human beings
Minds, those rather to be known as anything but Black people.
> For further Info. regarding the June 24 Gathering, Contact: or tafari4ii@sbcglobal@net
> I Will Present The Truth Wherever I Can Get Truth An Appearance,
Even In The Midst Of Black Folks Fears and Divisiveness!!! -osiris
> Here Is Loving the Black So Call Afrikan,Even In Spite Of
> It Is Time to Elevate The Truth and Condemn The Lie!!!-osiris
> It Is The Black Fool That say, I Have Lost Nothing In Afrika!!!-
> It Is The Fool That Ignore The Truth In Favor Of a Fool!!!-Osiris

> Run! Run!, Run Black Woman And Man, Back Into The Safety Of Your

> The Human Being Say God Command, The Divine Say God Reprimand
> All Respect and Honor to That Black Prophet, The Honorable Marcus
> Hoteph
> Chief Elder
> Sankofa Repatriation Movement
> Hierophant, Teacher Of Ancient
Hoteph Beloved:

Beloved you have asked a very important question, important because so many of us Black people have been conditioned to believe that never had there been anyone living on this Planet, lived a Divine and Perfect Life and such a belief was created in the Mind of the world and especially the Black world by the Lies and act of deception that religion induce in the Mind of so call Mankind and the Human Being proclaimimg that none upon this planet is or ever had been perfect, and I say to such a devilish statement, you speak for and about yourself.

As you know, I make it no secret that my primary concern is about those Black people calling ourselves Afrikan, you who have forsaken your Divinity to assume the identity of the Human being, a Being that proudly confess to have been born/created in Sin and whose Life is washed in the acts of Evil, the Human Being words exactly concerning themselves is that they were born in Sin and Shaped in iniquity, such was never the teaching of our Ancient Divine Dark cosmic Ancestors, those that knew of no Evil, or acts of Lies and deception.

Beloved, only when Evil entered into our House, did such a flawed Life living appear and took advantage of our Ancestors Divinity, I get the question very often concerning the statement about our Divinity and how the evil one came and cause our Fall from such a Divine state of being, the question is, if our Ancestors was so Divine, so perfect in Life, why did they allow such Evil to affect their Life, could they not see them coming, yet allowed them to enter into our House, ( Mind ) well the answer is simple, when in a Divine and godly state of Mind and Evil had yet to appear and when it does/did, such Divinity had no association with such wickedness, the Life of Evil and acts of deception was not a familiar Life living to our Divine Ancestors and because of our Divine innocence, we were of the Nature of Trusting everything we were familiar with and those we were not familiar with, the nATURE OF DISTRUST HAD NOT YET BECOME A PART OF OUR ANCIENT DIVINE ANCESTORS, ESTABLISHED ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR, So it was the innocent of our Divinity that Evil took advantage of and became the cause of our Fall.

You see, contrary to what religion teach you concerning God, the True Energetic God, interfere not in the Life action of that IT has revealed to be, thus the act and choice we make during our Life Living, come the responsibility of us reaping the consequence of our Action, be it Acceptable or unacceptable, thus such rule of Life consumated our Fall,the moment Evil deceived our Divine Ancestors.

So the question is, how do we reconnect with our Divine Dark Ancestors, those that learned from such a devestating experience of the deceiving ways and action of the Human Being, well beloved, because of the Fact that we are and because of the fact that our Divine Ancestors was / is, and we are the compiliation of their DNA, the Genetic make up of our Divine Dark Ancestors, the pathway back into the chamber where they reside within us require us to forsake the teaching of the Human Being and allow yourself to reinstitute the Divine Mind of which you original inherited and allow the power of such Divine Thought to enter the domain of the genetic Helix, in which our Ancient Divine Ancestors reside and allow a mental harmony, by orderly thoughts to interact with such Divine Genetic Energy, which will cause a Balance of action to take place between what we call the Soul and Mind, and when harmonizing on such a Divine Spiritual Conscious Plane/Level, Information that goes all the way back to our beginning upon this planet and beyond, will be revealed to you by our Divine Dark Cosmic Ancestors, granted beloved, such require Divine Mental balance, absent of any and all Fear that has been developed in the domain of your religious perceived believing mind.

Beloved I have only given you just a peek at what is required of us Black Folks in order to be able to reconnect with our Divine Ancient Dark cosmic Ancestors.

So I say, Let the True Seeker of Truth and Reality, become that which I have shared with you and only the devil is angry at me sharing such Divine Truth with you, the once Divine Being upon this planet, yet now you proudly acquire the identity of Evil, those that call themselves, Human Beings.

Here Is Loving You


Chief Elder
Hetep Brother !

Did I ever tell you that you write in such a fashion as to almost make responding to you impossible? Surely there are not many who can, which simply means that you do your job in an excellent fashion in terms of reaching out to the minds and energies receptive to your frequency of thought and understanding. I just wanted to write to thank you for your presence on this site and your contribution also.

Hetep !!!


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