Black History : Baton Rouge Shooter "Gavin Long" States In A Video That He Recorded 10 Days Before His Death ...

Nat Turner syndrome in full effect, yup!

Kevin Gates Issues A Defiant Response To Any Officer Who Harasses His Children

Kevin Gates isn’t mincing words.

The Baton Rouge rapper who, if we’re being honest, doesn’t ever mince words, made it crystal clear what he would do if a police officer harassed one of his children. In a minute long- Instagram video that’s circulating the Internet, Gates said he’s willing to kill whoever to avenge the honor of his children if need be ...


In an Instagram video, Kevin Gates makes it crystal clear what he would do if a police officer harassed his children



Listen to the Baton Rouge police killer: Tavis Smiley

How many more disaffected black men have to self-radicalize before we take their claims seriously?

I think the chances are pretty good that the White House just days from now will announce that President Obama intends to travel to Baton Rouge to pay tribute to the slain police officers there. I could be wrong, but I can't imagine him not going now, even though he ignored calls for a presidential visit to Baton Rouge and Falcon Heights, Minn., where Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were killed, just prior to the massacre in Dallas ...




Meet Baton Rouge Cop Killer Gavin Eugene Long (VIDEOS) [RESPECT To This Man, F The Police]
By AATL Staff On July 18, 2016 In Breaking News Tagged baton rouge shooting, gavin eugene long 75 Comments

Well, the MARTYR had a youtube channel where he frequently uploaded videos documenting police brutality. He was even in Dallas for the recent protests. We stand behind Gavin 100 ...

Gavin Eugene Long


Click for several videos:


The Nat Turner syndrome explains it all, for sure.

Stepbrother of Baton Rouge Cop Shooter Gavin Long: ‘I Didn’t Think It Would Reach This Point

... “I’m really at a loss for words. I don’t know him to be what I saw yesterday,” Long’s stepbrother, Joshua Woodley, told TIME. “It’s very difficult to process what’s going on.”

Long called himself a “spiritual being” and had self-published three self-help books on how to live holistically and healthily, said Woodley, 24, of Missouri. Long was also passionate about his podcasts, in which he refers to himself as “Cosmo” and talks about the recent shooting deaths of black men at the hands of police officers.

He didn’t express all of his anger to me. I could tell he was upset, of course,” said Woodley, citing his relative’s blog entries and social media posts. “I didn’t know the severity of it. I didn’t think it would reach this point today.”




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Protests and vigils across the country in the aftermath of police shootings, Dallas attack

July 9, 2016 10:31 AM EDT - Protests took place in cities across the country on Friday to condemn police brutality. In Atlanta, some demonstrators blocked a highway and in Phoenix police used tear gas and pepper spray to break up a protest. People in Dallas gathered outside of the police headquarters to remember the five officers killed in an ambush. (Claritza Jimenez / The Washington Post) ...


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