Desperate times call for desperate measures. If in fact males and females took responsibility for there actions then there wouldn't be such drastic need to protect self. This however is not the case across the board. You have folks from all walks of life who have no moral grounding whatsoever. For these people the next person they get with is just a mark for their next score. They're not always gonna come off that way though. Some of them can be quite elaborate with their lies and for those people you gonna have to do some digging to find out the depth of their game. I'm also saddened how things have turned out, yet we should be aware by now that the enemy has gone through great lengths to destroy anything that looks like a family in the black community. Insuring the safety of our babies and youth is one step in us getting ourselves together. I don't really understand why it's a negative (considering the mental state of our people) asking someone to show and prove that they are who they say they are, or taking it a step further by checking them out yourself.
Was our grandparents bombarded by the constant images of black baffoonery we have today? In my grandparents day the enemy treated us just like they wanted to, overtly. Now with this new age stuff they took it underground....... smile in your face and call you names, and treat you bad behind the back.
Based on much of what you stated in this post, I would say we don't need to be marrying and "hooking up;" we need to work on our Social Relations and re-educate ourselves on how to take care of ourselves and improve how we relate to one another. As a collective too many of us are so emotionally-charged with issues about one another, but do not want to find a way for us to come together and work these things out. Once again - that does not call for marriage; it should call for community interaction(s) with the purpose of re-learning how to have more respect for self and each other.