Black Relationships : Background Check: Before getting seriously involved


Desperate times call for desperate measures. If in fact males and females took responsibility for there actions then there wouldn't be such drastic need to protect self. This however is not the case across the board. You have folks from all walks of life who have no moral grounding whatsoever. For these people the next person they get with is just a mark for their next score. They're not always gonna come off that way though. Some of them can be quite elaborate with their lies and for those people you gonna have to do some digging to find out the depth of their game. I'm also saddened how things have turned out, yet we should be aware by now that the enemy has gone through great lengths to destroy anything that looks like a family in the black community. Insuring the safety of our babies and youth is one step in us getting ourselves together. I don't really understand why it's a negative (considering the mental state of our people) asking someone to show and prove that they are who they say they are, or taking it a step further by checking them out yourself.

Was our grandparents bombarded by the constant images of black baffoonery we have today? In my grandparents day the enemy treated us just like they wanted to, overtly. Now with this new age stuff they took it underground....... smile in your face and call you names, and treat you bad behind the back.


People didn't treat folks bad behind people's back in your grandparents day?

Really now?:10500:
People didn't treat folks bad behind people's back in your grandparents day?

Really now?:10500:

I'm not saying they didn't. What I'm saying is the enemy didn't have a problem doing whatever they wanted to do to your face. Not just my grandparents day but in my parents day also. My father tells me to this day the horror stories he went through when he was in the military down south back in the 50s.


I'm not saying they didn't. What I'm saying is the enemy didn't have a problem doing whatever they wanted to do to your face. Not just my grandparents day but in my parents day also. My father tells me to this day the horror stories he went through when he was in the military down south back in the 50s.


Okay I got you:fyi:

People are more cowardly...And there are more places to hide your dirty secrets
Okay I got you:fyi:

People are more cowardly...And there are more places to hide your dirty secrets

Not only that but in terms of race relations, you just can't talk and treat people any way you want to publicly any more. There was very little justice for black folks back in the day.

I agree with the whole vibes thing, but some people are soooo sneaky.

Do you also not agree with getting someone tested for an STD?

I am fast to say I agree folks should get STD tests, but ever since learning about the truth behind HIV/AIDS and the origins of it, I have been very skeptical of these tests as well.

To be brief, I am teaching myself to be an Astrologer, and in Astrology you had/have what is/was called the Pluto in Scorpio generation, of which I happen to be a part of between 1983-1996. One of the things this suggested was that this would be a time of great sexual activity, which would lead to STD testing. Having said that, I don't agree with it, but I do see the need for intense testing and getting everyone to buy into it today.

On the other hand as I said at the start of the post, there is something that does not sit well with me when it comes to the tests. This could go as far as the first STD case(s) leading to tests (by the way, how were things looking before STD testing came along - why are Epidemiologists just now taking this seriously?), the originators of the testing methods, their intentions and purposes, etc. I used to be a Public Health major and looked into this, and the more I studied it, the more skeptical and suspicious I became. Right now i'd say that people are carrying diseases and dis-eases, but they are degenerative, which means you can get rid of them. Interesting to know that is not taught to the general [re]public...

Then the big kicker - back in 2006 even on this here site, some of us found that it is necessary to question ALL material that becomes widely available to the public, including information on HIV, STD, etc. Many messages passed out to people are done with secret, creepy, sneaky agendas behind them. The same people that were mentioned who are "creepy" are no different than those who are behind the controllers of Sex on a Political level, let alone those in government who advocate[d] that if sex is gonna be taught in schools, it must be abstinence only! If you don't believe me, look at things like what happened with Swine Flu and what is happening with the Census...there is more to it than you think, but all you need to do is think it through with an open mind.

Enough said for now, but the point is we are starting to become victims of Social Engineering, and don't even know it. People are creepy - yes, but ever ask what makes or causes them to be creepy?


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