Black Spirituality Religion : Atlantis vs Mu(Lemuria)


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2008
This is the ultimate Atlantis vs Mu thread,which sect will you follow,before I get into further details I will explain my findings to prove that these two ancient Civilizations existed.

Let's start with the oldest first which is Lemuria.

The civilization of Lemuria was not the first,but the oldest recorded/remembered Civilization,they mostly based there teaching on self realization,energy and spirituality.It was said that they did have spacecrafts,but they were shaped like pearls,sounds really Divine to me.

As the civilization reached it's peak they stopped using physical aircrafts and focused on Astral projecting themselves instantaneously to any location they see fit.It was said that the Atlantians and Lemurians were constantly warring.The Atlantians only goals were to supress the people and ad them to there Empire,the Lemurians only wanted peace.(sounds familair)

The people of Lemuria......

It is safe to say that the Lemurians were more of a African/Dravidian stock.I mean just look at the Australoid's,they look like a black and Indian Mix.I am also pretty sure that most SouthEast Asians were part of the Lemurian civilization.Another sub race that was also there was the Negrito's or Philipino's,I mean come on there called Negrito's.The Hawaiian's and American Indians were also there too.......basically the southern Hemisphere.....

On to Atlantians......

Atantis formed on around the middle of Lemuria.The civilization was mostly based on technology,that's why we hear so much about Atlantis crystals this,high technology that.There's always talk of reptilians,but it could mean anything from a metaphysical aspects to a way of thinking(lower emotional spectrum's or chakras).

As the Atlantian civilization peaked they become very power hungry,even though they had everything from Free Energy too teleportation devices,they still wanted more.They started to misusue there crystal technology and that eventually led to there Final Demise.

The people of Atlantis......

The main races of Atlantis were definitely the lighter races,anywhere from Asians to Europeans.The use of crystals and technology clearly states that.Nothing else to say that most races of the Northern Hemisphere are of an Atlantian descent.

Where were they located......

There are many maps on the net that show the exact locations of these two lost continents,but Logic dictates that this map is the only one that does it justice.


What makes you so right......

The reason i am certain that these were the two correct locations is because both civilization left a legacy of there philosophies or technologies.


Right here in the US.

The Lemurians were all about energy and chakras(vortexes),so they left there mark in Sedona in the West coast,right around the area where they were located.

As for the Atlantians they were all about crystals so they left there mark on the East Coast of the US.


It also show's that the Lemurians were benevolent ,I mean just look at Arizona it's Native American Central.The Atlantians on the other hand were malevolent,and it shows by the destructive forces of the Bermuda Triangle.

But that's all in the past,the new Civilization will be a mixture of both Lemurian and Atlantian technologies/philosophies.Not really sure about the current cycle and it's purpose,maybe it was a break from Super civilizations or it could be Racial integration.

Beats me.........Discuss :hearts1:
The main races of Atlantis were definitely the lighter races, anywhere from Asians to Europeans.
This is an emphatic NO! White people have only existed on this planet for a little over 6,000 years. As for Asians, I hope you're not talking about the current Chinese/Japanese model. If so, that's completely wrong because those people didn't exist. Now, if you're talking about "Middle Easterners" then yes they more then likely existed.

Just remember this: Most, if not all, smooth-haired people, descend from Africoid stock, so check the history of those people before saying white people or Asians were present.
This is an emphatic NO! White people have only existed on this planet for a little over 6,000 years. As for Asians, I hope you're not talking about the current Chinese/Japanese model. If so, that's completely wrong because those people didn't exist. Now, if you're talking about "Middle Easterners" then yes they more then likely existed.

Just remember this: Most, if not all, smooth-haired people, descend from Africoid stock, so check the history of those people before saying white people or Asians were present.

This is an emphatic NO! White people have only existed on this planet for a little over 6,000 years. As for Asians, I hope you're not talking about the current Chinese/Japanese model. If so, that's completely wrong because those people didn't exist. Now, if you're talking about "Middle Easterners" then yes they more then likely existed.

Just remember this: Most, if not all, smooth-haired people, descend from Africoid stock, so check the history of those people before saying white people or Asians were present.

That is Absolute Peace KS!
Yeah ... when you say Atlantis was euro you are simply saying the gods of Egypt were White. You have to understand that Thoth/Djehuty was consider to come from Atlantis the teacher of the Kememu.

This is not accurate at all.

Secondly, Knowledge Seed the white Euros started their mutation process from black to white around 16,000 years ago within Europe. Atlantis was in the Atlantic ocean and the Atlantis population look's like Atlanta minus the Europeans.

So you are correct, Europeans are a fairly new subset of people but their process started long before 6,000 years ago. It was within 6,000 years that they came to power. I believe Elijah Muhammad was correct but I think that there was a 10,000 year difference between his theory and that of genetics (which by the way is always up for questions).

1.) Atlantis was a black population
2.) Lemuria was a greenish blue population

I believe that it was an man from Atlantis who was knowledgeable with genetics that altered the very essence of dna that caused so Africans to mutate into white euros.

Its like the movie 'quarantine', genetic mutation can change the very nature of people to become extremely wicked. This is what happened to those who label themselves as Europeans and this is why they are soulless doing things that only monsters would do.

Lemuria represent hundreds of millions in the world today labeled as Africans & South Asians. The citizens of Atlantis didn't die according to my belief ... what I believe is that the Atlantis when under water but not as a sunken city as many of us believe, but the whole continent of Atlantis was in fact a land mass that was like a ship that literally went under water and they are alive and kicken waiting for their time to come up.

They built and army of which we call Europeans to fight against us and to make war while they went under the ocean (Elijah Muhammad hand a knowledge of genetic alterations), We the Lemuria people have lost our consciousness only to find ourselves being concord by droids or the soulless ones.

I believe Thoth was a rebel Atlantean who came to give Africans knowledge on the physical level to battle on a physical level ... which actual took away from our spiritual power, therefore putting us to sleep.

Lemuria vs Atlantis is like God vs Devil ... today euros look good which is what they have made Atlantis to look because Atlantean's were their creators gods but not us ... who have forgotten ourselves just like Lemuria has been forgotten.

This is my take on my studies on the two ... one last thing which makes me believe this to theory is the bible which makes a suggestion of the same thing.

Job 26:5 Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.

The word 'dead' is actually 'Rapha' which means 'Giants'. The word 'Formed' in Hebrew literally means 'wait' and thus the actual scripture reads in Hebrew:

Giants are waiting under the ocean bed waiting and the citizens as well.

Peace and Blessings

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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