Black People : Are We To Accept The Notion That COVID-19 Does Not Make Jail And Prison Visit???

Chief Elder Osiris Akkeba

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2019
Are We To Accept The Notion That COVID-19 Does Not Make Jail and Prison Visit???

Chief Elder Osiris Akkebala

Am I to accept the notion that COVID-19 is exempt from entering the jails and prisons in America and that our relatives sitting in America Jails and prisons are safe from the Corona Viral Grim Reaper as we are being told is the delivery of Death?

I do not know about you but I have relatives who are locked up in America unjust criminal injustice system and as I sit listening to all that Luciferian Human Being is saying about the cruelty of COVID-19 and the sickness and death it carries, I am concern about the lack of concern being given to that population living behind bars without freedom of protection and nobody seem to be giving a **** about that situation unless I am missing something you know that is being done to protect people locked up being in a helpless condition, if you do, inform me, beloved.

If what this Luciferian Human Being is truthful about what he is saying about COVID-19 then prepare for control Genocide of a group of people being held in America Jails and prisons.

So I ask, where are your Black leaders, why aren't they saying something and sounding the alarm of what is about to happen in America jails and prisons?

There are people being held captive in the hell hole of injustice, people in a helpless and lack of self-protective situation and my question to you Black Afrikans are we going to sit idly by as we often do and allow America commit genocide against a control population that is Locked up in America jails and prisons without having been given a Death Sentence?

Can't we organize on this internet a movement against such trifling of America racist and prejudice behavior promising to break the self lock up if massive death begins to happen in America jails and prisons caused by CONVID-19?

Again I ask of you Black Afrikan people, where are your so-called Black leaders why are they not informing you that to keep people locked up and be continuing to bring people from the outside into the jail and prison population constitute cruel and intentional punishment unto death for the people locked up in America by America criminal injustice system that is infested with Racist Prejudice behavior toward Black Afrikan people and other Ethnic Groups of lower-class Economic status.

No, seriously have I missed something here concerning the lack of thought and care for the Jail and prison possible population exposure to CONVID-19 who make up many of our relatives, especially Black Afrikans in America not by choice.

What is to permit a mass genocide to happen in the jail and prison population, if what this devil, Satan, Luciferian Human Being is telling the truth about what is about to happen within the next week or two concerning death to be delivered by Convid-19?

As long as we remain closed up in America environment such is a death sentence and a disease of mental illness, there is no Greater Good to come to America as long as America shows no consciousness of guilt for what she has done to Afrika and Black Afrikan people during the time of Chattel Enslavement and refuse to pay the Reparation/Repatriation owed to our Enslaved Ancestors so we can get the hell out of America ticking time bomb and we the Descendants of our Enslaved Ancestors become a party to committing the crime of Racial injustice and prejudice against our Enslaved Ancestors as long as we remain on our do-nothing Black behind sitting around in America watching the evil still going on against Black Afrikan people!!!

Listen Up, and let me share this again with Black Afrikan people, it is a matter to you whether you agree or disagree with what I share with you, I just have the obligation to share the Divine Truth with you and you are the one with the responsibility to your Black Afrikan self as to how you are to deal with this Divine Truth I share with Black Afrikan people, beloved.

We All Suffer The Consequence From Our Action, be it active or inactive.

Divine Respect
[QUOTE="Chief Elder Osiris Akkeba, post: 1030071, member: 60630"
Are We To Accept The Notion That COVID-19 Does Not Make Jail and Prison Visit???

Chief Elder Osiris Akkebala

Am I to accept the notion that COVID-19 is exempt from entering the jails and prisons in America and that our relatives sitting in America Jails and prisons are safe from the Corona Viral Grim Reaper as we are being told is the delivery of Death?

I do not know about you but I have relatives who are locked up in America unjust criminal injustice system and as I sit listening to all that Luciferian Human Being is saying about the cruelty of COVID-19 and the sickness and death it carries, I am concern about the lack of concern being given to that population living behind bars without freedom of protection and nobody seem to be giving a **** about that situation unless I am missing something you know that is being done to protect people locked up being in a helpless condition, if you do, inform me, beloved.

If what this Luciferian Human Being is truthful about what he is saying about COVID-19 then prepare for control Genocide of a group of people being held in America Jails and prisons.

So I ask, where are your Black leaders, why aren't they saying something and sounding the alarm of what is about to happen in America jails and prisons?

There are people being held captive in the hell hole of injustice, people in a helpless and lack of self-protective situation and my question to you Black Afrikans are we going to sit idly by as we often do and allow America commit genocide against a control population that is Locked up in America jails and prisons without having been given a Death Sentence?

Can't we organize on this internet a movement against such trifling of America racist and prejudice behavior promising to break the self lock up if massive death begins to happen in America jails and prisons caused by CONVID-19?

Again I ask of you Black Afrikan people, where are your so-called Black leaders why are they not informing you that to keep people locked up and be continuing to bring people from the outside into the jail and prison population constitute cruel and intentional punishment unto death for the people locked up in America by America criminal injustice system that is infested with Racist Prejudice behavior toward Black Afrikan people and other Ethnic Groups of lower-class Economic status.

No, seriously have I missed something here concerning the lack of thought and care for the Jail and prison possible population exposure to CONVID-19 who make up many of our relatives, especially Black Afrikans in America not by choice.

What is to permit a mass genocide to happen in the jail and prison population, if what this devil, Satan, Luciferian Human Being is telling the truth about what is about to happen within the next week or two concerning death to be delivered by Convid-19?

As long as we remain closed up in America environment such is a death sentence and a disease of mental illness, there is no Greater Good to come to America as long as America shows no consciousness of guilt for what she has done to Afrika and Black Afrikan people during the time of Chattel Enslavement and refuse to pay the Reparation/Repatriation owed to our Enslaved Ancestors so we can get the hell out of America ticking time bomb and we the Descendants of our Enslaved Ancestors become a party to committing the crime of Racial injustice and prejudice against our Enslaved Ancestors as long as we remain on our do-nothing Black behind sitting around in America watching the evil still going on against Black Afrikan people!!!

Listen Up, and let me share this again with Black Afrikan people, it is a matter to you whether you agree or disagree with what I share with you, I just have the obligation to share the Divine Truth with you and you are the one with the responsibility to your Black Afrikan self as to how you are to deal with this Divine Truth I share with Black Afrikan people, beloved.

We All Suffer The Consequence From Our Action, be it active or inactive.

Divine Respect
Chief Elder Osiris Akkeba, in what could have been the most astute decision of his presidency, didn't Donald Trump reject 5G, or was his objection only based on not wanting to utilize Huawei's equipment to create the USA's 5G network [exists and is turned on in the USA TODAY, or NOT]?

Worldwide, doesn’t an up and running 5G network seems to be the smoking gun of the death toll obliterating young and old as opposed to the manner in which Flu and other viral pandemics usually kill [10-15 000 people annually as standard] older, less physically fit people, only taking out younger people with existing serious health problems?

This worldwide Corona virus pandemic is the first “viral” contagion in which the advised face masks and constant hand washing is identical to protective strategies for a “germ warfare” biological weapon attack, why exactly?

AdditionallyPEOPLE, undeniably Nigeria and the rest of Africa’s healthcare infrastructure could, should be a lot better, but isn’t the real issue here the manner in which their mass media is so efficiently transforming the so obviously manipulative POWER PLAY worldwide that is the “Corona pandemic” that started in Wuhan in China into a mostly Black problem in both the African Diaspora and Africa [why would/should you or any of us even think of going with their flow]?

Shouldn’t you/we be asking your/ourselves why this is the only virus in history that is behaving like a germ, biological warfare agent, and why should an incident in Wuhan, China so quickly morph into the huge problem for Africa as predicted by that openly RACIST Eugenicist Bill Gates?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?
Joseph Phillips, aren’t you aware of the fact that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are very obviously Noveaux rich in comparison to the worldwide Feudal nobility who are still pulling the strings worldwide, but as to Biden still being working class, how many working-class people who aren’t sportstars/celebrities, etc earn enough cash that they have to pay $3.75 million that Joe Biden paid to the USA’s IRS in 2017 [what job pays that sort of cash]?

WHY are the NAACP and the rest of our still so profoundly baffled, confused and consistently dysfunctional, inept Black Elite STILL allowing the ongoing despicably COWARDLY WAR; easily verifiable catologue of HUMAN RIGHTS abuses still being inflicted on African Americans TODAY to be categorised/maginalised as a "Civil" as opposed to "Human" Rights issue?

Wishing this WAR away hasn't worked for the African collective in the USA, the rest of the Diaspora, and Africa for the last 500 years because Slavery and Colonialism didn't so much end as evolve into the current reality of White/European socio-economic domination in every area of human activity so why are WE expecting the chaos in our communities and countries to improve in the near future?

What apologies have EVER been made or reparations paid for the maliciously EVIL manner in which western Europeans CHRISTIANS invaded and completely overran all of the Americas [exterminating the Aztec, Inca, and other indigenous peoples leadership to steal their land/usurp their sovereignty along with wiping out virtually all of the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean], Australasia [exterminating all the Tasmanians while relegating the Aboriginals and Maoris into 3rd/4th class citizens in their homelands] and parts of Africa, haven’t whole populations of indigenous people been completely exterminated by easily the most debilitating CANCER/PLAGUE, GENOCIDE crew, deadly apex predator this planet has ever known?

Even more bizarre is our ongoing acceptance as people of African ethnicity of the current status quo or are you all truly unaware of the fact that ALL over the World including Africa [apart from in Zimbabwe where Robert Mugabe was at least trying to get our land back], Europeans still LEGALLY own allegedly; all the land and resources they acquired during the looting, pillaging, RAPE of this planet in general, of OUR continent [Africa] in particular that Colonialism and Apartheid sanctioned as the norm as opposed to the longest list of unacknowledged unpunished Human Rights violations/CRIMES in human history?

In fact, aren’t THEY making the same play again with their 21st century WAR ON TERROR and now the 2020 Corona virus PLANDEMIC very very desperate rearguard; due to their anxiety of US becoming increasingly conscious of the fact that these so consistently malevolent apex predators [overly inbred CRETINS with delusions of cerebral grandeur] are in fact totally superfluous to the rest of human family [have you watched this video]?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

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