Time for black folks to put their monies together and buy as much land as possible so they can work the land and grow their vegetables. As it is, Bush sold us out to China and America is operating off of the Chinese T-Bills. The arrogance of those in control of this country -- is thinking that everyone and every foreign country needs America.
Victims to their own greed, the wealthiest among us, went on a feeding frenzy under the auspices of the Bush Administration and his gang of pirates. Of course this is the most recent robbery, the boldest one. This has been going on earlier than the Bush Administration.
Once the Bush Administration created the Patriot Act under the guise of protecting US citizens against terrorism, they took away American civil rights and deregulated everything. Thus, effectively tying the hands of the more honorable Judges, and giving the top banks, Wall Street, oil companies, top corporations and the 13 families running America and those elite insinuating themselves into other countries, carte blanch'e to rob and steal untethered. They raped the American coffers with abandon without any concern for America's future.
Twice that I read and heard via the print and electronic media, Israel prime ministers boldly stated they own America.
Recently, China, whose T-bills sustain the ever falling American economy said they are unsure of their investments in America. Thus, if they pull their T-bills, America will see an economic free fall like never seen before.
Now, I am only speculating this as I am not a financial or economic expert or student. I only voice what I observe and have heard and read. I hope beyond hope, America is not on its last legs but I think people should prepare for the "7 years of lean." I say "7 years of lean" in reference to the Biblical time of Joseph when Egypt saw "7 years of plenty and 7 years of lean."
I think America has entered its leans years. How long that will be or how that will determine the future of America, I couldn't say. However, its obvious the time of commonplace greed is over and the time of loss is upon us. Madoff has also brought many of the greedy wealthy to their knees as well. But he is only one among other elite shysters. Madoff is merely being sacrifaced to distract and give the American public the impression those in control are angrily going after the wolves. The bailouts show you the payout is still ongoing and persecution is a sham. Few are going to prison and Bush and his traitorous ilk have been allowed to ride off into the sunset with their bounty with few politicians or law enforcement agencies seeking their arrest.
I have one other thought and again its my own thinking that this economic free fall is deliberate. Somehow it does not make sense that the entire world was not watching its economic system and all fell at once.
It appears all the systems built on interest are falling. The Arabs stay solvent pretty much because they don't support the interest system. But primarily the World Economy crumbled like the domino effect. I find it interesting that the European money system is basically supporting the Eurodollar while the US dollar continues to be devalued in Europe. China announced the Pacific nations will primarily have their own type of Asian money system soon and Bill Clinton during his presidency set up the NAFTRA Agreement with Canada, Mexico and USA as part of the North American Agreement. Its been rumored that the Amero-dollar was or would be born from this Agreement.
Now if this is the case, how do these banking, governments and family elites plan to introduce these new money systems unless they bring down the present system? Europe already started with the Euro. I dont know if the Asians economic system and dollar system is formed or being formed but if its all tied to and centered around a central bank such as the World Bank, then obviously a new system of monies is being created.
I doubt if folks will get the same exchange for their dollars under the Amero-dollar. Thus, in order to implement this unfair money exchange without an all out war among the populace, they have to create this time. A period of joblessness, frozen bank accounts, housing foreclosures, high food prices, energy prices, and economic disaster in order to cause so much fear and concern, the populace will scream for and be willing to accept any solution in the hope of returning to any semblance of the America Americans once knew, even if it meant they could no longer get the same value for their Amero-dollar as they did for the former dollar. After all, if you look at the dollar now and see that the gold that backed the dollar is no longer backing it, then what true value does the dollar have? Its only paper without any security behind it, isn't it? That is why its remarkable that we are told there is no money, while at the same time, billions of dollars for this bailout is being printed up like there is no end to these huge sums. And who is printing it? The Federal Reserve. A private banking company that gives the illusion they are a governmental agency. They are not.
If those in control really wanted to stimulate the economy, its simple. Rather than give the corrupt corporations the $800 Billion plus bailouts, give it directly to the 300 Million people that makeup America's citizenship. $300 Milllion is a lot less than the over $800 Billion they have already wasted on companies who are using it to further reward their theft of America. So why is the American taxpayer allowing the wealthy to continue to reward itself? Demand your own money be given to American non-millilonaires. If each non-millionaire American was given $1 million dollars to pay off their debt, they could easily stimulate the economy. The money should be given under the condition it is only to be used to pay off debt. Also, a portion of the money should be put toward the education and future education of America's children, as well as their families health care, and sustain the jobless until they can once again secure employment only. No money is to be used frivolously. As it stands, its imperative that America educate its citizens. If we do not educate our citizenry in mass and bring back manufacturing to America, America is finished.
I think personally, Americans had better address these issues, work together as one, or else undergo chaos. I am hoping rather than returning to the old ways of violence, we as a people, learn the lessons of the past and decide to cooperate rather than compete and fear.