Black People : Anyone on the Forum every try this? DNA Testing for African Lineage

I'm not sure what the disagreement is but there is a difference between RACE and ETHNICITY.

Race is Black, White, Oriental, Native American

Ethnicities/Tribes are the SUB-GROUPS within these different races.

Zulu, Somali, Afar, Ibo, San.....these are all ethnicities WITHIN the Black race.

Celtic, Roma, Anglo are tribes/ethnicities WITHIN the White race.

We as AfroAmericans are not only a mixure of different Black ethnicities, but we also are a mixture of different races.

I believe if the genetic differences within one race are strong enough, such as between the tall very darkskinned Dinka of Sudan and the short yellow skinned San of SouthAfrica....perhaps it will show up on DNA.
Dual Karnayn said:
I'm not sure what the disagreement is but there is a difference between RACE and ETHNICITY.

Race is Black, White, Oriental, Native American

Ethnicities/Tribes are the SUB-GROUPS within these different races.

Zulu, Somali, Afar, Ibo, San.....these are all ethnicities WITHIN the Black race.

Celtic, Roma, Anglo are tribes/ethnicities WITHIN the White race.

We as AfroAmericans are not only a mixure of different Black ethnicities, but we also are a mixture of different races. I believe if the genetic differences are strong enough, such as between the tall very dark Dinka of Sudan and the short yellow skinned San of SouthAfrica....perhaps it will show up on DNA.

You'll get no argument from me about this, but there are others on here who disagree with this illustration.
On The Topic of Race.

panafrica said:
So you are saying that DNA can tell the difference between not only different ethnic groups, but what geographic location a person originated from? If this is true, then there are genetic differences between ethnic groups & people who live in geographic regions. However despite all of this, there is no such thing as race? Do you truly believe that?

Race does not exist Brother Pan.

The word race itself was not even in the english language until about 1500, it comes the french word rasse (1512). This simple term of common descent was expounded in 1684 by a Francios Berneir who attempted to dived humans by race via geographical location.

The reason why the white supremacist beats defeats our people constantly is because we believe in his fable of Race.

The word race was not even introduced into the English dictionary until about C.1500. All words that make reference to racial classification in the English dictionary were not introduced until about the 18th Century (Words such as Negroid, Caucasian, and Mongoloid). Moreover how could these people make these attempts to perform taxonomy on human beings in a period where they had no science to cure pneumonia?

The word Negroid is from 1859. There is no mention of Negro, Negroid or Black in Any Ancient Text from Alkebulan, if you find it I will believe it.

The word Caucasian is from 1795 and was applied to white people by Anthropologist Johann Blumenbach Because he thought that white folks were from The Caucasus Mountains. How in the hell could Anglo-Saxons derive from a place were the Persians, and other people who were non-European ruled? Armenia (Which is the present day place of a portion of the Caucasus Mountains) has no bearing in ancient time; thus, the ideal of white people is socially created because this one Anthropologist had the great Idea that white people from the Caucasus Mountains. And he made this with no scientific evidence to back it up. How can he claim that the purported white man came from this area of the world, the word Caucasus itself from the Greek word kaukhasis which only means Ice Shining Mountain. How can you determine that a group of people originated from a group of shining mountains? Even in the history of the European you cannot even find mentions of Race, before the 18th Century. So how did these people all of sudden just become a race white people in the 18th century?

The word mongoloid comes from Mongol 1738, another word derived from the word mong which means brave and of course is the classifier of Asian People. Once again in the 1700’s we clearly see the introduction of anthropologists creating the ideal of race. I cannot find any ancient texts in any part of Asia that attempt to classify themselves as a race, if you can please show them too me.

Moreover, when you cross apply the dates of all the origins of the Words Negroid, Mongoloid, and Caucasian or what some say as Caucasoid, you find that all of these ideals were created in the 18th Century. Moreover, this idea was strengthened by Johann Blumenbach who determined the ideal of classifying humans by race upon Geological principals, not scientific principles, with his book in 1775 entitled On the Natural Varieties of Mankind.

If Race were true, why is there no mention of it from the ancients? Why is the historical foundation to race in the 18th Century and not any period before that?
Perhaps the disagreement isn't over the FACT of the obvious distinct differences between us as much as it's over the TERMS being used today.

For example, what used to be called "White" is now called "Caucasian".

They came up with the term "Caucasian" to add to their numbers on the planet.

It used to be that only Europeans with white skin were considered "white".

But as thier numbers started dwindling, they came up with the term "caucasian" to identify ANYONE with ancestry (regardless of the amount) that can be traced back to the Caucasus mountains.

So even brown Arabs are called Caucasian because being a mixed people some of thier ancestors hail from the Caucasus....but they leave out the Black part.

They call dark brown Indians from Indian Caucasian because of the white Aryans who invaded the land and mixed among them centuries ago.
They leave out the Black Tamil ancestry and focus on the Caucasian ancestry.

They call Latinos Caucasian because of thier Spanish ancestry...which leads back to the Caucasus mountains.
To hell with the Native American and African ancestry, they just focus on the Spanish ancestry.

They even call Ethiopians and Somalis Caucasian, because of thier bone structure and thier Asiatic ancestry.
To hell with their dominant African ancestry.

That's how the game is played.

But when it comes to AfroAmericans who have almost as much white blood in us as Indians, Arabs, and Ethiopians....we are still called "Black"

It's just a game.

The REALITY of "race" exists, it's just being manipulated.


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