Black Entertainment : Another slave movie (Belle) (Black female British writer and film director)

Sekou Kasimu,

I do not get the impression that there is a preference for discussing and/or watching 'slave movies.' Rather it appears that a film came out and it was shared and discussed. If it's your impression that discussion should be limited to your breadth then you are mistaken to the nature of this site. Destee allows a wide breadth then you do. If I were you, I would accept this.
Must you continue to personalize this discussion? You are entitled to your impression, and I am entitled to mine right? Yours is no more valid than mind, after all they are impressions right, not facts? If what you say is true, that "Destee allows a wide breadth then you do...", then why does the discussion exclude "Winnie Mandela: The Untold Story", and "Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom"? Is it because some of us don't really identify with Afrikans in the motherland, although we pretend to do so? Is it because most of us are ignorant of the history of the struggle in South Afrika? Is it because some of us consider slave movies informative, and inspirational? Is it because slave movies make some of us feel good about ourselves? Is it because some of us are masochistic and enjoy being hurt, expecting whites to feel sorry for us, and guilty for what they did? I apologize in advance for being ill-mannered in asking these questions! Smile Fact, the discussion thus far has been limited to "slave movies!!! P.S. YOU ARE NOT ME! I THINK FOR MYSELF THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!
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Must you continue to personalize this discussion? You are entitled to your impression, and I am entitled to mine right? Yours is no more valid than mind, after all they are impressions right, not facts? If what you say is true, that "Destee allows a wide breadth then you do...", then why does the discussion exclude "Winnie Mandela: The Untold Story", and "Mandela: The Long Walk To Freedom"? Is it because some of us don't really identify with Afrikans in the motherland, although we pretend to do so? Is it because most of us are ignorant of the history of the struggle in South Afrika? Is it because some of us consider slave movies informative, and inspirational? Is it because slave movies make some of us feel good about ourselves? Is it because some of us are masochistic and enjoy being hurt, expecting whites to feel sorry for us, and guilty for what they did? I apologize in advance for being ill-mannered in asking these questions! Smile Fact, the discussion thus far has been limited to "slave movies!!! P.S. YOU ARE NOT ME! I THINK FOR MYSELF THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!

The discussion does not exclude "Winnie" or "Mandela." However, look again at the title. Focus is a good quality. It is well-understood that to tackle an issue one ought not wander too far from the issue.
The discussion does not exclude "Winnie" or "Mandela." However, look again at the title. Focus is a good quality. It is well-understood that to tackle an issue one ought not wander too far from the issue.

Again, for the record, YOU interjected "Free the land by any means necessary " into the discussion! Don't you remember?
The discussion does not exclude "Winnie" or "Mandela." However, look again at the title. Focus is a good quality. It is well-understood that to tackle an issue one ought not wander too far from the issue.
So is commonsense!!!
Now they are going to run this into the ground. We have had so many brothers and sisters do so many great things. Why must this be the only aspect of our life explored?

because screen writers , actors, and directors understand marketing or allow them selves to be convinced that only white is right flicks will sell, and so they write these corny tales. Or this writer truly feels this way, or the screen play was altered from its original form drastically.

What ever the case I turned the trailer off 3/4 of the way through.


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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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