Black Poetry : Another sexless night


Feb 16, 2001
Hey peeps! This is my first post ever. Do I cosider myself a poet? Nah. Just had some energy i needed to release.

Ooops you did it again!
You opened yo big mouth
Said things carelessly, in the heat
We both did

Now its time to retire
You got a cheesy look on yo face
Almost like you want something...
I feel I have something that belongs to you

Wait! Did I hear you say I'm sorry
For the assumptions, name callin?
I did....but you.... No!
Too proud? Well until you get over your ego

Then allow me to make a formal apology...
I'm sorry for the careless and senseless things I say and do
I'm sorry for all the frustrations I put you through
I'm sorry for the name calling, baby I was upset
said some things that hurt you, and now I am full of regret
not proud, but for the way I treated you I'm ashamed
for I want to be a man, yet but sometimes I fail to live up to the name
so I ask your forgiveness, for I really do love you
and no sex could ever replace the love and respect that you are due

I'm Sorry......

Watcher be watchin u....
oops i did it again

you weren't saying that when your leggs were wrapped around my head
were was all that noise when i pounded it so hard we broke the bed
it's funny a few minutes ago all you could say was you love me, i'm your god
but now i guess the was in the heat of moment gibberish fraud
yeah i say what i say, blame me, blame canada, blame the weather
you was good, you were real, but your sister works it better
yeah i said your were real, yeah i said you were good, but never real good
so try to work just a lil bit hard the next time you polish my wood.

1 luv

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