Black Poetry : An Anointed & Appointed Interference


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2006
Somewhere between paradise and diaster
When I looked into your eyes
I sought to see beyond the rise
Looking through the sunny horizon
To see your original juxtaposition

And I saw your lonely tears
Waddled in your hidden fears
At your pity party I dined
In your soul I was confined

For I seek to see beyond the mask
In order to complete my appointed task
Of being a truly sincere friend in deed
I was sent because God saw your need

Our meeting was not mere coincidence
It was anointed & appointed interference
You were placed on my heart before I knew you
In my dreams, i saw you battling to make it through

Yes I dreamed of you before you knew i existed
now I know why my struggles continued to persist
For how else would I be able to help you through
If I hadn't be able to sustain as the storms winds blew

So my sister, my brother allow me to minister to you
For I am a living witness That HE will bring you through
Rejoice knowing if HE did for me HE will also do it for you
For there is nothing that is to hard for the Almighty to do
In the Spirit of Sankofa!

Bingo! Another one!


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