Black People : America, This Is No Time To Discuss Your Racist Practice

Chief Elder Osiris Akkeba

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2019
America, This Is No Time To Discuss Your Racist Prejudice, But Is The Time For You To Repent For Your Racism And Unjust Prejudice Behavior!!!

Chief Elder Osiris Akkebala

This dispictable hypocrisy coming from Americans, White and Black, it does not do Americans any Greater Good, it just verify in my Divine Mind how deeply rooted Racism and wanting ignorance is in the lying deceiving mind of the racist and religious minded Black American who walk now locked step in the foot print of a well known liar and deceiver out to deceive the Black world that to talk about Racism is more important than to repent for all of America Racist and prejudice behavior been practiced against an innocent Race of Black Afrikan people who to this day has not been given the respectful opportunity to have closure to our suffering from having the most horrible crime done with a racist, prejudice discriminating white America mind against the innocence of A Divine Cosmic Universal Black Being whose only guilt is being full of love and trust with compassion for a people calling themselves white coming before them infested with self ignorance, making claim to be the apple of Gods eye, the God that is created by that white racist devilish santanic Luciferian Human Being who created a God that look just like that white devilish white man and did in fact get that Black Afrikan American to develop a wanting desire to become just like the creator of evil spirit of a Human Being, self identified as being in direct opposite to the Divine Cosmic Black Universal Being who now is a disgrace to the Race of Divine Cosmic Divine Black Universal Being.

It is Racial traitorous of Black Afrikan people to advance the notion that it is justified for white oligarchs to call for a discussion on Racism and do not forget prejudice, it is a way for that obvious liar white devil too as usual traumatize the mind of Black Afrikans by the talking indication and not practice of being sorry in words and action for the fact of all of the evil been done to Afrika and Black Afrikan people since that white evil disgusting Human Being appeared before our most Ancient of Ancient Ancestors cloaked in the faked spirit of kindness when all of the time was out to do unimaginable harm to the soul and body of Black Afrikan people.

So do not come to me talking about all of your racist relics in song and statutes and literary poems that verify the fact of America racist deeds done against Black Afrikan people and at no time is there a show of repentance to the degree that shows that America is ready to do such repentance by being ready to confess her crime against Black Afrikan people for instituting the crime of Chattel Slavery against Black Afrikan people and there can never begin a discussion about America racist behavior against Black Afrikan people, no need too, not until the crime of Chattel Slavery is punished and the penalty of the crime Chattel Slavery enslavement by white Americans and her surrogates in crime, is nothing less with much more to be done and that is the payment of Reparation/Repatriation, back to Afrika as the next established State to be in Afrika consisting of the Diaspora Afro-descendants, children of our Enslaved Afrikan Ancestors.

No repentance by America the Racist, no resolution to the racial unrest in protest against America racism and unjust prejudice behavior against Black Afrikan people and Afrika, and without Freedom for the Black Afrikan world there will be no peace for the white devilish world, beloved!!!

Now, put that Divine Truth in your pipe and smoke it, it will be good for what ails your racist lying deceiving white and the negro loving America behind!!!

Divine Respect

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