Black People : America Criminal Injustice System

Chief Elder Osiris Akkeba

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2019
America Criminal Justice System, White Privilege Justice, And Black Underprivilege Injustice!!!
Chief Elder Osiris Akkebala
Time Is Out For Talking Support, Now Is Time For physical and Mental Action of the Use Of Common Sense, the Key To Afrika And Black Afrikan Freedom!!!
As long as we Black Afrikans who is in America not by choice there will be no justice to be experienced by Black Afrikan people coming from America Criminal Justice System, but to white America, Justice continues to wear her blindfold while pulling it down to look at Black Folks appearing before the Bar of Criminal injustice receiving no same Justice to be measured out to Black people as is measured out to white privilege.
It is very obvious to any and everybody who is qualified to look to see that there is different kind of Justice being exposed to Black Afrikan people than is to white people, White collar crime criminals are treated more civil than Black Underprivileged Crime committing people, it is expected to be that way in a country founded on Racist Injustice, Prejudice and lies with deception, which is that Black Afrikans are inferior to white folks, therefore, there is not to be an act of sameness of treatment as is given to white privilege in comparison to how Black Afrikans in America not by choice is treated at the bar of criminal injustice in America.
America Justice is only for white people and not Black Afrikan Descendants in America not by choice, America implemented Black Afrikan Enslavement against our Black Afrikan Ancestors.
The crime of drugs handling and addiction associated with Black Afrikan people is treated differently than the same kind of Crime conviction by white privilege, regardless of social-economic status, when the comparison is between Black and white living in America, whites by choice and Black Afrikans descendants not by choice receive a different kind of Justice, Black Afrikans in America not by choice receiving injustice, white people receiving justice from America criminal justice system.
Any Black Afrikan in jail or prison for accused violation of drug law violation they played no part in bringing Drugs inside of the Black Community, on that fact alone Black Afrikans in America not by choice now locked up in America criminal injustice system is innocence, therefore, any Black Afrikan serving time for drug violation should not be there because they are there because of enticed entrapment by the Government of America, white and racist control.
In actuality Black Afrikans who are descendants of our Enslaved Ancestors should not be in America today, that is if America had been with a not racist and prejudicial mind when dealing with Black Afrikan Descendants from our Enslaved Afrikan Ancestors, our Enslaved Afrikan Ancestors who had been set up to be nothing but Chattel to be used by white privilege oligarchy, in the 1500's and to now in the New Milliniom, which is reason to know that there will never be volunteered treated justice to Black Afrikans by that white racist unjust prejudice Luciferian Human Being, America to this day denying to pay the Reparation/Repatriation that is owed to our Enslaved Ancestors, thus to the Descendants of those Enslaved Ancestors so that we can carry our Enslaved Ancestors home back to Afrika and fight to become a Unified One Black Universal Nation again, seeking no false notion of equality to that Luciferian Human Being but to reclaim Afrika to be for the Black Afrikans and to resurrect the Black Afrikan Unified Nation and to be Governed in Afrika by a United States Of Afrika Government to be in Afrika today.
We Black Afrikans Descendants from our Enslaved Ancestors did not asked to be Grandfathered into America Citizenship, so all Common Sense thinking Black Afrodescendants demand payment by America and her surrogates in committing the crime of Chattel Enslavement of our Afrikan Ancestors, payment of our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation/Repatriation so that we can get the hell out of America who refuse to believe that all that they have done to our Enslaved Ancestors do not deserve punishment to come to America, because the white racist oligarchs believe that Black Afrikans are inferior to white privilege and all the evil America do to Black Afrikans in America not by choice is justified and/or is not covered by Justice to be for our enslaved Ancestors and their Descendants and you even have some so call educated Black Afrikan Americans who lost all Spiritual connection to our Blackness and to Afrika making insane claim that to Demand Reparation/Repatriation for our Enslaved Ancestors is an act of begging and those negroes make claim to be educated intelligent Afrikan Americans and it is America their Black Behind will stay when the Mass Exodus take place by the Descendants of our Enslaved Ancestors with our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation/Repatriation in our possession on the way back to Afrika to unite the One Black Afrikan Universal Nation again!!!
The first drug pusher to enter America black Community is the United States Government pusher, the CIA, so to deal with drug violation by Black Afrikans and the way Black Afrikans are locked up, is not valid.
There was no choice of common sense used to be practiced by Black Americans, we had been prepared, set up to become Law violators based on the racism and prejudices that had been laid as the predicate to seduce Black Afrikans to engage in Drug activity with a promise of a way to big money possession and in a capitalist system, it is money that is being desired to have in your possession using any means to get it and it was the CIA that provided that mean, Drugs.
If that was not a set-up of entrapment I do not know what is and now Black Afrikans unjustly locked up in America prison system is nothing more than sitting ducks targeted by COVID-19, death sentience for a set-op entrapment of a violation of America unjust criminal unjust Law.
Here we Black Afrikans remaining silent in the presence of COVID-19 as Black Afrikans in America Criminal injustice system serve as cannon fodder to be attacked now and this coming fall by COVID-19.
The possibility of Death is real whether you are fighting for your Freedom of sitting in jail waiting on CONVID-19, I choose that we Black Afrikans rise up to fight with Demand for our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation/Repatriation NOW!!!
So that we will be exposed to freedom to return to Mother Afrika with our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation in our possession, nothing more and nothing less, beloved.
Divine Respect

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