I came to this conclusion and understanding; "How can anyone of melanin color can be considered racist?"
You are right in the West, Blacks cannot be considered racist in the standard context (reverse racism).
Blacks can be bigots, prejudicial, discriminatory or racial but not racist.
The exception is Blacks can be racist toward other blacks.
Did we enslave other ethnic group, stole and destroy their culture, or continue a eugenics agenda to eliminate them?
Its possible we did in the distant past as well as on what was consider the Barbary (Berber/Maghreb) coast. Though it was often based on religion and not ethnicity
Can't say ever heard of blacks practicing eugenics of genocidal kind.
The White Woman is part of the plan of wiping us out.
All women suffered some form of oppression in the West.
Even poor whites have suffered....only that we blacks have suffered much more.
Do not fall prey to the US vs THEM propaganda of generalization - to do so is to be prejudice.
I mean love is color blind, but have that really help our people out as a whole?
It caused more division and confusion than to help us.
Love should not be color blind but accepting.
Some have most haven't.
Many whites fall prey to the Elites racist and racial propaganda of hate and oppression - divide and conquer plus bread and circus.