
Well-Known Member
May 26, 2019
Man,:pi sunglasses: I like women that are aggressively going after what they want in life whether it's a man, job, etc. Whether it's a physical or material need, etc. These women are getting after it. Would any of you men feel threatened by the aggressiveness of such a woman, etc.? Many women are not just sitting around waiting for a man to call these days, etc. They are calling :talk:and going after these desired men, requesting dates, etc. :callme: yes they are.. I feel that many of you women would agree that many women are indeed aggressively going after the men they want, crave, etc. There are many women that ask a man out on a date, etc. And they pay for the entire date, etc. Woman, do you find something wrong with this? Are we still stuck with the old fashion way:what: of thinking, etc. The man pays for the first date or whatever! Btw, times have certainly changed... moving on....
In my religious classes free will or moral liberty was described as having been bestowed to man(kind?) but all that aside I believe us women bestowed free will upon ourselves in 1968. We women always ran the show even to the fact that men labeled us women the weaker sex while handing us their weekly paychecks in the 50's while we wore aprons in the kitchen. Ha ha ha. So with that having been said our visible aggression in all matters of the heart was probably a rather heady relief to men. Us on top, us paying for dates, us calling men, us threatening men if they dare display a wandering eye to another woman in our presence, etc. etc. etc. If a man calls me for a date the tabs on him, if I call a man for a date the tabs on me. I only go Dutch if our getting together is totally platonic and because of a common interest and nothing more. I think very little of a man who insist on paying for dates all the time no matter who calls as I feel he is either controlling or worst wholly and totally expectant of something he may not get. Is that so wrong?
Very well put, etc. I liked everything you laid out here. My hat goes off to today's woman! And I'll agree withcha here, etc, Women for the most part have always pretty much ran the show. Thanks for the share...

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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