Black People : African Secret Societies

Just my opinion...but

Knowledge Seed said:
Does anyone have any info on African secret societies such as a Mau Mau or Ogboni? Are these societies as corrupt as freemasonry? Do any of them yield unspeakable power and still maintain an outlook of upliftment for the good of humanity?

From what I have read, and from what I have been taught such things are not to be discussed openly or written about.

I remember last year a brother wrote a post talking about a group in east Africa and how they kept their knowledge to themselves, but I can't remember the post.
Knowledge Seed said:
I just want to know are they using their knowledge for the good of humanity or are they like european secret societies that are working for the NWO?

From what I do know they are traditional, kinship groups that have nothing to do with the Nwo, and are often referred to as "fraternities". This is the most I can say.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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