Black People : Africa vs Black American. Simple economics.

I had this debate with Alarm Clock, first off bless the brother, but our debate is one that should continue with all of you included. The debate has to do with Black Nationalism, its true meaning and focus, I will describe what it means to me. I am in the same belief structure as Delany that we should unite by ourselves, Marcus Garvey also believed that Africa should be for Africans and those of African descent, Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X also believed this, what do I you believe? Black Nationalism means a Black Nation we control, we are the Kings and Judges, we control the economy of such nation not our enemies.

So the question is should we be concerned about what happens in America? Yes, we should prepare ourselves for economic collapse of America because it is coming soon to a theater near you. We should store food, supplies and emergency medicine and supplies, we should be prepared to protect our families from the chaos that will ensue due to this coming collapse. But we shouldn't focus our invest here because history has shown us our enemies have too much control and will destroy any such efforts. But lets say we invest in Africa what will be the benefits?

Its hard to find information about investment in Africa on the internet, not because it doesn't exist but there's been a deliberate cleansing of this information, lots of blogs posted by Africans have been deleted. I find that odd seeing that there's blogs that sit on the internet for years and never get deleted only the ones concerning encouraging us to invest in Africa.

So now to the benefits, basic living is the most crucial benefit we can obtain from investing in Africa, basic living is simple to explain. When we have we've land colonized that we can build on and farm on we can eat as well as live. Booker T. Washington made Tuskegee an agricultural center for this very reason, not having to pay for food or rent saves you a lot of money. So think about how much a chunk of your money goes into food and rent, mortgage, then you will see what I'm getting at. Booker T. Washington also founded trade into the Brick industry which at the time many American homes were made of wood, so this put a lot of Blacks in business fast because this was a growing industry. Without industry basic living is just village life and there's no growth and nobody wants to return to living off the land but not prospering. But when you have basic living combined with industry you have the foundations of civilization. We can never have such here in America, there's no industry we control or Whites will let Blacks control. This is why there exists no independent economic Black center, many people say Atlanta is but that's a farce. Even the independent industry with all the wealthy Blacks is a false reality because Whites i.e White Jews control everything from T.V, Radio, Sport Stadiums and Teams,Manufacturing and distribution of products, when you see Blacks make millions but Whites are making trillions off of their entertainment slaves.

My point is this Black Nationalism is about our own Nation and the best land is in Africa. There is raw material and resources in Africa, plenty of farmland that needs developing, our own people to invest with and form alliances, we can do this. Anything we profit over there could be used to expand over here, Asians are a prime example of this for when Southeast Asia grew economically Asian Americans benefited from the trade and commerce, there's classes even on this. There is lots of examples of Blacks making Billions there and there are more Black Billionaires in Africa than anywhere else and for good reason. So this is just a simple economic and political comparison so think over it. Thank you. I look forward to your discussion and debate.

Much blessings.

I don't know where to begin with this. This was enjoying to read and definitely very inspiring but much of it didn't seem genuinely down to earth. Now everybody, this may be a very unpopular opinion around here so please just bare with me! lol

The lack of investment in Africa is not due to the US government trying to get rid of and hide blogs. Plus, no serious investor would rely on a blog for investment information. There are several major reasons why Africa has not seen investment levels on scale with it's economic potential:

1. Lack of protection of Property Rights: Few ppl are willing to take the risk to invest millions into a factory, land, etc; when there's a high risk of it being "nationalized" or taken away. In a surprisingly large amount of SSA nations, you can't even legally own a parcel of property so if you wanted to sell, pass down or transfer the property then you would be out of luck. Depending on the nation, this could be a very plausible risk.

2. Lack of functioning legal systems: Most African nations are fragile and don't have the power to enforce their legal system. This leads a lot of vulnerability for the investor. Oftentimes in overseas ventures, you have to form contracts with a local business/individual and it could be catastrophic if the other end of the deal is not honored.

3. Lack of political stability in many African nations

etc, etc

For the record, here is a more viable and well-founded tool for foreign investments. It provides a variety of sources intensely detailing the level of stability of each nation of the world, how they are for doing business, how long it takes for certain documentations, etc. OF COURSE, you should NOT solely rely on this information alone but it is one of many tools that you should TAKE INTO ACCOUNT in any serious international business venture (including actually travelling to that nation):

Here's one for Botswana (from the above link), the most stable SSA nation to invest in according to most of these organizations-

PLEASE DON'T GET ME WRONG, I am definitely for investing in Africa; and black people worldwide will benefit exponentially by carefully and diligently investing in Africa. Some African nations have been proven to have insanely high returns and have been the fastest growing nations within the last 10 years but let's all just be smart and realistic about it. I desperately hope most African nations improve on these metrics; it will be for the good of every African.

(BTW: I'm not trying to discredit your claim of the govt blocking pro-African investment blogs but do you have any source of this. Maybe I am wrong, it definitely seems like something I would like to learn more about.)
Greetings, the information you provided is worthwhile reading, your points are well expressed and your attitude is very positive. Yet some of the reports about instabilities, corruption and governments seizing private investments is a little over board. There are some countries in Africa where none of these realities exist, I praise you for noting that in your comments when said being smart. When all you said is summed up, I am correct investing in Africa is the best option for us turning around our worldwide plight for a better reality for us as Africans and positioning us to end White Supremacy and Racism.

As far as blogs being deleted yes it is very true, you should check into and not take my word for it.
Some of the fastest growing economies today are African nations so investment is coming from somewhere. That's all I'm going to say here.

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