Black People : Africa connects with Black America

We can build a better africa if we unite and believe in africa together.Trust me foreigners Especially White people,Indians and the chinese come to this country or continent and own alot.Becoming millionaires while our people gain little.

This will seem unrelate to your thread or not depending on how you look at it, but hear me out. I'm from Hungary, a small, unknown central european country very few people outside the continent know about. I believe our situation is similar to what you are describing in Ghana, which is why I decided to reply to your thread. What you say about foreigners owning a lot is also true for my country. At first it seemed like the right thing to do to heal the damage the soviet union and communism did, but after a while we began to realize that we were just trading one ruler for another, in this case the big business companies, the European Union and the banks. Naturally they started to gain political power until they became the boss and our leaders were nothing more than puppets, and we have been suffering the consequences ever since.

Im sure this will sound somewhat familiar to you if you look at the big picture. One thing I have to say however is that unity isnt always the best thing, specially not when it is forced on everybody, like the so called European Union. Now that we have a nationalist prime minister who is trying to fight back those who I mentioned before, we are being punished and sanctioned by our so called european "partners". If this is what unity looks like, then I dont want it. The only thing I have left to say is that if you (in plural) want an African Union and believe that is the best solution, then dont make the same mistakes we did.

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