Black People : Africa connects with Black America

I can only change what i can.Do what i can.If i try to do what am not destined to do i will die before my time or at least make a lot of mistakes.the god i have no beef with you.All i have to say is please threat everybody as individuals and try your best to treat everyone fairly.Your statements was wrong,simply and plain about the whole country and people of Ghana even if u wont admit.U cant be bitter and spoil it for everybody because of your experiences.I wont go back and forth over this i have no time for that.

Yes some of our ancestors sold us into slavery.Some of them are the elites in Africa,whether they are on the continent or not they have an advantage over other blacks(Old Money).


Several facts here.

As far as our kin ties are concerned, most Black people were forcibly removed from our Kinship groups and are clueless concerning where in Afrika our ancestors came from.

Yes, some of our ancestors sold us into slavery. Some of our ancestors were slave traders. The majority had no hand in the Maafa except as as innocent victims.

What is umportant is that those of us with like minds build together. There will always be some naysayers among us working to sabotage our efforts. So thank you for reaching out to us in the Diaspora.
I can only change what i can.Do what i can.If i try to do what am not destined to do i will die before my time or at least make a lot of mistakes.the god i have no beef with you.All i have to say is please threat everybody as individuals and try your best to treat everyone fairly.Your statements was wrong,simply and plain about the whole country and people of Ghana even if u wont admit.U cant be bitter and spoil it for everybody because of your experiences.I wont go back and forth over this i have no time for that.

Yes some of our ancestors sold us into slavery.Some of them are the elites in Africa,whether they are on the continent or not they have an advantage over other blacks(Old Money).


Good afternoon...

And I do hope you can or will find those here who speak and write of modern africa, not 'ancient' (gone if not forgotten) old (dead) black civilizations...

Let us share our feelings/thoughts/etc. about what is going on/down in today's Mali etc.

Even its traditionalists fear even coming out of their dwellings etc., in part of what black islamist invaders, now lord over...

First of all no disrespect to other black people not from America.But u would agree with me that most people here are African American or as some people prefer black American.Hey its ya right to call yourself whatever u want.But think about it for a sec most people in America now are not from there.Your Ancestors moved there or were brought there, free will or not.Should Europeans call themselves white Americans? and will other race prefer the term brown Americans, Yellow American etc.

Am from Ghana,West Africa.I still live there.Thank God i got introduced to Destee by my friend who is also a member here.Now i have always been interested in connecting with my black/african brothers and sisters in foreign land because i believe in Marcus Garvey's Dream and also Osayefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah(1st President of Ghana) vision for Pan-Africanism.We can build a better africa if we unite and believe in africa together.Trust me foreigners Especially White people,Indians and the chinese come to this country or continent and own alot.Becoming millionaires while our people gain little.I dont hate this,come on we need people who will invest in the country and the people.Especially since our own people wont.Cant forget the lebanese,they been here for decades and they own alot of restaurants and Hotels in this country.I am glad our beloved warrior sister has seen the future with her partners if any and developed this website for me to present this kind of opportunities to you.

Why are you here at Destee ? I believe alot of you dont know.If not to connect, interact, about the same topics we all are interested in and find solutions or closure then please you dont need to be here.Destee members please get in touch.We need to connect on a personal but a professional level too.Please when u reply to this post add what you do and more info about yourself that you will like to share.Thank You. Can i add my email here too might not b here all the time but will be here from time to time. Skype: theophill.askme Email afronation at ymail dot com

If u are interest in Gold business and investment check out my post in black businesses and jobs. Lets make some black people earn more money.Lets take care of our own.This dont mean if you are not black we wont do business with you No,we are not racist and we do not discriminate.I am a human first an African second.Jah Richly Bless you all.Peace. Facebook page Jf Consortium - Gold Dealers

We shall find out whose deeds reflect their deeds...

Only thing Ghanians want is for "African Americans" is to give them money or build something then kick them out. White Jesus images are all over Ghana, even if I was a millionaire, I wouldn't give Ghana a penny for that simple fact.

Contiential Africans are way to subservient to Caucasions and Asians and it's digusting.

How can you go by the name 'THE-GOD' and then post the above to prove that you don't know where SHE comes from??

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