Black People : Africa connects with Black America

Now that's deep chuck, "many of us didn't know that the connections had never been broken." Good food for thought, thanks brother... :toast:

Peace In,

Obviously, a big fall from ancestors who were the equals of all who they had come into contact with, nowadays their descendants seeing their nations resourcesbeing ripped off, and/or others scattered around the globe, ad naseum...

So, whatever might be needed or wanted to restore us all, I don't pretend it will just be about little ole me, etc.

I just hope and pray to do what I can and I must too...

Now that's deep chuck, "many of us didn't know that the connections had never been broken." Good food for thought, thanks brother... :toast:

Peace In,

Let me restate it: Some connections were never really broken/merely restored as immediate relations wound up here too/etc.

Sometimes it also worked in reverse...


I am an history buff...

So mine are just guesses...

Educators/researchers/scholars/etc. know for sure...

Obviously, a big fall from ancestors who were the equals of all who they had come into contact with, nowadays their descendants seeing their nations resources being ripped off, and/or others scattered around the globe, ad naseum...

So, whatever might be needed or wanted to restore us all, I don't pretend it will just be about little ole me, etc.

I just hope and pray to do what I can and I must too...

Thanks for the props!

Let me restate it: Some connections were never really broken/merely restored as immediate relations wound up here too/etc.

Sometimes it also worked in reverse...


I am an history buff...

So mine are just guesses...

Educators/researchers/scholars/etc. know for sure...


Absolutely, and brother, you are on a roll today, for real chuck. Good stuff, to which I can wholeheartedly agree with... Enough said!

Peace In,

I can only change what i can.Do what i can.If i try to do what am not destined to do i will die before my time or at least make a lot of mistakes.the god i have no beef with you.All i have to say is please threat everybody as individuals and try your best to treat everyone fairly.Your statements was wrong,simply and plain about the whole country and people of Ghana even if u wont admit.U cant be bitter and spoil it for everybody because of your experiences.I wont go back and forth over this i have no time for that.

Yes some of our ancestors sold us into slavery.Some of them are the elites in Africa,whether they are on the continent or not they have an advantage over other blacks(Old Money).


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