Black People : Affleck demanded PBS program hide his slave-owning ancestor

Interesting how gates finds it difficult to write on affleck's family's historic involvement
with slavery, yet when it comes to afrikan continentals and the role they played in 'the trade',
he has no hesitation.

It was messing with his conscience, this thing with affleck that he felt the need
to consult sony's ceo, linton, about whether or not he should omit that part in
his documentary.
You know a good house slave always checks with the massa first!

April 20,2016
Ben Affleck Was Wrong, But Henry Louis Gates Made It Worse

Helping the Hollywood star hide a slaveholding ancestor was truly shameful


24 April, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: Now Ben Affleck's MOM reveals mistakes in documentary that censored star's family's slave-owning past as she says she did NOT take part in Freedom Summer or Freedom Rides
  • PBS Finding Your Roots show censored Ben Affleck's family history of slave ownership, it was revealed last week
  • It said his mother took part in Freedom Summer of 1964, campaigning for civil rights and host called her a Freedom Rider
  • But she tells Daily Mail Online she is 'embarrassed' to be called Freedom Rider because 'I wasn't as good as they were'
  • And she says she went to South a year later than program's host, revered Harvard history professor Henry Louis Gates Jr claimed on show
  • PBS is reviewing entire show after first Daily Mail Online revelation of censorship and is no longer speaking for Prof Gates
  • Publicly-funded broadcaster dropped claim Mrs Affleck was 'Freedom Rider' from its website after Daily Mail Online exposed the error

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