In the Spirit of Sankofa,
Its hard to get around #darkmatter ...
A theory that challenges Newton’s and Einstein’s gravity and nixes dark matter passed its first test
... When that observed data is checked against Newton-Einstein’s predictions, physicists have to introduce dark matter and tweak certain parameters to ensure it’s a perfect fit. Verlinde’s model of gravity doesn’t fit the data perfectly, but it does fit without the need for dark matter, or any tweaking; that’s essentially what Brouwer has explained in a new study to be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ...
Through the looking glass. (ESA/Hubble/NASA)
Its hard to get around #darkmatter ...
A theory that challenges Newton’s and Einstein’s gravity and nixes dark matter passed its first test
... When that observed data is checked against Newton-Einstein’s predictions, physicists have to introduce dark matter and tweak certain parameters to ensure it’s a perfect fit. Verlinde’s model of gravity doesn’t fit the data perfectly, but it does fit without the need for dark matter, or any tweaking; that’s essentially what Brouwer has explained in a new study to be published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ...
Through the looking glass. (ESA/Hubble/NASA)