A Rush of Lust
I was caught in an orgasmic rush of Lust
that burned my soul into ashened dust.
It gripped like a current plummetting within
as blood cells roasted in sizzling Sin.
Hot images flipped thru my mind like pages.
Nerve endings fired with synaptic rages.
Breath was shortened 'til there was hardly none.
I gasped for air in each Love stunned lung.
My veins expanded for blood in and out.
Nostrils flared for the oxygen drought.
My pores burst open to release the sweat
that would cool the body's pulsing jets.
My temperature felt to be one hundred and seven
where convulsions occur enroute to Love heaven.
I was spellbound caught in this majestic rapture
that all men and women must yield to capture.
Being caught just once is all that's needed
to prime this yearning with a need to feed it.
And such appetite Urge of sacred distinction
is Man fighting back from the edge of extinction
on an arc of passion burning far and wide
that bends towards peace when its fire subsides
to wait in the high grass for that pelvic thrust
in the pounce of the panther in a rush of Lust.
Whew !