A Penis To Stretch Beyond Paper
What I don't know
About penises
Stretches far
Beyond this paper
I don't know
How many different flavours
They come with
And if, when they come
What their true intentions are
Do they rise to every occassion
A mystical celebration
Of long legs, mini-skirts
Big breasts and stockings
And does size really matter
Or do big things still come
In small packages
What I don't know
About penises
Stretches far
Beyond this paper
Why do some of them
Insist on pointing
In my direction
Commanding my undivided attention
To the presence of their erections
While all the other choice penises
Remain seated on the side lines
Why are some penises
Sensitive and soft
While others seem
Thick-headed beyond description
And why
Did that penis kill
That girl
At night
Behind the dumpster
For no apparent reason
What I don't know
About penises
Stretches far
Beyond this paper
Are they psychic
Can they detect my signal
When I silently call their name
Do they know Karate
Can they eat
With chopsticks
Knives and forks
Or do they
Prefer to labour with
Their hands
And does one size
Really fit all
Or can I order mine
Custom made
Is the penis
Really to blame
For that dead girl
They found
Behind the dumpster
Just the other day
I don't know
I just don't know
But what I do know
Is clearly defined
And that is
What I don't know
About penises
*Vaginal Chronicles*
All Rights Reserved
What I don't know
About penises
Stretches far
Beyond this paper
I don't know
How many different flavours
They come with
And if, when they come
What their true intentions are
Do they rise to every occassion
A mystical celebration
Of long legs, mini-skirts
Big breasts and stockings
And does size really matter
Or do big things still come
In small packages
What I don't know
About penises
Stretches far
Beyond this paper
Why do some of them
Insist on pointing
In my direction
Commanding my undivided attention
To the presence of their erections
While all the other choice penises
Remain seated on the side lines
Why are some penises
Sensitive and soft
While others seem
Thick-headed beyond description
And why
Did that penis kill
That girl
At night
Behind the dumpster
For no apparent reason
What I don't know
About penises
Stretches far
Beyond this paper
Are they psychic
Can they detect my signal
When I silently call their name
Do they know Karate
Can they eat
With chopsticks
Knives and forks
Or do they
Prefer to labour with
Their hands
And does one size
Really fit all
Or can I order mine
Custom made
Is the penis
Really to blame
For that dead girl
They found
Behind the dumpster
Just the other day
I don't know
I just don't know
But what I do know
Is clearly defined
And that is
What I don't know
About penises
*Vaginal Chronicles*
All Rights Reserved