Black People : 5 Years For reading Spouses Email??????

This is horrifically unfair. I'm at a loss for words right now.

I think that a couple should have separate accounts... but even if so-called "hacking" is involved, he should not get 5 years. He shouldn't get anything.

If she cheated, she should be the one to own up, not him.

Plus, with how easy it is to setup email, why didn't she just do it herself?
Anyway, depending on what state this is in, I think there are racist elements involved as to why they are being so hard on this man.

Black man ain't acting perfect, so the white man puts him behind bars for an insane amount of time... :(

Because soon to be exwifey filed criminal charges. And the law has to be enforced in some counties, even if its viewed as stupid.


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