Black People : 5 Years For reading Spouses Email??????


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2001
Spouse, now ex, suspected wifey of having an adulterous affair. Moreover, he suspected her of involving the kids. So, hubby investigated by going into wifeys email account. Only to discover that, not only was she having an affair, but the affair was with an old b/f. Old b/f has a few DV convictions with her. She also took the kids around this guy. Since then, he filed for and received the divorce, she lost custody of their child and the child of her 1st marriage for endangerment. Yet, she filed a complaint with the Oakland County DA.

This complaint has turned into a potential 5 year felony case, for hacking. Though all sides agree the female was dead wrong. The DA wont back down. The account was held jointly by the couple. The legislature is saying that they will change the law to stop the prosecution if necessary, because how the DA is prosecuting the case, could also be tied to children. Homey is out thousands of dollars for his defense

QUESTION: Do you think it's right for one spouse to look at the emails of their spouse on a joint account?



Spouse, now ex, suspected wifey of having an adulterous affair. Moreover, he suspected her of involving the kids. So, hubby investigated by going into wifeys email account. Only to discover that, not only was she having an affair, but the affair was with an old b/f. Old b/f has a few DV convictions with her. She also took the kids around this guy. Since then, he filed for and received the divorce, she lost custody of their child and the child of her 1st marriage for endangerment. Yet, she filed a complaint with the Oakland County DA.

This complaint has turned into a potential 5 year felony case, for hacking. Though all sides agree the female was dead wrong. The DA wont back down. The account was held jointly by the couple. The legislature is saying that they will change the law to stop the prosecution if necessary, because how the DA is prosecuting the case, could also be tied to children. Homey is out thousands of dollars for his defense

QUESTION: Do you think it's right for one spouse to look at the emails of their spouse on a joint account? :em0200:

If they have seperate email accounts and he did not have her permission to use the password YES. I am assuming the internet account was joint, but not the email accounts. If he had her permission to use the email account then no, that would not be defined as Hacking the account! If he went in from another computer then yes, it would be hacking, not cracking.
If they have seperate email accounts and he did not have her permission to use the password YES. I am assuming the internet account was joint, but not the email accounts. If he had her permission to use the email account then no, that would not be defined as Hacking the account! If he went in from another computer then yes, it would be hacking, not cracking.

I believe they had a family account. But they had separate passwords. Thus no, he didnt have permission.

So you dont think that a family account constitutes coownership?



I believe they had a family account. But they had separate passwords. Thus no, he didnt have permission.

So you dont think that a family account constitutes coownership?


No not of a password protected account. Co ownership of the access to the internet yes, but not seperated accounts for email. The same would go for password protected files on the computer. Co ownership of the computer does not grant access to password protected files.
No not of a password protected account. Co ownership of the access to the internet yes, but not seperated accounts for email. The same would go for password protected files on the computer. Co ownership of the computer does not grant access to password protected files.

Community property may say otherwise



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