Science and Technology : 2nd Congressional sub committee on UAP/UFO...

As I have thought on this more, I wondered if any black people had been abducted, only to learn one of the first and most notable abductees, Barney Hill, was black. In the video I watched, it was not so obvious that he was black, but his wife was clearly white. I initially thought my thinking was too narrow, given my life experiences, but I am not the only one that has thought of this. Here is a bit of another article on the subject :

Starships and Slave Ships: Black Ontology and the UFO Abduction Phenomenon

This video was recommended to me on YouTube, which sort of speaks to this in a humorous way :

What Happens When Zombies Are Racist | Key & Peele

Does it mean anything significant, that the majority of abductees are white?

Racism in the alien world already? The greys prefer the whites over the blacks?

Given that the abductees reference painful procedures, I'm not mad.

Maybe the greys know we've already been experimented on enough?


lol @ conscience and conscious being used in the same sentence! ... :eeek: ... I had to look them both up to be sure I was headed in the right direction! :read:

conscience : an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior. "he had a guilty conscience about his desires"

conscious : aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake. "we are conscious of the extent of the problem"

I know it was not a trick "question" / "sentence" ... but whew, it almost went right over my head (but probably no problem for the more learned among us)! :love:
I believe to be conscious is to have a sense of Right and Wrong......Now that does not mean we all listen hear or obey its biddings

Greys : Grey-skinned (sometimes green-skinned) humanoids, usually 1 m (3.3 ft) tall, hairless, with large heads, black almond-shaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 3–4 fingers including thumb. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s.

Experts Explain Who Are the Grey Aliens

The following video is 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 12 seconds and I watched it all! :tv1: ... it was informative, entertaining, and kept my attention throughout! I believe I have a better overall understanding of this phenomena. It did mention hybrids and it seems those are half people / half aliens living among us, if no mistake. There was no mention of greys working with us, hybrid schools, or another alien group warning us about greys, but I'm sure one video can't cover everything. I will continue to look around for more. This video goes into detail about Mexico though, and how the USA swooped in and basically stole (my word not theirs) or destroyed all of the evidence from the 1974 Coyame, Mexico crash, after their assistance was rejected. That was weird. It is all very interesting and has the ability to move everything you thought was important, off the table, resetting it completely.

UFO Files: ALIENS AMONG US! Shocking Stories & CHILLING Proof *MARATHON*

Thanks for sharing with me / us.

Much Love and Peace.



Welcome to the World of the gods of Yore and Lore...

As I have thought on this more, I wondered if any black people had been abducted, only to learn one of the first and most notable abductees, Barney Hill, was black. In the video I watched, it was not so obvious that he was black, but his wife was clearly white.

I initially thought my thinking was too narrow, given my life experiences, but I am not the only one that has thought of this.
I think its more a matter of Racial Bias by the owners of and workers for Mass Media finding abductions of blacks less credible and less a result those stories are not published or propagated

Here is a bit of another article on the subject :

Starships and Slave Ships: Black Ontology and the UFO Abduction Phenomenon

This video was recommended to me on YouTube, which sort of speaks to this in a humorous way :

What Happens When Zombies Are Racist | Key & Peele

Does it mean anything significant, that the majority of abductees are white?
Most Americans are White or pass for it stands to reason

Racism in the alien world already? The greys prefer the whites over the blacks?
I do not think that is the case....even though some aliens are reputed to have worked with the Nazi.

Given that the abductees reference painful procedures, I'm not mad.

Maybe the greys know we've already been experimented on enough?



I have to side with Neal deGrasse Tyson on this one like with the bigfoots and swapbeasts of the world.

There are dozens of videos like the one I'm siting. Believe if you want but know if you can.

Physicist Michio Kaku weights in on UAP/UFO....

If in a Rush go to Time stamp:- 1:10 - 8:37

Professor Michio Kaku & Ross Coulthart interview IN FULL | UFO UAP News​

I believe to be conscious is to have a sense of Right and Wrong......Now that does not mean we all listen hear or obey its biddings

Welcome to the World of the gods of Yore and Lore...


I think its more a matter of Racial Bias by the owners of and workers for Mass Media finding abductions of blacks less credible and less a result those stories are not published or propagated

Most Americans are White or pass for it stands to reason

I do not think that is the case....even though some aliens are reputed to have worked with the Nazi.


In the absence of overwhelming data, verification, etc., I choose to believe the greys are for us, black people! :D

Yes, they are for us, that is why there are not many stories of us being abducted by them (along with mass media finding the details less credible and entertaining). The greys are here to make right, injustices. They must first study those that are overwhelmingly at the root of the worldwide injustices, to best determine the path forward. This is why there are more white abductions ... :D ... the greys are taking scientific specimen to gather information regarding the inhumane behavior whites inflict on even their own (not to mention others), and working to understand and remove this troublesome characteristic from the human / earthly gene pool, as it has proven itself able to kill not only self, but all others, if left to its own devices!!! ... :D ... :research: ... Go Greys! ... :score:


Physicist Michio Kaku weights in on UAP/UFO....

If in a Rush go to Time stamp:- 1:10 - 8:37

Professor Michio Kaku & Ross Coulthart interview IN FULL | UFO UAP News​

I listened to the whole thing. Seems he believes in UFO / AUP but does not put much stock into alien abductions (suggests grabbing something and bringing it back with you, if ever abducted). Very interesting though. Given that Greys / other life may be billions of years more advanced than us, they would hardly be interested in one set of ants killing off another set of ants on this planet ... but I can hope! :D

Thanks for sharing!



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