
  1. O

    Black People : Who Likes Candy?

    Hope everyone is safe, especially in Texas like we are.... Well, if you or your kids are needing a quick laugh or feel good moment, we hope you check out our kids video... Enjoy and blessings to all.
  2. O

    Black People : Family Vlog to the ZOO

    Hello beautiful people! Well the kiddos wanted to do some filming of themselves so we let them at it! Hope you have a great day and greater week! Take care and hope you enjoy our content
  3. Clyde C Coger Jr

    Science and Technology : Youtube is Struggling to End its FAKE-NEWS CRISIS: System Misfires, False Positives and Shooting

    ... Parkland Shooting Youtube is Struggling to End its FAKE-NEWS CRISIS: System Misfires, False Positives and Shooting Eliminating conspiracy videos in the wake of the Parkland shooting is like a game of content moderation whack-a-mole BY MAYA KOSOFF ... In recent months, despite taking what...